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Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Review Showcase
233 Hours played
Borderlands 3 is one of those games that players new to series will probably really love. As a long, long time Borderlands fan, it did leave me longing for the glory days of Borderlands 2.
The story is really pretty average; it does have some good high points, but also some kinda sucky points. The ability to travel to different planets also doesn't really add much at all, except for some visual style you wouldn't necessarily get on Pandora, and overall the game doesn't really improve on the formula in the same way that Borderlands 2 did.
However the game does have it's merits. The biggest positive I can think of is that its gameplay is the best of the bunch, and the option to customise your character's class skill more than previous entries is a welcome addition. Some other stuff would be the high quality soundtrack, audio and visual flair the series is known for is kept consistent into Borderlands 3. Don't forget the wacky and sometimes ridiculously OP weaponry!
In the end, the game isn't as perfect as Borderlands 2 or as original as Borderlands 1 but there is still a heck of a lot to enjoy about the game. 7/10
Sir Cųm Sock 8 Nov, 2019 @ 2:49am 
Fe Fi Fo Fum, I smell a sock full of Chris Thomas kum!!
Sir Cųm Sock 2 Oct, 2019 @ 6:44pm 
I'm coming for that crusty sock you hide under your bed...
Sir Cųm Sock 13 Sep, 2019 @ 4:34am 
Commenting to earn a badge... Also, suck a fat one!
Notorious T.I.G. 13 Jul, 2012 @ 4:51pm 
Yay! Spam comments!
Notorious T.I.G. 2 Jul, 2011 @ 4:51pm 
Howdy Stranger
Notorious T.I.G. 18 Dec, 2010 @ 2:54pm 
Fiddly Di Potatoes