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Nylige anmeldelser av Shavrak Chay

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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2.0 timer totalt
Yeah, so I don't normally do reviews but this one needs it.

So, to start, its a great Civ beyond earth feeling game with a couple more factions. Gameplay is pretty straight forward. No complaints there, tech growth results in you making units how you want with the upgrades you discover otherwise you wont have units using them. So it gives you some work on that end.

The bad.
was playing on Easy, island map had things going well for me trying to do more of a scientific victory and I had an ally on my team. Rest of the AI we solo. Ya know, give myself the edge and support as I learn the nuances of this game.
About a 100 turns into the game and suddenly for no reason an AI declares war. Whatever I have some units prepped just in case. They swamped me with units far stronger than mine. Then about 5 turns later another AI declares war. Then 2 turns later another. In 10 turns all AI were at war with me for no reason and I was crushed. I was just on my own island minding my scientific business. No warning, no cause, total all AI declare war with troops well beyond mine.
No diplomacy screen to even talk to them about calling a cease fire, or at least none that I could find. And my ally was useless in any kind of support.

So the reviews regarding cheating or over powered AI who are just warmongers, even the corpo faction, are true and really wish there was a patch or mod to tone that down. A mod workshop would make this game better.

So, even with this so called patch some mentioned the Devs did, it seems it didn't fix it. I would say if you are a glutton for never being able to win, not without at least 5 AI factions as team mates, this is the game for you.
Publisert 12. mai.
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15.4 timer totalt (11.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
chill game, really dont have much to do with it. Just check on it every once and awhile and collect your rewards. No harm in forgetting about it for about a week.
Can learn a few things too with what started what and how what impacts what in the earlier stages.
Publisert 24. november 2021.
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444.7 timer totalt (205.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The game play is simple, if you have played games like Prison Architect, you have a general idea of how the building and management works.
Had this game since early Alpha and it has only gotten better since version 1.0 release. The modding community and support from the Devs has made the game even greater in its replayability.

The game works by you picking your "story teller" which influences the difficulty and style of play you have, either as a casual builder game, a more random anything goes game or a balanced approach. All of that will dictate how often other factions may raid you and how intense those raids may be. How often environmental events will take place and how bad it may be. As well how often your colonists may get sick from diseases or screw up construction or just social interactions.

Vanilla game is a bit boring mid-late game in the story you are in, especially after a play through or two. But as I mentioned, the great modding community allows you to tailor the game content to what you prefer to do in the game, whether it be a more weapon and military approach with new weapons research and prosthetics or if you prefer the more agricultural approach with more plants, and trading, There is even a mod that brings in oil refining and another for atomic research for power and weapons. And not to mention the many alien race mods and some faction mods pertaining to other games such as warhammer or mass effect just to name a few.

I greatly recommend this game for anyone who likes colony management sims.

Update: Everything still applies and more so. If you haven't played this game, you are choosing to miss out on possibly the greatest thing your measly speck of inconsequential and meaningless life could ever experience.
Publisert 19. november 2019. Sist endret 24. november 2021.
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9.8 timer totalt
Great and fantastic action side scroller game. Plenty of pop culture heroes, with plenty of liberation and freedom to go around!
Publisert 18. september 2019.
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26.8 timer totalt (23.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
pretty decent city builder. no sim city, but has some good features and elements that made it good.
Publisert 29. juni 2019.
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15.9 timer totalt (12.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Has it's few hiccups, but what game doesn't have at least a problem or two?
Mind you this game is still in it's Open Beta phase. For those that feel that matters on if they want to get/play games or not.
Hit detect is a lot better, could still use a little refinement, but at least when you hit 8/10 times it will register.
Noticing that sometimes a person can sometimes shoot through a wall, as well as getting killed by someone not even near you or shooting at you is happening a few times. Hopefully they can fix this glitch or hack, whichever it may be.

As far as levels go, feel a little limited at times with it's 2 or 3 maps per game mode, and randomization of maps in game modes sometimes don't feel random, you could wind up playing the same map 3 times in a row in a single game mode before it picks a different map. Would be nice to see a few more maps in the mix.

Content is pretty great, plenty of weapons to choose form and the skills feel pretty balanced across each operative you can choose from. However it would be nice to see the Tachikomas being used more often as opposed to just being in Terminal Conquest game mode. Would like to see them in Team Deathmatch as well.

One problem I see is that the spawn locations can sometimes not be in your favor, you respawn randomly on the map. Which can be fine, however it is not fine when you respawn and it's right there next to 3 enemy team members which happens fairly often, the brief invincibilty you have doesn't really make it all that better. Sometimes the enemy could spawn amongst you and some team members and if you don't catch it they wipe all of you out, especially when they spawn in a flanking position if you are already in a firefight with other enemy team members. Would be nice for there to be secluded unreachable spawn areas that you drop from, to prevent spawn killing and killing from the spawn point.

But overall I like the game and I hope to see them continue to support and grow the game. More content I am sure is on the way, and it really doesn't feel like a pay to win game. Purchased content is not overpowered or better than the free unlockable cotent. Really it just seems like a canon aschetic for the operatives from the series.

But I would gladely give this game a 7/10, the shooting through walls and random deaths from someone on the other side of the map and the spawning areas fix would make this a 8/10. And more uses with the Tachikomas would make and easy 9/10.
But I would recommend at 7/10
Publisert 2. august 2016. Sist endret 2. august 2016.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
26.6 timer totalt (6.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
I feel the need to edit this review after seeing so many people not recommending due to the story not making any sense.

If not a fan of the show, maybe hold out for a little while till AFTER you watch the show first. Unless you plan to review the game based on mechanics and how much fun you had and not on the story. The game takes place after season 2 of the show.

It's Early Access, so don't expect too much. But I say 9/10.
But as a fan of the show I do enjoy it. It is very basic and can become dull on solo, but grab a few people and the fun picks up. Don't expect there to be much in regards to story or complexity of the combat. But I am sure the devs will be improving both in the months to come.

Some things I would like to see in the updates:
Combos or specials that can interact with another characters special if done at the same time.
Other characters from the show as unlockables.
Of course more story, perhaps as a means to unlocking characters as well.
And purely just for the fun of it, taunt emotes.
Audio sliders for music, voices, and sfx. :Fixed in update:

But again, it's only the first day and I am happy with what is there and am looking forward to more greatness from the devs.

Edit: Happy to see that the devs added a slider in an update to help balance out the sounds of the music and the voices being hard to hear.
Publisert 1. desember 2015. Sist endret 9. desember 2015.
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0.0 timer totalt
Worth every cent I backed it with.
Publisert 29. mai 2015.
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37.0 timer totalt (27.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
By far the best Elon Musk simulator I have ever played!

Publisert 27. april 2015.
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1.2 timer totalt
Not a bad game at all. Has its glitches here and there but nothing game breaking, just minor things that occure not too often. Has lower gaphics but that doesn't take from the game itself. Controls took a little getting used to but after about 15 minutes you pretty much get the hang of it.

I hope the developers will continue to add to this game, it has a lot of potential. Would love to see more regions perhaps as ways to pick where you want to work, like a bustling city instead of just the rural area, perhaps some more buildings to go into, even while on duty like stores, restaurants, ect. Kinda like how real officers do, who eat while on duty or patrol stores. More interaction with NPCs while off duty would be nice, such as building relationships or stopping in at a friends house and actually going to clubs or restaurants. Hopefully they are working on these or will consider it now it's been said.

But over all I give this game a 9/10 and a recommend.
Publisert 19. januar 2015.
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