Cover Yo Pussy From Trump In The   United States
~❤✿I give bunny hugs for free, and im a pro only at eating captn crunch in under 3mins tops! :steammocking: To know me is to first open your eyes to see what im truly all about; Im not a person that does mindless banter of Words, words, words... NO! Perfer 18+ friends, and if i add and we never speak after that then guess what'll happen? ;) Friend collectors GTFO and suck my...well >_>

Oh no honey child, things are gonna get easier...WoOoOoo child, things will get brighter!(+1cool points if you get the song reference;)) As a matter-of-fact, I am just a simple, average everyday, silly, socially akward at times gurl. Im a lover of video games, old star wars EU content, food, AND ZOMBIE HORROR!!!:Lacerator:

Many, many other things as well. I live by the code of a hardcore gamer, and inspire to be a badass chick in everything i do. If that intimidates you then im sorry sweetie; take a chill pill or sing-a-long to the teletubbies theme to calm down. Other then that, i look forward in our many adventures to come people!✿❤~

:markarth: Im a gamer not because i dont have a life, but because i chose to have many :markarth:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3d5S1Ma42OtXABcwE2wv0w <--youtube channel

https://discord.gg/hnUCRv7 <---Join my Dont Starve together discord server if you play it
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I see shrek....my butthole begins to tighten at the mere sight of him...dropping my gun, i lean over and offer my rosey red buttcheeks. <3
7 2
Uncanny 9 Feb, 2023 @ 11:18am 
Uncanny 11 Jun, 2020 @ 2:32pm 
Hurry up and find a game we can play.
Tyty 15 Nov, 2019 @ 3:04pm 
shrowdz <3
shrowdz 11 Nov, 2019 @ 4:23pm 
Tyty 10 Nov, 2019 @ 2:52pm 
✿DooDoo♥SpRaNkLeS✿ 10 Nov, 2019 @ 3:03am 
Ty Tyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yasssssssssss sweeet bundle of amazingnesss , you the best queen. misss you always