22050hz amen break sample
Hououin Kyouma, insane mad scientist   Tokyo, Japan
@chan aficionado, monospace maniac, and harbinger of chaos. :Suzuha:
Dodged the draft into Finno-Korean Hyperwar by quantum jumping into the future. From the last remnants of the Kilobyte Age. ...
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the smod kick of theseus, made to be actually maintained and improved as time goes on originally grew from a dissatisfaction of what was available and a striving to improve (and everyone says its kinda like maximum action i guess and its true it was inspir
6,809 ratings
I love video games.
Video games are the best.
What would I do without video games?
They're a good reason to live for.
Multiplayer, singleplayer.
Co-op or versus.
Shmups, fighters, platformers.
Rhythm games, RPGs, strategy games of all sorts.
Racing, even sports, and simulators too.
You name it.
Except MOBAs, screw them, they ruin people.
Too many friends lost to them.
And I want to fix that problem.
Other than that, video games are simply amazing.
I can just forget about everything for a while.
Video games are fun.

I am the circuit of my machine.
Copper is my body and Docpera is my blood.
I have created over a thousand gadgets.
Unaware to loss, nor aware to gain.
Have withstood rent to create countless tools.
Yet, they have given no meaning.
My whole life is unlimited gadget works.

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science 24 Dec, 2024 @ 3:39pm 
Merry Christmasu!! :cinnaxmas::needy_heart:
Overlord 12 Oct, 2024 @ 2:37pm 
Heppi Birthday :steamhappy:
caribear 13 Aug, 2024 @ 11:22am 
Overlord 4 Mar, 2024 @ 5:16am 
↑ → ↓ ↓ ↓
Overlord 5 Feb, 2024 @ 2:10am 
沖縄人 Okinawan 琉球独立運動 Ryukyu independence movement 琉球共和国 Republic of the Ryukyus 在日米軍 United States Forces Japan 沖縄米兵少女暴行事件 1995 Okinawa rape incident 沖縄返還協定 1971 Okinawa Reversion Agreement 琉球列島米国軍政府 United States Military Government of the Ryukyu Islands 独立 Independence 海兵隊普天間航空基地 Marine Corps Air Station Futenma 沖縄戦 Battle of Okinawa 東恩納寛惇 日本国憲法第9条 国会 日本共産党 主権回復の日 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 明仁 沖縄国際大学 林泉忠 琉球新報 Relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma 大和民族 Yamato people 琉球國 琉球王国 Ryukyu Kingdom 第二尚氏 Second Shō clan 伊是名島
YaoiLuvr14 8 Dec, 2023 @ 7:27am 
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If you believe in the light of Allah, copy and paste this to 10 different infidels!
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