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55.3 h registradas (53.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I have yet to find a game published by Devolver that I cannot recommend. Loop Hero is no different. As of the time of this review, ~54 hours played, I just got my final achievement, which was the hidden achievement involving the final boss. I have yet to unlock the last few traits, which I will in subsequent playthroughs, and I have yet to summon one of the several secret bosses which I've heard about.

Honestly, for anyone looking for anything to grasp from this review, if you do grab this game, remember to never overestimate your character. I've spent plenty of runs trying to gather resources on one more loop just to end up losing most of them for being overconfident.

The other thing is, well, guides tell you to focus on upgrading your buildings before going at story mode. However, I disagree to some extent. As you progress, you'll be able to bring home more resources, and I spent more time resource hunting on chapter 3 than I did any other chapter. If you get to the fourth chapter, there's no resource cap, and while things are somewhat more difficult due to extra abilities on enemies, I still recommend building what you can, but still try to move forward to the fourth chapter as soon as possible. I'd go for things that unlock passive abilities first where applicable, like unlocking the rogue class, building the structure that allows access to traits, before worrying about leveling things. Try to reach the alchemist's tent as soon as possible, as that can help in the long run. However, this is supposed to be a review and not a guide, so I'll leave that to those who actually put in the effort in writing them.

This is my first go at a deck building game. (not counting a pvp monster based card game I played on facebook years ago) I've never played one, so I had no idea what to expect from this one. I did know that I watched Mike Matei play this on twitch once or twice. (He is of former Cinemassacre fame, developing a pretty decent name for himeself)

I like that this is sort of a mix between an idle game, a rogue like, and a deck building strategy based game. I like that I can do other activities on my desktop while this runs in windowed mode, with the occasional gear and level up here and there. Can't tell you how many productive things I've gotten done while multitasking with this, things like cleaning up my phone's storage, or writing product reviews for amazon/walmart/ebay. Things that I wouldn't have been able to have done at the same time had I played a game that required my undivided attention.

I could probably write several more paragraphs going into how much I enjoyed this game, but I'd rather you pick it up and play it yourself than waste your time reading my personal opinion. It's inexpensive, simple, and I definitely felt like I got my money's worth from it.

Thank you for your time.
Publicada el 1 de septiembre de 2022.
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1.8 h registradas
General difficulty is a pain in the ass
Publicada el 8 de diciembre de 2021.
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48.7 h registradas (4.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reinstalled windows, game runs properly now, whereas it lagged horribly before.

It's a good game, but I don't necessarily have to like it, to say it's good.
Publicada el 6 de febrero de 2020. Última edición: 11 de febrero de 2020.
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14.6 h registradas
As of the time of writing this review, 14.6 hours, I just experienced escaping the nebula. The ending has really done a number on me. I knew it was coming seeing how AI seems to rule everything in this game's universe. I will say, though, I did have a bunch of enjoyment from playing this. At full price, though, it feels relatively short for what you get. I managed to snag it in the Australia Fire Relief humble bundle, so I didn't pay that much for it, but if I had, this would have been a much more cynical review. The gameplay is repetitive. Overly so. I enjoyed being able to grab the next piece of junk to upgrade my gear, but I really don't feel any sense of accomplishment for what I did. And then when I finally build the last item the HR computer needed, it left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, seeing how my prisoner is just sentenced to an eternity in purgatory. I died several times, and each one seemed to hit a little harder than the last. And then when I finally got my A-Game going and started feeling good about it, the curveball the ending threw just made me wish that he could have been given the sweet release of death like the ones before him. Honestly, the game has left a bitter taste in my mouth from the perspective of watching all my hard work seem futile.

But then I remember that it's just a video game, and a very comedic one at that. I guess that's why it's called dark humor. To Blue Manchu haha, you got me good. And for giving me a good laugh, I'd have to give this game a thumbs up.
Publicada el 3 de febrero de 2020.
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98.2 h registradas (97.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
After having finished through a roughly 80 hour playthrough, I'm satisfied with what I paid for. I got this while it was on sale way back, and I played the heck out of it on and off.

This isn't my first run in with ff12, though, I had it back in the early 2010s for ps2, the North American release, so this whole zodiac job system was fairly new to me. I never had the chance to beat it back then, either, so I'm glad this game came out on steam because I didn't feel like having to jump through loops to get my progress back on an emulator due to having moved and no longer being in possession of my ps2.

I will say, this is my first 3d era final fantasy game. I was new to the final fantasy series until a friend let me have tactics back in school. Afterwards I got tactics again but for the psp during my college years, then I start hearing about these cameo characters in the tactics games, and I tell myself that at a minimum I should at least find out what the game Balthier came from when he made his cameo in War of the Lions, and Vaan and Penelo making theirs in Grimoire of the Rift for the DS. Well, back then, I bought 12, and played through it, got to Mt. Bur-Omisace and put it down. I was glad to hear that this had come out again. I played it and I can say that this is the first Final Fantasy game that's not a spin off I've seen through to the end.

Sorry about going on that little tangent.

I really enjoyed getting to play through it again, and the job system made it a little better in my opinion. Used to everything was on the license board like a massive cluster and often times I found myself grinding through over and over to get to the licenses I want for each character. One thing this game did right in the remake was adding the fast forward function. I played through most of this with fast forward on 2x, I think the only time I didn't have fast forward was during the final boss fight at level 57. I imagine my hours would have doubled had I not had access to this fast forward function. I still have quite a bit of gameplay to do before I consider myself through all the way with this game. I've only done around 40 hunts, haven't killed the superbosses yet, nor have I gotten over trial 60 on the trial mode. I still have a lot to do.

I can't tell you whether it would be right for you or not, though. I've seen some people hate this game, tell me it's the worst in the series due to it's real time like combat instead of the pause take turn, pause take turn, pause take turn, enemy turns and so on. I've heard people bash it's story saying it's poorly written, but I didn't think so. I'd buy it again if I ever needed to. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Publicada el 6 de diciembre de 2018.
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32.7 h registradas (29.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I enjoyed this game. Definitely worth the money. What I did not enjoy, however was having to fight irisu twice because I got a microsoft c-something or another runtime error during the credits, which caused a CTD and caused me to lose all my progress. That fight was a bit of a PITA because it took so long, and I'm glad it was only my first playthrough. Who knows what kind of rage I would have gone through had that been on the hardest difficulty.
Publicada el 3 de julio de 2018.
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0.4 h registradas
For two dollars, I recommend this game. Other things you can buy with two dollars just don't amount to what you can do in this game. Sure you can buy a cup of coffee, or a bag of doritos, or a scratch off ticket, but those are all temporary. This game is not near as temporary as previous items mentioned. In this package, you get: 1 virtual living room and all furniture, 1 deck of cards, and 1 girl wearing pajamas. You can fondle said girl's boobies, as long as you don't mind the fact that she has this stare. The boobs make your controller vibrate, I guess to try and simulate what the real thing feels like, but I know nothing about that, as I'm a 46 year old single man who has never had a girlfriend, living in my great grandmother's attic. (Disclaimer: I lied about the last half of the sentence.) That stare that the pajama girl gives you instantly becomes creepy when you move behind her and her head looks as if it turns unnaturally. If you're willing to take the dive, you can even buy the blue pan-*cough cough*-schoolgirl suit expansion. It's pretty alright, too. I played this for about 10 minutes so far and I feel like I got my money's worth.
Publicada el 2 de septiembre de 2017.
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0.0 h registradas
Blue pantsu. sky blue pantsu. That answers your question.
Publicada el 2 de septiembre de 2017.
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0.3 h registradas
To the developer: This is a nice concept of a game, you just need to work on it some more. I played it, and the first thing that I noticed was that starting off, I was infinitely falling out of bounds on the first level. I restarted the game, thinking it was a mere bug, but no, it happened again. I then started physically walking around my chaperone boundaries. I finally fell straight into the map afterwards. I think this definitely deserves some attention because people are bound to have the same issue. The second thing I want to mention: the walking is so slow. Like, I don't feel that I'm in the game, but instead I feel like I'm an old person with a cane kind of slow. Another thing that gave me a problem. I went to squat down, stumbled and accidentally hit the button above the touch pad, having to start a few levels over again. I played through a few levels, and the one that was the most aggravating to me was the spiral staircase room. I would walk in place until I found each individual stair's sweet spot, this took longer than it should. I finally gave up when I reached a room that had water or whatever the blue stuff is in it, and a spike trap right away. Couldn't really move much without getting impaled, so I called it quits so that I could write this. Also, there should be some kind of saving system, so that I don't have to spend several minutes trying to navigate the spiral staircase again along with repeating other levels.

To the consumer: I don't feel it's worth what they're asking for it. It's not necessarily a "bad" game, but it does have a lot of negatives that need to be worked on. I'm fortunate enough to have received it in one of those bundles, so I can't complain, I had wanted a certain game in that particular bundle and felt that I got my money's worth. This just happened to be icing on the cake; icing made from aspartame instead of sugar. I'm reluctantly giving it a thumbs down because I feel like the possibility of it being improved is not as likely as the possibility of it staying the way it is. I'm content with it. YMMV
Publicada el 16 de agosto de 2017.
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6.0 h registradas (4.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reseña de acceso anticipado
I enjoyed the heck out of this game. The first fps I've purchased for the vive. I'm looking forward to seeing what this game grows into through its development.

Some of my favorite parts are being able to throw a knife just right and kill people a few meters away, being able to pull the pin on a grenade toss it up a little, catch it, cooking the grenade for a few seconds so that people won't be able to toss it back, and I think it's cool being able to put a weapon on your chest, and picking up your enemy's weapon to use it. I've played maybe one round with people, because satellite doesn't do so well with multiplayer games, and the rest of my time has been against bots.

The controls feel solid, with the exception of reloading occasionally. I'll go through the full animation, but have to chamber a round twice in order to get the gun to fire. Sometimes I have to get my controllers at the right angle to pick stuff up off the floor, and I also unintentionally clack my controllers together when I reload, those are my only issues I've had.

I tend to be a terrible shot when I play, but I'm learning where to point the gun and how to use the iron sights. It's so awkward compared to firing a real gun, but I'm enjoying it a lot.

For the price, I definitely recommend this game.
Publicada el 12 de agosto de 2017.
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