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Ah, "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion," the game that turns every hero into a master acrobat and expert locksmith overnight. If you've ever dreamed of a medieval fantasy world where doors are mere suggestions and horses are apparently trained by Cirque du Soleil, this is the game for you!

Firstly, let's talk about the character customization. Forget about crafting a handsome hero; instead, be prepared to create a bizarre blend of facial features that could make Picasso blush. No nose is too big, no eyes too asymmetrical. It's like the developers held a contest to see who could design the most amusingly awkward character, and everyone won.

Now, onto the NPCs. They have the social skills of a potato. You could be saving the world from an impending apocalypse, and they'll still greet you with the enthusiasm of someone stuck in a never-ending DMV line. "Oh, you just closed an Oblivion gate and saved the world? Cool, can you fetch my lost sweetroll?"

Let's not forget the physics, or should I say the lack thereof. Your character is basically a superhero in medieval attire, effortlessly scaling mountains with the grace of Spider-Man. Horses are another story – they're less mounts and more aspiring stunt doubles, capable of launching you into the stratosphere with a single misplaced step.

And speaking of steps, lockpicking is the real hidden talent of the hero of Kvatch. Forget about picking locks with finesse; just bash them open with your lockpick until something gives. It's like your character got their lockpicking skills from a medieval battering ram academy.

But don't be fooled by the quirks; Oblivion's charm lies in its unpredictability. One moment you're on a quest to save the world, and the next, you're chasing a bouncing potato (I mean, mudcrab) through the wilderness because why not?

In conclusion, "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" is not just a game; it's a comedy of glitches, a tale of unintentional acrobatics, and a journey into a world where logic takes a backseat to pure, unbridled fun. It's the kind of game that reminds you to never take yourself too seriously, especially when a sweetroll is at stake.
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121 ratings