Living in the sunny world of the sixth to the ninth hour~ :qp:

伝道の書 11:7 ✝️
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0.4 Hours played
Katawa Shoujo is, without a doubt, my favorite visual novel of all time. There's just an unending number of things to love about it—how it came to be, the story, all the different routes, the soundtrack, the art, and, of course, the lovely girls. But there's one girl who stands out above all others, my beloved Rin Tezuka. I’ve loved this game for what feels like forever, and I think better late than never to finally commit to words just how much Katawa Shoujo means to me.

It’s been years now since I first came across this game. Back then, I was just looking for something free to play, and I happened to be really into visual novels. Little did I know that when I stumbled upon Katawa Shoujo, I was about to experience something that would stick with me in ways I never imagined. How I didn’t play it sooner, I can only wonder. But I think, in the end, it was all for the best. Because when I did finally pick it up, it felt like the perfect moment. I was at a stage in my life where I was growing, figuring things out. There’s so much life in this game—so many little things that continue to shape the person I am today.

Every year, I find myself replaying my favorite route. The route of Rin, the no-arm wonder. She wasn’t the first route I got, though—she was the second. The first time I booted up Katawa Shoujo, I ended up on Shizune’s route, and it was fantastic—no doubt about that. All the routes are fantastic in their own way. But Rin’s route? It’s the one that really sticks with me. The one that fills my heart to the brim every single time.

On that second playthrough, I made a conscious effort to get Rin’s route. I knew it was the one I wanted to experience more than anything. There was just something about her that captivated me. Something about her face, her crazy words, her personality, her red hair, and green eyes. She shone brighter than the other girls, in my eyes. So when I finally got to experience her route like I wanted, it was absolutely beautiful. I read every word, spent every moment with her, supporting her, cheering her on, falling for her...

I remember it all as clear as day, especially the ending. Rin’s good ending, without a doubt, is the one I prefer over the other ending. The words that were said, the image of her standing in that field of dandelions, it’s a moment that has been ingrained in my memory. That moment, that image—she was my dandelion girl. My very first dandelion girl. I can’t even begin to explain what it meant to me at the time—what it means to me now. If I’m being honest, I think I can safely say that my first true experience with falling in love was falling in love with Rin Tezuka and her beautiful smile.

Every time I think about her, I just want to hug her. I want to hold her, I wanna watch her do what she does best, I wanna see that sweet smile of hers. Never before in my life up to that point had I felt those kinds of emotions. And now, even years later, those same feelings are still there. My love for Rin has withstood the test of time. If anything, it’s only grown stronger. It’s a love that isn't just built on nostalgia but on something deeper. Something real. Something that resonates with me in a way I didn’t know was possible. I’m confident enough to say that it will continue to grow with me further in life. If this isn’t true love, I don’t know what is.

That all being said, I’m imploring anyone who comes across this review to play Katawa Shoujo. Seriously, just play it. I can’t promise you’ll feel the same way I do about Rin—everyone’s experiences are different after all. But I can promise you that this game will give you something special. Something meaningful. If you can’t quite connect with Rin or any of the other girls, I can guarantee that you’ll still find something to hold on to, something that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading it all. The beauty of it all is that it’s not just about any of the individual girls—it’s about what you take away from it as a whole. I am so, so happy that Katawa Shoujo finally made its way onto Steam. It’s a great opportunity to cast a bigger net, get more people to play it, and give me another reason to dive back in.

To this day, I find myself recommending Katawa Shoujo to anyone I meet who is even remotely interested in visual novels. I can’t say for certain that everyone will fall in love with Rin the way I did, but if you give her and the other characters a chance, I’m sure you’ll find something to love. I know Katawa Shoujo isn’t for everyone, but it’s the kind of game that sticks with you no matter what. It’s one of those rare pieces of media that doesn’t and shouldn't just fade away with time. It’s something that stays with you and will shape how you see the world.

My love for Rin, my beloved dandelion girl, has only grown stronger over the years. It’s not just a fleeting crush, but genuine love. I love Rin Tezuka.

10/10, 5 stars. This game, this story, has been a constant in my life—like that one fantastic dream you had years ago and can never forget. This is the visual novel of all time, your honor. And with my waifu for laifu, the mega cutest, the most adorable, Rin Tezuka, there’s absolutely no denying it. The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.
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Peace, peace!
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