22 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 24.3 hrs on record
Posted: 10 Oct, 2024 @ 3:57am
Updated: 10 Oct, 2024 @ 3:59am

Early Access Review
Bought this game very early on, hoping for meaningful updates, more content, just devs taking care of their game.
Played it multiple times, barely noticed any difference between one of the first versions, and how it looks right now (excluding skill system, gunplay and some bugfixes).
Imagine guys. there were 2 npcs with prompts for quests, but there wasn't a single quest for them. you thought you will get quests from them in the future? WROONG! IT'S A BUG! Yeah. Seriously. They deleted prompts, and put it like a feature in BUG FIXES! for real.
Yeah - sure. Game looks fun to play, I can't tell i haven't had fun, but i bought it in EA and was anticipating more than it was. I wanted to support a project that looks promising, but as time flied and almost nothing has changed, Fake promises of "more maps! more content!", and looking on how the game UI suggested that there will be things - there are none. just an example with maps - none were added, and the one that everyone was hyping for is still WIP(wait for it to get treated as a bug and get deleted at 1.0 release. Weapons feel neglected. they barely add any weapons and attachments to the game(When playing with guns is the main part of fun in this game), their "MAJOR!@$#!@! QOL update" contained mainly bugfixes(Over 40 bugs yay! Whoa! I bet they worked on it whole team 12h a day for at least 2 months!) and basically 2 sliders in options. and after that the first thing I see is "yay game is coming to 1.0 soon, yay yay!"
I Feel every single review is put on by guys that bought the game and think it's being actively developed. It's not. I know a game made by a single korean guy, in similar setting, but with 10x more meaningful and frequent updates.
And Zero Sievert is just another stoneshard-like game.
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