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I play fat like a pro 9 hours ago 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
A legend once said:

"Lisa, if you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way."
------Homer Simpson works for shcool and marriage too
I play fat like a pro 18 May @ 5:45am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Why do guys call their girlfriend, and why your boyfriend calls you cheap things,
like sugar, honey?

If they really love their lovers, they shoud call them expensive things like

Medical bills, mortgage, crystal mas, Jetstream, ElonMusk
Amber Heard's poop on Johnny Depp's bed
I play fat like a pro 16 May @ 8:15pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Due to the lack of funds

Scientific Found will be often delayed in the future

and yes, it takes a whole studio of Anthropologists and Psychologists to come up with a new gay thing about you but you didn't know until I tell you.
ovum 15 May @ 6:05am 
Oh! Amazing!  Luka's "Reincarnation" module, "Floral" head version!  Even though the costume design is from an unknown nationality, it goes well with the Japanese background.  It's so cool! Her eyeshadow is beautiful!
I play fat like a pro 14 May @ 11:42pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
The reason you are still denying yourself being gay
is because
you haven't seen a shemale pretty enough to change your mind.

Here, some pretty for your leap of faith

@Izzy Wilde
@Bangtan Sonyeon Dan
@Justin Bieber
@John Cena
I play fat like a pro 14 May @ 3:56am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Obese gay people like to say no

are you one of them?