sayang ochiss :*   Papua, Indonesia
tulisan gabut
Agak menggelikan ngetik ini jadi jangan di baca

PC Spec :
- Monitor Koorui 27e1 165hz
- Vga gtx 1650 4gb
- sisanya males nulis

Youtube link cari sendiri
instagram nebak aja pasti nemu
kalau mabar ya ke sini DISCORD SERVER []

mau baku tumbuk share loc aja ya
open jasa weekly exp item drop csgo, cocok buat yang mau off jangka waktu lama tapi tetep naik level dan tetep dapet item drop menggunakan bot!
butuh duit DONATION PLACE []

play CSGO together using Faceit community competitive matchmaking here PRESS HERE []

wanna read this with your own language? PRESS HERE []
the real acc just with this link
Recent Activity
1,750 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
1,034 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
314 hrs on record
last played on 27 Feb