United Kingdom (Great Britain)
You may remember me for SFM FNAF animations and I'm now back ^^ but I'm very rusty with the program and I hope we can still get along despite my sudden disappearance.

Currently Offline
koo1kittykat 6 Sep, 2020 @ 1:10pm 
thank you very much ^^
squeakingbluey 6 Sep, 2020 @ 12:59pm 
hm, honestly i don't know. try searching it up or something? i've never experienced it myself, the only thing i can recommend doing is making sure it's in the right folder and that you are looking in the right place. other than that i don't know what's wrong! i'm sorry :( it could just be a glitch or something idk
koo1kittykat 6 Sep, 2020 @ 11:22am 
When I go to export a "movie" it does the process and takes it's time but when I look in the folder I selected it's not there.My computer says it hasn't downloaded the "movie" either. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.My movie was about 1 minute long,had max lights, and I had focal pane on it.the folder the movie was going in was in the default "video" folder also I restarted my computer then closed and reopened SFM but it doesn't work.

I don't know if this is a glitch or if I have done something wrong
koo1kittykat 20 Jul, 2020 @ 1:29pm 
thank you so much Ferxian I did SFM for fun and I never expected to inspire people but it brings me happiness to know that i have inspired someone thank you so much for your kind words
squeakingbluey 3 Jun, 2020 @ 11:00am 
hey, you were last online 152 days ago, so you will probs never see this. but i used to look up to you and you inspired me to do so many things, i never had a chance to tell you or actually talk to you proper for that matter. but if you do see this, you are an amazing person. i hope you come back <3
koo1kittykat 24 Jan, 2019 @ 12:33pm 
ahhhhh its been so long