Tio Quispe   Peru
you love me because i'm an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
hate me because i'm silly at heart 💙🐈‍⬛️

described as a real 'cyber-newtype'

No need to read further if you're sane.
Do not try to find or contact me for any reason.
I owe nothing to anyone.
I'm not your friend. I have no idea who you are.
If you claim I've saved your life, no I didn't.
You don't need to know what I'm doing. It's not your business.
If someone not getting on to play games on a regular basis is upsetting or the most mysterious thing you've experienced, I can't help you with your problem.
Read this:

There's nowhere else I'll be posting to. Rumors surrounding this account are likely made up by attention seekers. If it sounds dumb, it probably is. If it doesn't, you might be the one who's dumb.

Go outside.
Armoredcorefan93 13 timer siden 
I met this scoundrel in prison. We were cellmates. I learned several things from him and I am very grateful to him even today. In the intervals of voluntary work we did to reduce our sentence he taught me Latin, logic, Roman history and arts. Today I owe a large part of my scholarship to this noble trickster. The only thing I regret about the times in prison is that I did not help him in times of sexual coercion. The other prisoners took advantage of his fragility and innocence to force him to do things he used to do only by choice. But anyway, those are waters of the past... I am glad to see that you have overcome all that violence and find yourself here on Youtube... Embrace and leave these memories behind
alexbali255 5. mars kl. 12.20 
it is the mandate of god that you KILL yourself
Kill yourself
Sgt Dirtbag 27. feb. kl. 2.44 
future homeless texican
Sgt Dirtbag 8. feb. kl. 17.07 
My oomfie is back....
Sligol 12. des. 2024 kl. 12.10 
Signed by Nate "Nah I'd Win"