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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 380.0 hrs on record (195.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Feb, 2020 @ 12:21pm

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is a pretty big upgrade compared to the first Vermintide, instead of having five classes in the old one, you now have 5 classes with three subclasses each that vastly change how those characters are meant to be played for the most part.

For those who are completely unfamiliar with the Vermintide series, imagine Left 4 Dead with RPG elements, items with stats and progression rpg elements, in addition there are things to pursue such as portrait cosmetics, character cosmetics such as outfits and hats, essentially pimping out your character to how you want them to look.

When you start Vermintide 2 off, your hide out, which is an area prior to starting a mission is rather plain, but as you level up your characters you can start unlocking rooms in the keep, you'll scavenge art scrolls where you can set up paintings in your hide out and upon completeing certain difficulties for certain campaigns you will start seeing banners hanging around. So you can see not just your characters progressing but your hide out as well, the progression this game offers is what keeps me playing, and it's a lot of fun decapitating scrawny rats, but this game does not only offer rats as the first game did, it features Chaos as well as an enemy, and in the DLC Winds of Magic you can even fight Beastmen. So this game has a variety of things to kill which keeps it fresh and new each time you load up a mission.

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