
Последние обзоры Kibou-sama

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0.5 ч. всего
Fast paced fun. Hopefully game is not too expensive.
Опубликовано 27 февраля.
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5.7 ч. всего (1.6 ч. в момент написания)
Pretty good. Has been on my radars for a while. You need to figure out some of the things but I think if you look pass that it's pretty good.
Опубликовано 27 февраля.
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1.7 ч. всего (0.5 ч. в момент написания)
Game is pretty much perfect. Easy to learn, fun to play so much replayability. Normally I would have some changes I wanted to be added to the game but I don't think I have one for this game.
Опубликовано 27 февраля.
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 11
58.5 ч. всего
It's a going afk simulatior. The only reason people have high play time is because people just wait and do nothing in this game. There are so many fundemantal problems that could be fixed during early access but never did. I'll talk all about them in good and bad.

+ Pixels look really cute.

+ Base building is really fun. There are so many cool blocks in the game you can build your base with. I really enjoyed that. Especially while waiting for ores to generate lmao.

+ Decent Bosses. They look awesome but I kinda cheesed it so I never felt the difficulty.

+ Co-op with your friends. (Which is a plus and a minus at the same time I'll get to that in bad section) I thought I would enjoy this game with my friends but I have a feeling like they'll never let me pick the next game anymore with how terrible this game was.

+ Exploration is really nice. Since base building is really fun the places you visit is also good. I really enjoyed walking around and finding new and weird buildings.

- Co-op is broken. In single player you hardly get half damage hits or one shot but in co-op it's in a daily basis because the more friends you have the more damage everything deals to you. At least this is what my friends told me. I never get to experience the reason I'll explain later.

- Mage is a joke. No legendary item, mana problems, not even a good dps, it's much better to play summoner since you can do both summonings and play as a mage. Though I would suggest you playing ranged or melee.

- Getting an upgrade doesn't mean anything. The only thing that goes up is your damage. Since in co-op you get one shotted anyway getting better armor is useless. In my case it was once I got the best armor in the middle of the game with ''FISHING'' I was basically done with the game lmao.

- So much dead space. One of the greatest things in Terraria is the moment you pass a certain point you get to explore the same place again with new difficulty. That way old places you visited before doesn't feel dead. In this game you have so many places like that and you don't have too many teleportation available to you. I know you can craft portal but why it's that expensive? I'm not going to grind or wait for them to be ready for me. You could do sooooo many cool things with that idea being you can evolve first bosses into stronger and more void style bosses.

- The idea of dodging is plain stupid. 90% is just too much. The moment I hit 90% dodge chance game was over for me. Even with my friends constantly dying and me soloing the boss I literally had no problem. Any higher than 20% is dumb. People who were planing to play this game might think it's hard to get them but no. It's super easy. Just fish. You can easily get them by literally going afk or closing your brain.

- Some items are only one in the whole world. We're playing co-op... Is this a joke? Why there is one item for increasing your health permanantly in the whole world. How the hell am I going to share those items with my friends? Also you need to explore every nooks of the map. You can't even make a new map and look for them. I just find the item in the world then went to map from workshop with all items in it which is quite popular for obvious reasons. I just took enough for my friends. I had to cheat because game left me with no choice.

- Skill System is so funny. For fishing you need to fish 2000 times. For gardening you need to farm 20000 times. For crafting you need to craft 40000 times. Those things you fished, farmed and crafted 90% of them are will just wither away in your chests. I only did running, melee and vitality without going afk or cheesing. Others were all me crafting with dirt block, auto fishing, auto farming, hitting 1 damage to a mob 10000 times.

* I'm not even sure bosses were good or not. I never felt the difficulty because I was never in danger. Melee is so op you don't even need to get away from skills sometimes.

It's a decent game if you like going afk and not doing anything, mindless grinding, pointless walking.
If you value your time though:
4/10 at best.
Опубликовано 18 декабря 2024 г..
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9.8 ч. всего
Going through the marathon. This one is better than Codname 47... However, it's still garbage. It's not hot garbage like 47 but still a garbage nonetheless. Most of the places are huge and empty. Feels super dead and hallow. I can't run because people will shoot at me so I need to walk... SLOWLY. SOOOOOOOOOOO SLOWLY. I don't feel like a killer. I feel like I'm in a puzzle game with just walking nothing else. It's terrible. That being said playing in expert allowed me to kill my way out time to time. So I'll at least give the game that.
Опубликовано 17 декабря 2024 г.. Отредактировано 17 декабря 2024 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
9.9 ч. всего
Even tough it has some serious issues I like it. I don't know maybe it's my nostalgia speaking but It plays well. Being able to kill your way out is always nice.

Normally I was going to give this game negative but it already has a lot so I'm going to give it positive instead.
Опубликовано 17 декабря 2024 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 6
12.8 ч. всего
Game is really simple and really good. 7 Wonders and Civilization had a child with adhd.
Super fast gameplay. If you know what you're doing you can play really fast. It's both a problem and a convenience.

After playing 10-20 games everything is the same. The plays I do are most of the time just the question of am I close to a player or not?
Balance problems. Some civs are clearly better in general. You can easily see it by looking at Hegemonies. Same Civs top 3 all the time and one Civ spesifically always at top 3 *coughs* Rome *coughs*

Game is solid overall.
Buy during discount.
Опубликовано 14 декабря 2024 г..
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10.9 ч. всего (7.8 ч. в момент написания)
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I don't know why it says 7.8 play hours it's 35 hours... Played the whole game from my Steam Deck. It worked smoothly. Game feels like a DLC than a main game though. Doesn't really add much to the first game. It doesn't have to add much anyways. Pretty solid game. Really enjoyed the interactions (Not all of them which I'll explain). A lot of fun characters.

Maybe need to tone down Nemesis' lines a lil bit. She's a bit too annoying I get she's got the sin of hubris but her yapping about me not caring enough saving my family because I never seen them was a bit too far. Melinoe only says ''Shut up'' but in real life it wouldn't end that way. Maybe make her a boss fight since she's super annoying and putting her into her place would be really nice.

8/10 I'll play every single update. Game is doing really well.
Опубликовано 28 ноября 2024 г.. Отредактировано 29 ноября 2024 г..
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72.0 ч. всего
Decent. Too grindy. Story part doesn't even take that much time. The good part was since I have multiple screens I managed to watch so many tv shows and read so many articles. It's not a bad game. However I don't think it's worth the full price.

Buy everything on 50%+ discount.

This game makes you feel like a Graveyard Keeper.
Опубликовано 12 августа 2024 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4
41.5 ч. всего (41.4 ч. в момент написания)
Terrible Tutorial. Tutorial was so bad I almost quit the game early and would give the game negative review. By sheer willpower I forced myself to play the game. My opinion is:

Game is pretty decent. Not much going on though. It's pretty easy once you realize you can cheese the game. I cheesed my way to victory and I don't care. Scenarios get too boring pretty quick. I almost all the time go afk. If it's not timed scenario ofc. You really need to try hard to figure things out which is a big problem in the game. Tutorial helding your hand too hard and showing you nothing at all. It's amazing how much useless it is.

Devs really need to improve Tutorial. With a decent tutorial this game would be a great ''good'' game.

My score is 7/10.
Опубликовано 24 июля 2024 г..
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