
Kat 最近的评测

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总时数 1.7 小时
Not ready yet.
发布于 1 月 22 日。
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总时数 105.1 小时 (评测时 101.5 小时)
I'm a level 153 and like the game but,
this review stays until we get more Asian servers and not JUST Japan servers with bad routing and has odd high-ping to some other Asians.
With TTK this low nobody wants a bad hitreg and netcode experience.

Update : MNYEH
发布于 2023 年 8 月 13 日。 最后编辑于 2023 年 11 月 25 日。
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总时数 20.3 小时 (评测时 10.7 小时)
Been a week over since game release and game-breaking bugs are still present as well as many crashes.
Its been days and I can't use my Medic because the loadout got deleted and the abilities crashes the game.
Look at the forums at all the complains.
发布于 2020 年 5 月 1 日。
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有 25 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 698.3 小时 (评测时 654.9 小时)
> Introduces Microtransactions to unlock skins that give stats.
> Nerf all weapons to ♥♥♥♥ to encourage usage of ugly-as-F skins.

CSGO ripped system and skins got me annoyed, but what made me flip the table was the "balancing" to the weapons..absolutely RETARDED.

Shotguns that do 3 times less damage than Pistols? 5 pages of Melee weapons that all have identical (AND STUPID) stats??

发布于 2015 年 10 月 17 日。
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总时数 0.0 小时
The worst DLC yet.
发布于 2015 年 10 月 16 日。
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总时数 0.0 小时
> AS-VAL is the best damn assault rifle yet. High ammo count, Fast Firing rate, Surpressed by default with no penalties (40 damage base), Nice Accuracy and Stability. Perfect as both Loud and Stealth weapon.

> Grinder Perk: Think Rogue, with less dodge, but more HP regen. It only works if you equip a Suit or LBV, but the regen is pretty crazy. Every kill grants up to 4 seconds of HP regen, by a good noticeable amount, say 20% HP-ish.

> Sokol's suit colors are personally my favorite.

> Sokol's lines are BORING. Like seriously, its like OVERKILL (or was it Lion Game Lion??) just gave him the scripts from the other existing characters for the voice actor to read out. Its all the same exact lines, just a different voice actor reading them. Uncreative, Dull, and he barely speaks any Russian.

> Sokol's Mask. Just my personal opinion - compared to the original crew, is not unique at all - it looks like Bonnie's or Dragan's. Half-assed effort for design.

> Hockey Stick melee. Its a hockey stick. What else? Melee weapons are generally boring in Payday 2 and I don't know why we have so many melee weapons that 99% of the community never uses.

> Sokol pack's got a great Rifle and Perk. Other than that, he's a disappointing character. He makes no Russian (or Hockey) references at all, his lines are ALL the same as everyone else's, and if not for his accent you won't even know he was supposed to be one.

Sure, I would still recommend this pack, only for the weapon and perk deck. But for $5? Probably not.
发布于 2015 年 6 月 26 日。 最后编辑于 2015 年 6 月 26 日。
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总时数 7.5 小时
"Is the Old Blood an Expansion pack?"
Yes, well. No. Its a Standalone pre-sequel to Wolfenstein New Order.
About 5 hours of more Wolfenstein style gameplay ...with zombies.

New guns ain't that great. But if you want a taste of Wolfenstein New Order before actually gettin' it, yeah, I guess this is a cheap paid-demo.

(inb4 Steam summer sales makes Wolfenstein New Order $10)
发布于 2015 年 5 月 11 日。 最后编辑于 2015 年 5 月 11 日。
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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 17.1 小时
Its on discount right now. I highly recommend this shooter for a slashy gore filled good time - just not too much for the gunplay but, hell, this game is good.
发布于 2014 年 3 月 26 日。
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