United Kingdom (Great Britain)
A prayer's as good as a bayonet on a day like this

In the last few years I've concentrated on mil-sims, most particularly Arma, and I have spent an embarrassing number of hours perfecting my skills... and I still suck! and I still love it! I dabble in other games from my very neglected library, but life is short - and so is my bladder tolerance.

As an old fart I gravitate to playing alongside mature(r) gamers and shun kiddies, especially those with frightening twitch reflexes and squeaky voices; I have quite enough of that from my own offspring thanks very much. In line with this I've kept up a steady output of YT Videos which chronicle my fun and fumblings playing Arma alongside fellow grown-ups in the UK Arma milsim group VCB - VOLCBAT

In short, all the best teams need a challenge... and I'm it.
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CharlesZulu 31 Jan, 2018 @ 11:32am 
PJW... tbh I can't recall. Haven't loaded this up in over a year (rather a lot has changed with Iron Front mod so would be quite surprised if this map still even works). If yoiu do run mod Is likely to be under fortifications header, but you should be able to search in editor for terms like 'trench' or 'dugout' to find them listed. Good luck.
不気味な魔術師ッ 31 Jan, 2018 @ 7:28am 
In the FFE MP Iron Front Training Base (IFA3) v1-2 where can i find those trenches? and foxholes you have on the picture? :)
Malarkey 30 Jan, 2016 @ 5:38am 
Thanks a lot! I got it.
CharlesZulu 30 Jan, 2016 @ 4:16am 
Malarkey, probably best way is to crack open the downloaded 'pbo' mission file and save it as a new editable file in your own folders. I use PBO manager to open other mission files see: (is lots of advice on this on the webby about this) then after opening the mission in your editor you can just cut and paste the relevent bits into your own missions on any map.

This method is very useful to look at how 'proper' editors actually put good missions together. Good luck.
Malarkey 29 Jan, 2016 @ 10:48am 
Hi CharlesZulu. Thanks for your mission "FFE MP Training Base Camp Vanilla (v 3.2) MOD FREE". I use it with my friends to make trainings of CQB, and it´s very usefull.
I would to know if it´s possible to get the mission as an editable folder for get the CQB area to my own base template. Maybe you could send me or something. I would be grateful.
Of course, when I finish the base, I can send you for use it for your own missions.

CharlesZulu 23 Sep, 2015 @ 4:32pm 
Zardoq, if only but I didn't make the 'Iron Front' Arma3 mod, I just created a simple mission allowing play-about with the WW2 assets. 'kju' started @IFA3 off... he's the one to thank.