Hong Kong
I live under a rock :Limbo_worm:


STM Quickmatch [www.steamtradematcher.com] | Steam Trade Link
Screenshot Showcase
About Me(日本語の自己紹介は↓にスクロール)
To Start...
❗ If you wish to send me a friend request, please leave a message below. As I do not want my friend list and activity feed to be bloated, I will decline your request if 1) I think our taste in games do not align; 2) Your profile is private; 3) You did not leave a comment.

🎴 Feel free to send me 1:1 trade requests as long as you are not giving me duplicates. Link in profile description above.

🗣️ You are welcome to say hi to me in Chinese, English or Japanese . I don't bite! :D:

🎥 Also find me on YT and Letterboxd [letterboxd.com]!

🇭🇰 雖然自己的母語是中文,不過現在除了跟朋友聊天之外,沒什麼機會在網上用到。當然,無任歡迎各位用中文留言。

About Me 🇬🇧
😄 Interested in being friends with nice people who have similar taste in games as me. I love discovering interesting indie games through Friend Activity feed and reviews.

❤️ I enjoy VNs, puzzle, strategy and action-adventure games. I prefer a game with a great story, atmosphere and soundtrack but flawed mechanism, over a game that has interesting gameplay but uninspired storyline (if at all). However, it does not mean that I gloss over a game's technical weaknesses and design flaws when writing reviews.

💔 I don't like grindy games, and shooters especially FPS or fast-paced games required to be played with a mouse because they give me motion sickness and wrist pain. I know, ageing sucks. 👵

🚫 Competitive PvP games are a complete no-go because they stress me out. In the past, I struggled with severe gaming addiction issues, so I am mindful about things that might trigger my addiction again.

💪 I am a perfectionist and I try to 100% a game whenever possible.

👧 I started using a PC when I was 4. Growing up, my interests were influenced a lot by my dad. I got into gaming because he bought me many video games, and I also learnt PC-building from him. I remember coming home and playing DOS games on my dad's Windows 95 PC as a kid. The most memorable games I played as a kid were Pokemon Yellow and Silver, The Sims, RollerCoaster Tycoon and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon.

🗺️ Gaming, for me, is merely one of my many hobbies to engage with the world, which is why I don't spend much time gaming, and I am very selective in my choices of games due to my limited time. I am a "patient gamer" - most games I play are at least 2 years old. Outside of gaming, I enjoy reading, writing, learning about the world, listening to music, translating and photography.

❤️‍🔥 My one passion in life is to explore the history, culture and language of Japan. I do Japanese translations as a hobby - I've had the experience of being frustrated by not understanding Japanese games. Ever since I learnt Japanese, I realised that a lot of translated/localised material was inaccurate and even misleading, prompting my desire to rectify the situation. I hope I can bring to light the beauty of Japanese culture through my translations and help people appreciate these works more. You can see some of my works on my YT channel .

🔢 In case you are interested, my MBTI and enneagram types are INFP 1w9, the same as Hayao Miyazaki. Yes, I know this combination is rare. Compared to most INFPs, my Te is very developed. I am opinionated, stubborn, impatient, and I like to take the initiative to fix things. As I said above, I am also a perfectionist. However, I am an idealist and a lazy butt at heart. People who know me often call me "obsessed" and "caring too much about unimportant things".

✍️ I like writing since it's the best way for me, as an introvert, to express my opinions (which I call "word-vomit").

🤫 I fangirl in secret. I don't participate in fandom discussions these days, but I am still very passionate about my favourite works deep down.

🎮 Some of my all-time favourite games:
- 真・三國無双2 & 3 / Dynasty Warriors 3 & 4
- 戦国無双1 / Samurai Warriors 1
- Silent Hill 2
- 零 / Fatal Frame trilogy
- 大神 / Okami
- Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2
- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
- Assassin's Creed 2
- Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere
- Ridge Racer Type 4
- Mabinogi G1-3

👀 VN:
- Fate/stay night
- 月姫
- あやかしびと
- つよきす
- 逆転裁判 / Ace Attorney trilogy

自己紹介 🇯🇵
YT / Letterboxd [letterboxd.com]


Review Showcase
83 Hours played
Everyone who knows me will know that I despise most open-world games for both narrative and gameplay reasons - they are often open-world for no reason at all other than to artificially prolong a player's playtime with the dreadful "collectibles" (ugh).

How do you make a good open-world game then? Look no further than Subnautica. I like the fact that you are never explicitly told by the game to "go here, do this" to fulfil quest objectives unlike most open-world games. It just drops hints here and there and it's up to you to follow up on the main story. You are also subtly discouraged from staying in the same area due to the need to scavenge for food and resources, forcing you to explore. Despite being open-world and never having a hard limit to areas, the game cleverly blocks off access to those areas in the early stage by requiring you to craft items first. There is no hard boundary of the map either - the spooky atmosphere at the soft boundary of the map is enough to force you to return. Every little detail in the game design is so subtle and well thought out.

In any game, film and book, the first thing I look for is atmosphere. I cannot praise the atmosphere in this game enough. On an alien planet without a map, every step you take is full of danger. The feeling of isolation, powerlessness and fear of the unknown, make this game the scariest game that's not actually designed to be a horror game.

I have high standards and this is one of the few games that I am hard-pressed to find faults in... That tells you enough about it. 10/10
Awards Showcase
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Recent Activity
83 hrs on record
last played on 7 Mar
118 hrs on record
last played on 6 Mar
0.5 hrs on record
last played on 22 Feb
MouseWithBeer 22 Feb @ 3:38am 
Thank you! I hope you are finding them useful! :2017catheart:
Kasumi 18 Feb @ 11:56pm 
The bestest person <3
ᓚᘏᗢ 17 Feb @ 3:43am 
Heya! Love your profile :conhappy: *polite bow from one completionist to another*
The Crusading Burner 10 Feb @ 1:39am 
Nice to meet you Karas!~:KnightBeer: Cool reviews you got there :campfireTLD:
' Æsir 9 Feb @ 7:09pm 
Hey mate, thank you for adding! Welcome! And thanks for reading my two cents
Raye Skylark 26 Dec, 2024 @ 4:55am 
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying the holidays. ^^ :kb2_heart: