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The mallard or wild duck (Anas platyrhynchos) is a dabbling duck that breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Eurasia, and North Africa, and has been introduced to New Zealand, Australia, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Falkland Islands, and South Africa. This duck belongs to the subfamily Anatinae of the waterfowl family Anatidae. The male birds (drakes) have a glossy green head and are grey on their wings and belly, while the females (hens or ducks) have mainly brown-speckled plumage. Both sexes have an area of white-bordered black or iridescent blue feathers called a speculum on their wings; males especially tend to have blue speculum feathers. The mallard is 50–65 cm (20–26 in) long, of which the body makes up around two-thirds the length. The wingspan is 81–98 cm (32–39 in) and the bill is 4.4 to 6.1 cm (1.7 to 2.4 in) long. It is often slightly heavier than most other dabbling ducks, weighing 0.7–1.6 kg (1.5–3.5 lb). Mallards live in wetlands, eat water plants and small animals, and are social animals preferring to congregate in groups or flocks of varying sizes. This species is the main ancestor of most breeds of domestic ducks.

The female lays eight to 13 creamy white to greenish-buff spotless eggs, on alternate days. Incubation takes 27 to 28 days and fledging takes 50 to 60 days. The ducklings are precocial and fully capable of swimming as soon as they hatch.

The mallard is considered to be a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Unlike many waterfowl, mallards are considered an invasive species in some regions. It is a very adaptable species, being able to live and even thrive in urban areas which may have supported more localised, sensitive species of waterfowl before development. The non-migratory mallard interbreeds with indigenous wild ducks of closely related species through genetic pollution by producing fertile offspring. Complete hybridisation of various species of wild duck gene pools could result in the extinction of many indigenous waterfowl. The wild mallard is the ancestor of most domestic ducks, and its naturally evolved wild gene pool gets genetically polluted by the domestic and feral mallard populations.
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-gxg 3 Feb, 2024 @ 12:11pm 
+rep ii o rata fericita
Giovanni 28 Jan, 2023 @ 1:05pm 
+rep Gheboasa Cacacioasa
FUNGYY 7 Jan, 2023 @ 12:07pm 
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du-te lucra nu te mint 12 Mar, 2022 @ 6:41am 
+rep kinda good at cs but noob at league
Mak3r 22 May, 2021 @ 12:59am 
Imi place foarte mult profilul tau, dar pentru inceput vreau sa-ti prezint o reteta de gogosi.Ingredientele: 500 g faina, 50 g faina pentru a infaina mainile si planseta, 4 linguri zahar, 3 oua, 200 ml lapte caldut, 25 g drojdie proaspata ( sau un plic drojdie uscata), esenta de vanilat, esenta de portocala, un praf de sare, coaja rasa de portocala, gem si crema de ciocolata pentru umplut. Mod de preparare: La inceput se face maiaua din putin lapte caldut, o lingurita de zahar si drojdia. Se pun toate intr-un castronel langa o sursa de caldura pana cand se umfla. Se bat bine cu mixerul ouale se adaugam zaharul, sarea, esenta de vanilie si esenta de portocale, coaja rasa de portocala. Faina se cerne intr-un castron mai mare si cand drojdia s-a umflat se pune in faina, adaugandu-se apoi amestecul de oua. Se amesteca toate ingredientele la inceput cu lingura, se adauga treptat cate putin lapte caldut pana cand rezulta un aluat eleastic, framantat pe planseta cu mana infainata.
VoidableHydra93 7 May, 2021 @ 5:41am 

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