Robert Kalweit   Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Have a look at my blog for (mainly Civilization 4 & 5) Steam Achievement guides on http://www.kalle-online.net/blog or my profile on https://completionist.me/steam/profile/76561198029608584 .

I'm not a pro in a specific genre. I rather play the best of each genre and enjoy the variety. So while I'm addicted to :CapitalDome: Civilization :Citadel: from the very beginning, I also played a lot of <Call of Duty> and <World of Warcraft>.

Back in the 90s my gaming "career" started with Point-and-Click Adventures like Monkey Island. The likes of :zzod: ("Uuuuuh" :zgrunt:) got me into RTS games. "The Incredible Machine" found a worthy heir in :toolmantim: Contraption Maker on Steam. Also :AOEKnight: Age of Empires :wololo: was a childhood companion, just as other legendary RTS games :Tiberium: have been.

*sigh* Oh yes... The good old days :steamhappy:
Currently Offline
102 Perfect Games
99. Into the Breach :largegoo: :frozenmech: :thegrid:
100. We Were Here Too
101. Age of History II
102. We Were Here

84. Egg :steamsad:
85. It Takes Two :may: :hakimheart: :cody: :wasp1:
86. Martian Law :steamsad: :steamsad:
87. Tile Cities :steamsad:
88. ConflictCraft :elitetank: :elitebarrel: :elitetuck: :elitejet:
89. There is no game: Jam Edition 2015 :steamhappy:
90. Swarm Arena :steamsad: :steamhappy:
91. Control Craft 2 :HappyTrooper: :AlienEye: :PlanetX: :HeadShotTrooper: :TrooperDown:
92. Operation Tango :TangoCrying: :TangoShocking: :TangoLOL:
93. Beltex :steamhappy:
94. Portal 2 :p2chell: :p2orange: :p2blue: :p2aperture:
95. Cross Set :steamhappy:
96. Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power :rarebutterfly: :zoya2: :cutesheep: :amadeus2:
97. Tiny Civilization :steamhappy:
98. We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip :mateyguide: :medievaldolphin: :mateytrust:

68. Stacklands :sl_rabbit: :sl_carrot: :sl_poop:
69. Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead :the_trident: :sheriffs_star:
70. Trine 2[/url] :butterfly: :wizard: :thief: :knight: :goblin:
71. Mini Pipes - A Logic Puzzle Pipes Game :steamhappy:
72. Life is Strange :LIS_butterfly: :LIS_star: :LIS_PolaPhoto: :LIS_PostCard:
73. Island Cities - Jigsaw Puzzle :steamsad:
74. Hexxon :steamhappy:
75. Radiis :BlueTown: :GrayTower: :GreenWarship:
76. Dolmenjord - Viking Islands :steamhappy:
77. Newton Going Home :steamhappy:
78. Ancient Planet :run_jimmy: :hamalian_armor: :energy_freeze:
79. Mars Power Industries Deluxe :strawberryPixel: :oilOn: :electricityOn: :bubbleSmile:
80. Blast-off :bosad: :bofury: :bofear: :bopuke: :bosmile:
81. Railway Islands - Puzzle :steamhappy:
82. Zup! XS :mon: :h_d: :us_b: :ssd:
83. Zen Chess: Mate in One :steamhappy:

60. Knight's Retreat :steamhappy:
61. A Way Out :awohabschaiki: :awoguardtower: :awogoldengun:
62. Islanders :expedition: :citycenter: :statue_islanders:
63. Mini Metro :passenger: :carriage:
64. Dorfromantik :Dorf_Tree: :Dorf_House: :Dorf_Trainstation: :Dorf_Field:
65. 80's OVERDRIVE :steamhappy:
66. Sky Force Anniversary :bomb2: :skull2: :heart2: :flag2:
67. Kingdom Rush :krstar: :krskull: :krsheep:

52. Zup! X :Man_Z: :Woman_Z: :RocketZ: :CheckZ:
53. Hexologic :HexoDot1: :HexoDisgust: :HexoDot2: :HexoHappy:
54. Factory Town :ft_cheese: :ft_huh: :ft_aha: :ft_star: :ft_chicken:
55. Sport Girls :steammocking:
56. Brain Break :steamhappy:
57. Neon Girls :steamhappy:
58. Keyboard Killers :steamsad:
59. Lineway :transform_orange: :direction_line: :transform_green:

30. Paper Train Traffic :papertrain: :papersmoke: :paperrail:
31. Deponia :rufussmile: :rufusscared: :rufusjoking:
32. Ironclad Tactics :surprisemaxwell: :dmitry: :dalhousie: :puzzlemaxwell:
33. Driftland The Magic Revival :Diamond_big: :Dwarf_Ham: :Wild_Elf_Pumpkin: :Human_Bread: :Human_Lion:
34. Merry Glade :steamsad: :steammocking:
35. LYNE :lyneleap: :lyneknot: :lynehalt:
36. Lovers Smiles :steamhappy: :steamsad:
37. Barro :bar_wheel: :bar_van: :bar_oldcar: :bar_truck:
38. RUNNING WITH RIFLES :rwromg: :rwrsoldier: :rwrcommander: :rwrc4:
39. Zup F :abz3: :abz4: :ncirclez: :ocubez: :orhombuz:
40. Zup 9 :hatz: :nyt: :santazhat: :mitten: :zock:
41. 12 is Better Than 6 :mexicanmoney: :gringoskull: :crazyrat: :bullskull:
42. Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth :AffinityHarmony: :AffinitySupremacy: :AffinityPurity: :Polystralia:
43. Zup! S :StarzS: :rightZ: :ExpZ:
44. Gravity Wars :steamhappy:
45. Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection :Havoc: :Tanya: :Tiberium: :Volkov: :KaneLives:
46. Pirate Girls :steammocking:
47. Day of the Tentacle Remastered :chattering: :hams: :dentures:
48. Card Hog :chslime: :chghost: :chrip:
49. Last Resort Island :steamhappy:
50. Knight Swap :steamhappy:
51. Catan Universe :cubrock: :cupaper: :culumber: :cugrain: :cuwool:

24. Fist of Awesome :steamhappy: :steammocking:
25. Trüberbrook :TruberWhistle: :TruberRod: :TruberFox:
26. Eventide: Slavic Fable :eve_mary: :eve_lilacus: :eve_boruta: :eve_tubber:
27. Armored Kitten :akrocket: :akpaws: :akammo:
28. Poly Bridge :polybridgesurfervan: :polybridgecar: :polybridgestationwagon:
29. Tales from the Borderlands :cozyspaceengineersa: :cozyroe: :2019smile:

21. Sid Meier's Civilization V :CapitalDome: :Citadel: :Diplomat: :SocialPolicy: :Uranium:
22. Plants vs. Zombies GOTYEdition :steamhappy:
23. Epistory - Typing Chronicles :epifox: :epiparty: :epifear: :epiangel: :epiwink:

17. Torchlight :embermage: :berserker: :tl2engineer: :2016butterfly:
18. Free to Play :steamhappy: (not actually a game though)
19. SpaceChem :carbon: :helium: :hydrogen: :elementomega: :elementsigma:
20. Zup 2 :p_heart: :b_ball: :g_heart: :w_heart:

04. Contraption Maker :toolmantim:
05. Monkey Island™ 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge™ :DLskull:
06. The Walking Dead :Lee: :Carley: :Doug:
07. Sid Meier's Ace Patrol :SidMeiersAcePatrolMissionLeader: :SidMeiersAcePatrolFighter: :SidMeiersAcePatrolSquadLeader: :SidMeiersAcePatrolCaptain: :SidMeiersAcePatrolAce:
08. The Walking Dead: Season 2 :Clementine: :Kenny:
09. Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies :PacificSkiesCaptain: :PacificSkiesMissionLeader:
10. Sid Meier's Starships :ahomeplanet: :transpoship: :burntworld: :maraudskull:
11. Morphopolis :stage1caterpillar: :grasshopperinsect:
12. The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
13. Age of Empires II HD :treb: :AOEKnight: :wololo: (not officially perfect, due to pre-order achievement)
14. KNIGHTS :knt_pawn: :knt_bishop: :knt_rook: :knt_king: :knt_yellow:
15. Iron Snout :lunar2019crylaughingpig: :lunar2019deadpanpig: :lunar2019madpig: :lunar2019piginablanket:
16. Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition :AOEKnight:

01. Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series :AOEShield: :crow:
02. Magic 2014 — Duels of the Planeswalkers :white: :blue: :black: :red: :
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
The best game ever made!

Civilization has been around since I can think (I dare say that start in the late 80ies). Since about 1990 I played Civ 1, Civ 2, Civ 3 and for years I played Civilization 4 and thought it could not get better! But it did!

Civilization 5 takes it to a new level! Everything has so much more meaning, is simpler or just makes more fun! Let me give you some examples:

Combat system
In every part of Civ before this was determined by how many units can you possibly stack on one field, march through enemy territory and wreak havoc. Now in Civ 5 tactics really matters! Move your units carefully, organize a retreat of heavily wounded veterans and bring fresh units to the front. Range units finally have a range! Terrain matters! I was sceptic playing a demo of Civ 5 some years back, but I'm converted!

Religion & Diplomacy
In Civ 4 religion was only about bringing in some extra cash once you built the holy shrine of that religion. Now it has meaning! You can customize your religion to match the victory you strive for. Heading for a military victory? Give your units a combat bonus near cities of your religion and prepare your conquest with missionaries. Going for culture? Pick a belief that grants you bonus culture from terrain around your cities! Great!

City states - first I thought what useless crap they were. Again I'm converted: A diplomatic victory is much fun and you can easily spoil other players bloodthirst with winning diplomatically before being conquered.

The modern age pendant to religion: Again you can decide between three different ways of winning and customize it to your needs. And it's all so easy!!! I have the feeling they ADDED MORE features to Civilization while at the same time making it MORE SIMPLE!

My god, scenarios! There's loads of them and the official ones provide an incredibly deep playing experience! Story, historical background, it's amazing! It even pushed me to publish strategy guides on my own blog! -- Edit: By now I have strategy guides out for most scenarios playing on Deity. Challenge accepted, challenge completed!

So if you're still not sure whether you should go for it - trust people who have more than 1,000h play time! Do it! Get it! Play it! Enjoy it! Have fun!
PS: Yes, it still has the "one more turn" factor - an absolute MUST for Steam Award Nomination in the category "Just 5 More Minutes”!!!
Screenshot Showcase
"Jäger des Verlorenen Schatzes" Achievement. Selbst nachgeholfen... Mehr demnächst auf meinem Blog.
Awards Showcase
Awards Received
Awards Given
Recent Activity
2.1 hrs on record
last played on 10 Mar
101 hrs on record
last played on 7 Mar
Hxgme 1 Feb @ 12:42pm 
배틀필드 전도사 11 Jun, 2024 @ 11:27pm 
Thanks for all the awesome guides on Civ V scenarios. I think those are the best I can find on the internet. Now I'm left with "Pax Romana" and "Scramble for Africa" achievements. Best guide ever!
lalaithan 28 Nov, 2023 @ 9:12am 
Thank you for all the good guides and advice over the years. Some of them I just used as a springboard and went my own way but that's the whole fun of it all. :steamhappy:
Charles Martel 21 Mar, 2023 @ 1:59am 
also come to warn you the site http://www.kalle-online.net/ dosn't show the image anymore for me , wich suck
Charles Martel 21 Mar, 2023 @ 1:45am 
added to talk about some scenario tricks, especially western rome deity (fall of rome), celt and england (ItR) and moroco from scramble for africa
I could also help you on some of it if you want
Aussiedroid 24 Dec, 2021 @ 8:01pm 
⠄⠄:starbig:⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⣀⡠⠤⢴⡴⣤⣀ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄:starbig:

:greenflare: :redflare: HAVE A GROOVY GROGU XMAS! :greenflare: