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69.3 hrs on record (52.0 hrs at review time)
I mostly played the Nebula Joy global version, but I did end up getting all the achievements for this version of the game too. I had some mixed feelings committing to this game for as long as I did, but I'm glad I got to experience what it had to offer. My favorite thing about this game was all the characters that were inserted into this game. Some characters got 3D models that were never given 3D models anytime before this game, so I am thankful for that.

Aside from that, the game itself was just kindof average. The story was okay, but it could have been better. We had all these characters, but the story mostly did nothing with them. The ending was kind of a train wreck tbh. I won't spoil here, but it just ended up leaving me confused and unsatisfied.

Everything is locked behind power and levels, so I have to waste time every day doing the same missions just to gain a minuscule amount of experience to eventually level up and unlock more things. I still haven't reached max level on my global account even though I played the game every day since its release. Whaling wouldn't get you to max level faster either. Not really necessary anyways, since you will basically have all the core stuff unlocked by the time you reach level 50.

As far as PVP goes. The co-op mode play is fine, but the duel mode just plain sucks. If you aren't keeping up meta and don't have all the cheese strategies figured out, you are going to be destroyed within a minute of play. The duels were tolerable on release, but it ended up being such a drag that I just don't bother with the mode anymore.

Speaking of meta, good luck getting getting the characters and weapons you want with a less than 1% chance of getting them on any of the banners. The pity threshold is so high that you basically have to save several months worth of the premium currency just to even reach the pity! It is tolerable now that you can directly buy some of the characters and weapons with the premium currency, at least for this version of the game. BUT, this version of the game is still not generous enough to even give you enough resources right off the bat to give you the best build you can get at the beginning of the game!

I did build and lead a S ranked guild for this game, but I always have people that did not want to commit to anything in the guild despite me making it clear to them that they can't stay if they don't do anything. The guild missed out on getting within top 10 for guild raids on multiple occasions just because there was just enough people that decided that they rather sit and do nothing than help clutch out the win.

Not that the rewards for being top rank were really that good anyways. Some events require the player to spend their premium currency just to even keep playing the event. By the time you reach one of the top ranks, you already spent hundreds of your premium currency on the event that could have been spent getting new characters and weapons instead. While you do get a title for making it that high, more likely than not you will likely not get any of these high ranking titles. The menu where you can view those titles will be glad to remind you that you didn't get them despite a majority of them being literally impossible to get.

As far as playing levels in general, it is mostly getting from start to finish while fighting squads of enemies in between. The game will often force you to fight enemies in confined arenas before letting you continue the rest of the level. In later levels, the game has no problem wanting to slow you down as much as it can stun locking me to oblivion. In very specific cases, I had to reset the level, because the enemies manage to stun me in place that I just could not do anything at all. The bosses often have multiple life bars, so you may spend a lot of time just dwindling those life bars down just to beat the bosses. Worse if those bosses have long invincibility times that you are forced to wait through. I had a few occasions in one of the modes where the boss had like around 400 life bars.

Despite all those problems, I did not have issue playing with any of these characters. While each character mostly moved the same way as I would expect from a MMX game, their attacks and abilities can be remarkably impressive to use and look at. I can literally nuke the whole screen with a single explosion or break the fabric of space with a swing of the blade for certain characters. Even the tiny B ranked Servbot is fun to use, since some enemies can't even fire their projectiles that low.

Overall, would I recommend this game? At this point, yes since you can now buy the character you want to try with the premium currency. But, don't feel the need to commit to this game every day once you tire of the repetitiveness. This version of the game is going to shut down anyways, and this game wants all your time if you do commit. Save your commitment for the Offline version if you really want to experience all that X Dive has to offer.

Posted 3 August, 2023.
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705.1 hrs on record (308.2 hrs at review time)
I entered this game after playing Master Duel not really liking this game initially. The grinding for things is a drag, I have to rely on rng to get the cards I want, and unlocking specific things take forever in this game....However, the moment I was able to have a functioning pvp deck, the game suddenly got really fun!

This game caters to the nostalgia of the people who are familiar with any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and anime. Each character in this game comes with their own set of skills and voice lines that are mostly reminiscent to their source material. For example, I was able to clutch a victory with Yami Yugi using Miracle Draw to draw the one card I needed to win the whole duel. I even got to feel like a dirty cheater stealing my opponent's card with Bandit Keith's Bandit skill. I ran a Solfachord deck, so Yuya's United Pendulums skill is perfect with flooding the field with my monsters.

If you are very familiar with any of the characters in this game, I recommend giving this game a shot! Due to the nature of this game, you will be spoiled if you have not kept up with all of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime stories. Otherwise, the duel gameplay is pretty solid overall!
Posted 3 August, 2023.
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79.6 hrs on record (49.6 hrs at review time)
I have not played any form of Yu-Gi-Oh! since Spirit Caller for the DS. I entered this game knowing nothing about Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, and Link summoning. One week later, I reached Platinum rank with an OTK Numeron deck and got every single achievement for this game! This one game revitalized my interest in the franchise once again!
Posted 3 August, 2023.
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3.7 hrs on record
I won't sugar coat this. This game looks like garbage and plays like garbage too. That said, it matches pretty closely to the original Mega Man 2 game. It is basically everything Mega Man 2, but all the awful things are multiplied times infinity.


Do I really need to explain this? I'll admit though that the enemies and robot masters do look funny. Meegah Mem's arm looks like it broke itself from shooting those peas out of it so many times.

Music & Sound

The music is basically played like it came from a kazoo. Not bad to be honest, but gets more annoying to hear every time I die. The sound effects sound like the person just mouth the effect. The sounds and songs completely match the sounds from Mega Man 2. Overall, it is as you expect from this game.


It took me three to four hours to beat this my first time, and that is with mistakes and a complete run restart. I bet it can probably be done in an hour with enough practice. I wouldn't play it more than once though. It might even possibly be shorter than the original Mega Man 2 as there are sections cut out in this.


Oh boy! There is so much to say about this. The positives are that you can save after every Robot Master beaten, and there is a neat trick with Item 1 where you can clip upward through floors to save time. Pausing might also allow you to dodge projectiles too if you are quick enough. All items respawn after death, so you can grind for E tanks as much as you want. The E tank counter can go up to at least ten in this. PinkKittyRose is also acknowledged in the credits too as a bonus.

However, this game is mostly garbage though.

First off, all the cutscenes can't be skipped. So, you have to sit there waiting for the opening to pass before you can even start he game. The weapons menu puts your cursor at the E tank selection, so you might accidentally use an E tank trying to get a weapon. Bubble Lead feels slower and floaty, so you can't use it to find invisible floors. Crash Bomber is just slow overall. Atomic Fire just plain sucks. Leaf Shield can be kept on you as you move, but you lose it if an enemy hits you. Metal Blade also can't kill Tellies.

Items are useful, but you will have to wait for them to exit if you want to access the weapon menu again. Certain enemies and sections don't seem to exist in this game. It is also a glitchy mess that might kill or softlock you at times.

Metal Man

The presses are really hard to see. The gears of the Pierobot float and go towards your direction, and they may continuously spawn forever. Metal Man also doesn't die fast with the Metal Blades.

Air Man

This level is relatively easy. The cloud traversing section is gone.

Bubble Man

This level is true hell underwater. Holding down the jump button will make you jump really high underwater. However, it also makes it easy to get hit by spikes. The Anko midboss is not too bad with Metal Blade, but you will have to watch out when you jump.

The biggest issue is traversing the spike section. M-445 enemies may occasionally home in on you, and they tend to stick on your body making them hard to damage them. For some reason, there is a pillar of spikes that must be hopped over with spikes above you. I could not cross this part, and I had to get Item 1 from Heat Man to even get through this. You also don't get invincibility from spikes when you get get hit from an enemy (like Mega Man 1), So, the M-445s near that part will likely kill you if they decide to home in on you.

After that part, the level is straightforward. DuClaws (crab enemies) can be runned passed without issue. Bubble Man is simple enough with Metal Blade.

Quick Man

This level is also hell without the Time Stopper. The lasers will either move remarkably fast or slow enough to pass through. The laser at the left side towards the top will kill you no matter what. The Changkey Maker (fire enemies) section is gone. Springers will kill you if you happen to get hit by them. You can grind for lives and E tanks here, so it is not so bad.

Crash Man

The level cut out the conveyors. Pipis will hit you no matter what as you climb. Crash Man has the most pathetic aim in this level.

Flash Man

For whatever reason, some platforms just can't seem to be reached just by jumping. Sniper Armors seem to float like balloons, and they will even keep moving even if you pause. Flash Man himself isn't too hard to hop over, but pausing might glitch his fight.

Heat Man

Fly Toys seems to spawn fast and infinitely. Tellys barrage your way and respawn as soon as one is killed. The Yoku Block section is actually pretty tolerable, but you can get stuck in the blocks. Pausing while hopping over these blocks will not pause them. Item 2 does not seem to be able to get you across fully. Heat Man is pathetic, and you can camp in the corners to kill him.

Wood Man

Somehow, I glitched to the left of the wall at the first Friender midboss forcing me to reset the game. Battons will stick to you like leeches. Kukkus have an impossible to determine pattern that will guarantee you get hit no matter what .Monkings seem to be absent. There is only one Friender midboss, but it is a bullet sponge. Robbit enemies are also bullet sponges that block your way. Wood Man feels impossible to dodge, and Atomic Fire seems to not do anything against him.

Wily Castle 1

I want to make it clear that you can't save after this point. So, if you want to quit tough luck. Sniper Joes are bullet sponges, but not too difficult. Climbing up is not so bad, but the ladder with the second Sniper Joe seems wonky.However, the Mecha Dragon chase can be annoying. You have to make tight jumps while moving away from the Dragon. However, there is a checkpoint right before this, and you can use Items to make this part easier. Mecha Dragon seems unfazed by anything other than the Mega Buster, but he is easy to deal with.

Wily Castle 2

Fly Boys will respawn as soon as you select Item 2, so you will likely get hit. The 2nd ladder might glitch out forcing you to fall into the spikes. Since Moles are absent, you can'r restore your weapon energy. So, if you run out of Item energy, then you might as well have the Press kill you. Picopico-kuns take ages to attach themselves, and you are likely to get hit by them many times as they connect.

Wily Castle 3

The best place to get more E tanks. Fortunately, the water here is not as much of a hinderance, but for some reason, you can't get passed the last pit without Items. Then, there is the hell that is the spike fall where you will mostly likely touch the spikes many times before you get through. Guts Tank will only get damaged if he opens his mouth.

Wily Castle 4

The invisible pits are present, and you can't use Bubble Lead to find the false floors. The conveyors are fortunately cut from this level. The Boobeam Trap requires the use of all Crash Bombs plus that one weapon energy. You will have to use Item 1 if you want to have enough Crash Bombs as that bottom set of walls are a trap. Throughout the process, you will most likely get hurt. If you don't have full Crash Bomber energy, you are basically out of luck. The walls also respawn too.

Wily Castle 5 and 6

Typical, but I did get softlocked by Flash Man when I paused forcing me to redo the past levels. If a health spawns over the returning teleporter, you can't heal yourself after the fight. You get two E tanks as a reward, and Wily is not too bad. The Alien's body hits hard, but it seemed easier than the original. However, you can still die by the Alien even if you deplete all his health forcing you to redo the fight again!

Overall, just don't bother with this game okay. Go buy Legacy Collection instead. This game emphasizes the worst that Mega Man 2 offers. I will simply applaud the developer for spending the time to make this all on his own. I would say more, but I literally reached my word limit making this review haha! I'll probably upload a playthrough video later.
Posted 12 August, 2019. Last edited 13 August, 2019.
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