Martin (aka Mart)
Pablo   Conroe, Texas, United States
Ok:ok::ok:, :arrow_up:️this:arrow_up:️ is :x:ABSOLUTE:x: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:weary: :poop:♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:poop:. I went to :eyes:see:hear_no_evil::see_no_evil: Cars:blue_car::red_car::taxi::police_car: in the :performing_arts:theater:ticket::ticket: yesterday:calendar:, and when :zap::zap:Lightning:zap::zap: McQueen got:ideograph_advantage: HOT with Sally in Radiator Springs, my :meat_on_bone:boner:meat_on_bone: engaged. When Lightning McQueen:bride_with_veil::bride_with_veil: :speaking_head:said:speaking_head::loud_sound: "Ka-Chow:boom::dizzy:!", I couldn't help:sos: it:flag_it:!!! I closed:closed_book: my :rolling_eyes:eyes:rolling_eyes:, and I :fearful:TORE my :eggplant:♥♥♥♥:eggplant: to shreds:scream:, using whip :revolving_hearts:like:revolving_hearts: motions:point_right::fist::fist: and pulled with :muscle::muscle:great force:muscle::muscle:. That was one:one: of the :ok:best:ok: nuts :nut_and_bolt::nut_and_bolt: I ever had:u6709:, just :thinking::thinking:thinking:thought_balloon: about it:flag_it: now :ideograph_advantage:gets:ideograph_advantage: me riled :point_up:️up:point_up:️. Thing is, I :nut_and_bolt:nutted:nut_and_bolt::weary: all over the kid:baby::boy: sitting :seat::seat: :arrow_forward:️right:arrow_forward:️:arrow_forward:️ next:arrow_right:️ to me, and his :no_good::no_good:mom:family: got:ideograph_advantage: all pissed:toilet: at me, :scream:screaming:scream: at me for :point_right::fist::weary:jacking:jack_o_lantern: off:mobile_phone_off: on:on: her son:boy::boy:. I :speaking_head:told:speaking_head: that ♥♥♥♥♥:dancers::dancers: to shut:zipper_mouth: the:zipper_mouth: ♥♥♥♥:zipper_mouth: up:point_up:️, and that :sweat_drops::sweat_drops:jacking:jack_o_lantern: off:mobile_phone_off: is a:a:️ :bouquet::cherry_blossom:natural:deciduous_tree::fallen_leaf:, artistic:paintbrush::paintbrush:, and beautiful:sparkles::sparkles: process. You should :smile:BE:smile:HAPPY:smile: that my semen:sweat_drops: is all over your son:boy:, maybe he can learn:school::school: a:a:️ lesson:books::closed_book: or two:v:️ about the culture and art:art: of jacking:jack_o_lantern: :mobile_phone_off:off:mobile_phone_off:. HOWEVER, the :movie_camera:movie:video_camera::clapper: theater:performing_arts::performing_arts: managers:older_man: :x:didn't:x: agree:ok: with me. They :boot:KICKED:boot: ME OUT of the :movie_camera:movie:clapper: theater :performing_arts:, and I :x:didn't:x: even:night_with_stars: finish:end::end: :eyes:watching:eyes: the Cars:blue_car::red_car::taxi::police_car: movie:cinema:. Not only THAT, but they made me :ocean::shower:clean:bathtub: up:up: my :sweat_drops:semen:sweat_drops::sweat_drops: after it:flag_it: already dried out and solidified on:on: the :seat:seats:seat:. THATS :scream:TORTURE:scream:!! Do you :thinking:know:thinking: :question:how hard:question: it:flag_it: is to :shower:clean:shower::shower: semen:sweat_drops: after:end: its:flag_it::flag_it: dried out? You :bathtub:CLEAN:bathtub: :droplet:semen:droplet::umbrella:️ :end:after its:flag_it: :cucumber::potato:FRESH:sweet_potato::eggplant::tomato: out of your :eggplant:♥♥♥♥:eggplant:, not an :clock130:hour:clock430: after you :weary:♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:droplet:nutted:weary:. This is :a:️a:a:️ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:weary: OUTRAGE:rage::triumph::triumph:. Do you really expect me to not whip out my ♥♥♥♥:eggplant: and jack:jack_o_lantern: off:mobile_phone_off::mobile_phone_off: when :information_source:️i:information_source:️ see :eyes: a :a:️ HOT:fire::fire::fire_engine: sex:eggplant::peach: scene:video_camera::clapper: in :a:️a:a:️ movie:cinema:? Either :x:don't:x: ban:raised_hand: sex:eggplant::peach: scenes:clapper: in :movie_camera:movies:cinema:, or LET ME :jack_o_lantern:jack:jack_o_lantern: off:mobile_phone_off: in your :performing_arts:theater:performing_arts:, :hole::hole:♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:peach:.
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Ishnzel 12 Jun @ 11:32am 
Wooded 29 May @ 9:29pm 
This profile offends me as a vegan transgender hipster Native-American-Indo-Chinese-filipino-mexican hybrid alien agnostic-atheist German engineer who vapes fairtrade organic decaffeinated compressed and hydrated extra-protein soy breast milk on the regular and does Hindi Kama Sutra porn naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week. Im also a nonbinary trigender genderqueer male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian pansexual genderfluid Apache helicopter dog with cat Pu$$y of mega multi alpha beta gamma delta omega combo god of hyper sonic death whos in a polygamous polyamorous relationship to the chihuahua which helped me cross the border of Mexico because it hates Donald Trump. My dog also walks me to the park and doggy styles me,assuming globaphobic bloodthirsty gun-loving cisgender pansexual bestial sexist racist incestuous white-previlege misogynistic biased objectified Peni$ privileged Nazi slave owner terrorist lesbian
T☈IPPY 9 May @ 10:40pm 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
Goob 18 Feb, 2017 @ 9:50am 
hes my fellow ♥♥♥♥♥♥ buddy i love my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ buddy's
Perpetual Failure 23 Jul, 2016 @ 11:10am 
♥♥♥ this is the windmill of friendship ♥♥♥
Perpetual Failure 19 Jun, 2016 @ 10:37am 