J.S.T.- Luigi
Jarrett Stanley Tovar :)   Rancho Cordova, California, United States
Hashtag - Mr. Jeff Curtis Vane
One person can make a difference in the world, stand up for the innocent, protect the ones you love, you care about, being a good example is most important. Never let evil prevail, justice must overcome the chaos in the world, help others up that are down, individually by ourselves we are helpless and weak, but united in mass numbers we are strong and unbreakable. United we stand, divided we fall.

When I can't make a decision on Something:

Some things I'll tell you about me:

- Okay well first off, here's my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jarrett.tovar_the.scrawny.guy/

- School I graduated from was Bella Vista High-School in Sacramento CA. United States.

- Current School I go to is Folsom Lake College.

- I like military stuff & do Airsoft Wars. :P

- 27 yrs old but yet I have the strength of a 12 yr old. I like being weak don't judge me.

- I like people.......kind & nice ones anyway.

- My ancestors came from Spain & North-Western Europe.

- My most favorite Modern Assault rifle is the M-16.

- My graphics settings I set for playing source games:
Model Detail: - High
Texture Detail: - Medium
Shader Detail: - High
Water Detail: - Simple Reflections
Shadow Detail: - Medium
Color Correction: - Well that's optional
Antialising Mode: - None
Filtering Mode: - Bilinear
Motion Blur: - Disabled
Wait for Virtual Sync: - Disabled
Multicore Rendering: - Disabled
High Dynamic Range: - Disabled
Resolution: - 1024 x 768

- I have the strength of a 12 yr old.

- I was born July 7, 1997

- I am a easy going friendly person [spolier] most of the time...I try to be.....[/spoiler].

- My self-defense are my Airsoft Guns. ;P

- My most favorite game to play is Garry's Mod because you can do almost anything in it. :)

- I've been a member in the Steam Community since I was in 8-th Grade on the Thursday before Christmas. :)

- Food I like to eat..............uuuuh, I'll eat what ever looks good to me.

- I have the strength of a 12 yr old.

- Worst fear: dying slowly & painfully.

- I like to do Art.

- I have the strength of a 12 yr old.

- Gender: I'm a male........and I have the strength of a 12 yr old.

- I'm single...

- I like to dress as a U.S. Soldier when I go Airsofting.

- The one thing I would like to do is go to a UFC arena..............with one of my Airsoft Guns so I can Quickscope some people. ( Then get arrested. )

- I have the strength of a 12 yr old.

- 12 yr old.

- 12 yr old.

- 12 yr old.

- 12 yr old.

- 12 yr old.

- I have the strength of a 12 yr old; And I take great pride for that.

LOL I actually found out I'm weaker than that, I lost to my nephew's friend in an arm wrestle, she was 9 years old.


One More Thing:
If you screw up in something, just remember this:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Call of Duty: World at War
Console Commands:


D.o.W.-S. Ambiance: - https://youtu.be/-MwZxXwsSOs

Best freaking videos of Mario and Luigi: (YOU HAVE to WATCH them all the Way Through)
Part 1: https://youtu.be/SFBnhaXql24
Part 2: https://youtu.be/Is6taKZo010
Part 3: https://youtu.be/pYDSWEj3I7A

Meme Faces

Screenshot Showcase
J.S.T. - Luigi's Showcase Screenshot. Check out my screenshot gallery, & my Artwork Page too! I'm posting poses on there too! :D
5 8 2
Artwork Showcase
Duty Troops VS Diane Fierefiz
7 4 1
Recent Activity
Officer Recks 28 May, 2024 @ 2:09pm 
where do you go

are you still doing that thing the mod
PRSPLayer02 25 May, 2024 @ 12:46pm 
PRSPLayer02 25 May, 2024 @ 12:45pm 
PRSPLayer02 25 May, 2024 @ 12:45pm 
J.S.T.- Luigi 24 May, 2024 @ 4:19pm 
nah, we're Delta 4 Squadron is who we are lmao:airborne:
cali65816 24 May, 2024 @ 3:43pm 
who are you PRSP