21   China
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:steammocking: 和男生女生都恋爱过,可能是双性恋(
:steammocking: 混乱中立阵营,总体不算邪恶 :steammocking:
:steammocking: 日常生活就是涪陵榨菜,椰树椰汁,良品铺子(麻薯海带)还有传世经典 白象鸡汤面来回吃


:steamsalty: 书籍: 流萤集,橡皮,先知 ,边城,茶馆,推背图,九故事,挪威的森林,1984,君主论,欧·亨利选集,马克·吐温选集,约翰·克利斯朵夫,鬼谷子,北回归线,俗世奇人,一的法则,多情剑客无情剑,老人与海,人性的弱点,黄金时代,基督山伯爵,王尔德童话集,格林童话集,股票大作手回忆录,战胜华尔街
:steamsalty: 动画: 空之境界,新世纪福音战士,无限之住人重制版,天上天下,蜡笔小新,寄生兽,BLOOD-C,伪物语,xxxHOLiC,怪物,红 kure-nai,黑礁,游戏王1,死亡笔记,赌博默示录,一拳超人1,罗小黑战记,伍六七,寒蝉鸣泣之时解,哈尔的移动城堡,扰乱 THE PRINCESS OF SNOW AND BLOOD,伤追之人

:steambored: 电影: 撒旦探戈,东邪西毒,枪火,狗镇,教父1,十二怒汉,海上钢琴师,闪灵,切腹,处刑人1,爆裂鼓手,英雄本色1,第六感,沉默的羔羊,控方证人,这个杀手不太冷,低俗小说,黑客帝国1,摩登时代,恐怖直播,肖申克的救赎,情书,老男孩,暗花,黄海,PTU,花火,穆赫兰道,让子弹飞,功夫,罗生门,七武士,龙纹怪谈,红丝绸博徒
:steambored: 电视剧: 绝命毒师234,风骚律师1,诈欺游戏1,龙樱1,孤独的美食家1,半泽直树2,沉默的真相,勇者义彦与魔王城,大时代,天道,创世纪1,铁齿铜牙纪晓岚1,琅琊榜1,大明王朝1566,士兵突击,神探狄仁杰1,我的团长我的团

:steamthis: 游戏: 异域镇魂曲,辐射2,XCOM2,最后的神迹,杀戮尖塔,神之手(PS2上那个),暗黑地牢1,最终幻想8,太阁立志传5,生化奇兵无限,雷霆归来,晶体管,虚空之遗,母巢之战,魔法门之英雄交锋,武器店物语,VA-11 HALL-A,战国兰斯,赤痕:夜之仪式,半条命2+资料片,奇异人生1,传送门2,迈阿密热线2,Punch Club,Party Hard,死或生56,海岛大亨3456,悠久之翼,空轨SC,恋狱月狂病,11eyes: Resona Forma, Euphoria, Erewhon
:steamthis: 记录片: 舌尖上的中国1,寻味顺德,人生一串12


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IDKNGWUN 8 Jul @ 4:07pm 
one bad gloop and she do what i yoinky two big slurps and a spurlgy a big ahh gloopy three more yoinks then buy me a smoothie poured up a gloop thats a gloop and a spurlgy
IDKNGWUN 1 Jul @ 7:52pm 
Still think about you. May have never truly talked with each other in more than passing jokes, but one's past doesn't immediately vanish. Even one's footprint has a long tail, be it digital or physical. Reminded of the phenomenon of "ghost beds" in Japan, where a person's outline would remain permanently indented due to the many hours of a body laying on top of said mattress.

Your passing was like a wake up call. Even the online, internet addled makers and fans of the world wide web do not live in an isolated vacuum.
IDKNGWUN 30 Jun @ 2:41am 
we appoint you as ambassador in generation z
IDKNGWUN 26 Jun @ 2:28am 
You tried to trade me your Killing Gloves and May Flower Cosmetic Case for my Bigg mann. Do you think I will fall for that scam?
Daryl Dixon 24 Jun @ 6:56pm 
IDKNGWUN 23 Jun @ 1:53am 
I noticed that you are attempting to attack me regardless of the fact that I made no instigating gestures whatsoever.
There are only two possible explanations for this impulsive behavior: 1) You unwarrantedly took me as some sort of threat or challenge as a result of one of your primitive defense mechanisms kicking in because you mindlessly mistook me as some sort of opponent that you desperately feel the need to assert dominance over, or 2) You cannot stand the fact that someone like me exists in your petty little deluded realm of imaginary self confidence, and thus you want to try and feel superior to me in order to keep this delusion up.