2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 105.4 hrs on record (42.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 13 Dec, 2015 @ 6:38pm

I feel the need to clarify the "p2w" accusations being spread about Devilian.

It's not a "pay to win" game in the least. All shop items are either cosmetic, refinment items (which can be obtained and traded) or boosts. This is typical in a f2p as they must have some flow of income. All of them can be greatly ignored and handled in game.

You also receive [DEX] item which can be transfered and used in the money shop. Yes, this can be a grind, but again -- just because it's f2p doesn't mean they shouldn't be compensated for their game.

Is this game perfect? Far from it, but is easily the best ARPG MMO hybrid I have played to date. Aesthetic and art direction will not please all but compared to the competition this game pops.

Highly recommend and props to Trion for bringing over a solid MMO. I look forward to many hours enjoying this title.

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