the king of the melons
Hi, I've been in a lot of different places so I have no idea how you've ended up here.

Statistically you've probably clicked on-to my profile from a Gmod addon I made. If you have you should also check out Merekidor, Marum, and thecraftianman. They're all friends of mine who also create cool stuff for Gmod.

I only accept friend requests if I can figure out who you are. If we have no mutual friends/groups and I haven't either played with you or talked to you recently I'm probably going to decline. Otherwise feel free.
Vitrine du Workshop
dioxhunt 3 sept. à 12h08 
midwestern gendo 4 mai à 13h23 
wake up jonah we have to play fortnite
trice 1 avr. à 5h56 
Jelcome. Jelcome jo jity J7. Jou jave jhosen, jor jeen jhosen, jo jelocate jo jone jof jour jinest jemaining jurban jenters. J jhought jo juch jof Jity J7 jhat J jelected jo jestablish jy Jadministration jere, jin jhe Jitadel jo jhoughtfully jrovided jy Jour Jenefactors. J jave jeen jroud jo jall Jity J7 jy jome. Jand jo, jhether jou jare jere jo jtay, jor jassing jhrough jon jour jay jo jarts junknown, jelcome jo Jity J7. Jit's jafer jere.
Blue 23 mars à 5h51 
10/10 always sends me to my death like a good officer
JonahSoldier 6 mars à 15h27 
there ARE only 10 facts. You skipped 3 and 8
Faroé Griffin 6 mars à 15h25 
10 facts about you

1. You're reading my comment
2. You're realizing that's a stupid fact
4. You didn't notice I skipped three
5. You're checking now
6. You're smiling
7. You're still reading my comment
9. You didn't realize I skipped eight
10. You're checking again and smiling about how you fell for it again
11. You are enjoying this
12. You didn't realize there's only suppossed to be ten facts