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Yayınlanma: 28 Eyl 2021 @ 3:54
Güncellenme: 25 Şub 2023 @ 7:50

The single player is great, both story and gameplay wise. I loved following the characters’ arc and everything they went through (picked ending C obviously). In fact, I think this game is a great way, both as a piece of media and art, to create satire aimed to the world we live in. It's funny (and probably concerning) that some of the points this game makes are still relevant.

Now, as for the multiplayer:
GTA Online is one of the most unique experiences I’ve ever had. Despite the game's extra light security measures and the time consuming gameplay mechanics that may bore you, the game's charm can shine when you are doing a Job you enjoy (instead of doing it for money) or when you are goofing around with other players in Freemode.

My journey started when I decided to add a good amount of songs on the game, so that I can use Self Radio. Self Radio is basically the reason I started grinding in GTA, as well as the reason I don’t regret it. Needless to say, the real game starts when you become a CEO and/or an MC President. I reached the point where I now have a a big amount of businesses, as well as a bunch of cars of course.

The people I meet ranges from polite to toxic, just like the real world. A noteworthy negative is that the modders of GTA Online are here, on PC. However, that is just another reason as to why this game is so unique. Luckily for me (a solo player), switching sessions to avoid being a victim of modders was never an issue.

The Jobs (game modes) are hit or miss depending on what mode you decide to play. I have no problem playing races, even against people who ram others, because they woke up and chose violence. Co-operative missions though, are pain, because of the “Team lives” mechanic, which means that 1 guy can lead the entire team to a game over by dying enough times, so your enjoyment as a player can be negatively impacted from your team's performance, as well as distinctive roles for every member during a heist, which make almost all heists impossible to do without 1 or 3 friends (depending on which heist). It makes sense if you decide to play it with 3 friends, but that is a luxury many people (including me) don’t have.

Overall, GTA Online is probably the only game that made me feel happy to be a part of an open world. Other open world games are usually so open, it’s hard for me to find a purpose in the game (if it’s multiplayer) or it takes too long to get from one part of a story to another and it’s boring (if it’s single player).

P.S. I recommend changing the options as much as you can to protect your privacy.

Rockstar should (at least) add an anti-cheat and maybe dedicated servers in the game.

If you read this far, I'd like to take a moment to talk about my favourite job: Stunt races. Stunt races are races that usually happen in a flying track, usually with custom vehicles. This mode is probably why I love looking at super cars and sports cars in real life (not to a big extent, obviously). This mode is probably the definitive way to experience races in GTA, since it's probably the most easy one (& probably most populated). Part of it's charm is the variety of people you meet, and how they vary from peaceful to agressive, and even to outright trolls that stop just to block incoming racers. This is enhanced by GTA V's vehicle physics system, which are a perfect balance between an arcade racer and a realistic one. I can't stress enough about how the game is unique, just because of the vehicle physics, the race tracks, the cars available etc. which were all important to nail down, since there are only 2 ways of passing an opponent: you either have a faster car and use the slipstream or you ram him when you get the chance. With only these 2 ways of engagement and the game's physics, the perfect recipe is made. I sure know this, since I get on the edge of my seat every time I decide to sit down and race with other players. Needless to say, it's important that this game mode is populated, since this recipe can't be replicated in single player, for good or ill.
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