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기록상 958.6시간 (평가 당시 847.6시간)
If your not already sunk into this game, stay away... This game is addicting as hell, at it's core it's a great game but not for casual players. Definitely don't recommend this game to anyone new to it. You need to look up guides for so much of the content. Very often the game only provides a small text clue of what to do in the corner of your screen while in the middle of intense battle. You have to do hours of research to figure out what are the best builds and weapons as they are always tweaking the sandbox and changing the meta. You have to do tons of research of you want to know what is going on in the story. This game takes as much commitment as a full time job and you have to pay them $50 a year and $10 a season to essentially keep playing it. I got out of it but the new DLC sucked me back in.

I'd only recommend this game if you enjoy spending all your free time on youtube trying to figure this game, instead of actually playing the game.

Additionally, talking to other players about this game is like talking a forging language when they start talking about their gear/loadout, like an obnoxious episode of Big Bang Theory
2023년 3월 11일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 3월 16일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 26.3시간 (평가 당시 15.8시간)
It's hard to recommend this game because it seems like they rushed the port out just to make sure it was out in November so they could move the most units.

Played the game on “Amazing” difficulty, after getting the hang of venom powers it became very easy. The only part I found difficult was during the last boss fight where the mechanics get a little outrageous for a stage… The turrets that turn into bolas if you get too close, while slow homing rockets are coming at you. IDK if I was supposed to but I just started ignoring them then would venom charge, dodge bs, then attack.

• Story is told very well, like the first.
• Only 2 types of currency, the first had like 8 types of tokens for unlocking skills/suits/gadgets.
• Miles can be a little whiney but isn’t as cringy as Peter was in the last one.
• Peter is way more chill in this game than the first.

• Port seems rushed, issues with basic game features (detailed lower)
• Select button to get to inventory screen works intermittently.
• Game intermittently becomes unresponsive to input while on the inventory screen.
• Dodging seems inconsistent at times; enemies and projectiles can still track you through dodges.
• Glitchy auto aim, locks on to random objects when trying to manually aim at a wall or ceiling.
• Random crimes are always going off, you’ll likely start ignoring them, some are 10 seconds some are super involved.
• There seems to be a point mid game where Miles forgets his swinging skills and starts clumsily swinging like in the beginning of the game, then a few missions later again its back to normal.
• Story is easy to predict, easy to predict who is going to cross you.
• Crimes will happen where challenge terminals are located, due to some of the mechanics in the crime (like destroying transmitters), you may accidentally initiate the challenge, which abandons the crime

Venom is OP once you learn to use it, at first it was cool just wreaking but eventually it was just too easy. Dodge, Charge, Attack.
If you loved the first one, you would enjoy this one too. If you haven’t played either, play the first one.
2023년 2월 23일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 3월 3일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 67.8시간 (평가 당시 34.3시간)
Base game is great but lets talk about the Taskmaster's challenges for a moment - all score heavily based on time.

Drone: Gave up going for 3 tokens on all of these... Trying to move this precisely in this game feels impossible, every run feels like your fighting the game to go where you are trying to go.
Every couple of runs I'd be holding the button to point launch but I wouldn't launch, sometimes I'd just do a forward flip. Jumping while swinging doesn't always match the direction your going, mostly going vertical when trying to go horizontal.

Fighting: A couple I haven't gotten 3 tokens in but very close, no clue on how to do better, combo through the entire fight, no health lost... If I use gadgets and defeat the enemies quicker but with less hits/combo my score is lower.

Bombs: Spiderman doesn't want to grab these things, you have to be within a foot or two, very inconsistent with everything else you can grab/throw. Try to throw the bombs in the direction of the next, the game will leave you with a terrible camera angle and waste time if you throw it in the wrong direction. Overall not that hard, one was a pain that started with no where to jump.

Stealth: These were easy because you just zip everywhere and take out the first enemy with a perch take down then the second with a web take down. I believe there was only one challenge that required me to distract a guard. Took a couple times to get the pattern.

Be prepared to waste hours on end trying to get 3 tokens in these challenges - especially the drone ones. This will test your patience.
2022년 12월 28일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 12월 28일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 11.3시간 (평가 당시 6.9시간)
I really like and absolutely hate this game at the same time.

Enemies have homing swing/thrusts, think like the Hitman briefcase kill meme. Enemies seem to be loosely bound by physics, they clip through each other, their weapons clip through other enemies. Your weapon reach seems half that of enemies with the same length sword. Enemies leave them self wide open for an attack but can bring their weapon back up and swing before you can swing your already raised sword. Rolling seems to be useless because enemies mid swing can still hit you if you roll behind their back while they're swinging.

IDK if its something I'm doing but half the time when I'm fighting multiple enemies I'll lock onto the next one after i kill one, the other half I have to re-engage the target lock. It's usually the opposite of what it to do. The game constantly unlocks targeting when I'm stalking someone, often the moment they turn their back and I begin my attack.

AI horrendous, enemies are extremely scripted. Two guards can be standing next to eachother, you let one see you and you can lure him around the corner and fight him by themselves. They walk past a freshly killed fellow solder and act like the body isn't even there.

Game also runs like crap, had less issues with Halo Infinite at launch. For some reason alt-tabbing and going back into the game helps stuttering issues.

THE GAME DOESN'T FILL UP A ULTRAWIDE, hope you enjoy those nostalgic black bars.
2022년 1월 4일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 1월 5일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 10.0시간 (평가 당시 5.8시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
This is the best Zombie game I’ve played in VR. There are so many little things to this game that make the experience great. I really didn’t know much about the game going into it, just read some reviews. Hopefully, someone put some videos on YouTube or Twitch to demonstrate this game, so you can see all the nuances.

Friendly tip: make sure your gun is ♥♥♥♥♥♥. This has been my second leading cause of death next to grabbing the tablet on accident.

One of the best things though isn’t in the game - the Dev is super responsive on Steam discussions and Discord which really helps w/ it being Early Access.

*EDITED due to awesome Dev Response*
2019년 4월 12일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 5월 23일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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2019년 4월 13일 오전 1시 34분 에 개발자가 답변함 (답변 보기)
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기록상 36.7시간 (평가 당시 27.3시간)
Really liked this game, especially when it first came out, it was much better than anything else like it. I haven't touched this game in a while though, but was a fun experience when I was playing it.
2017년 1월 25일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 4월 16일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 102.9시간 (평가 당시 55.2시간)
Great game! Haven't really played Metal Gear since Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots so the new style in regard to missions and the ACC was odd at first but really enjoy this game.
2017년 1월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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