
Jell♾zz の最近のレビュー

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Although there is quite possibly enough content to justify the price, I'm taken back by the total cost of the complete edition and thus can't recommend it.
投稿日 3月18日.
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総プレイ時間:134.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:127.7時間)
One of my favourite games ever.
It has 14 weapon types, plenty of monsters, a not so evil progression system & plenty of friendly hunters.

I sunk 1000+ hours into it on Xbox One and am in the process of doing the same on PC ;)
I hear a lot of people cry about the difficulty, well guess what, you can use defender armor it's been added specifically for those with deficiencies/issues getting to the end.

For those that want to experience the true base-game as it was at the time, avoid the defender gear and just progress through the gear as necessary to beat the monsters you are currently fighting. Feel free to change things up, use skills specifically for that monster. Just know, that any gear you create in the base-game (or in low-rank for that matter), will be hugely outclassed by high-rank or master-rank (Iceborne) gear.
So there's no need to gather them all, and there are layered armours at some point which will let you use them cosmetically on top of your mixed sets :)

If you get stuck, throw out an SOS and a skilled hunter will generally ^%!@^%#! the monster into oblivion.
But honestly, this game is best enjoyed at the regular pace it came with, sometimes running into walls until you change up your gear. So feel free to ask hunters to gear down to the appropriate strength, that's what I do when running with buddies.
投稿日 3月1日.
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Not worth the always-on rootkit it comes with, in a PvE shooter..
There really isn't much of a reason to cheat in this game to begin with, but those that want to can avoid detection from AC measures; even r0 anti-cheats.
There's a petition on change.org to try to persuade Arrowhead to switch to an "on-while-running" rootkit, which would be an improvement.

Gameplay itself:
Seems better in a group, I only played two missions solo so far. Fun but also seeming to lack a bit of depth, but hey I only played two missions to stay within refund window.
投稿日 2月21日.
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Iceborne introduced master-rank.
Master-rank, appropriately, comes with a certain level of difficulty.

I see some complaints in the reviews about the difficulty of Iceborne, and I'm afraid it might be because they got through the game too easily with the release of the Defender armor set.
Yes, Iceborne is difficult. But it's aimed at players that have 'mastered' the mechanics of the game. Even then, it's not that difficult, plenty of MR hunters still stumble around when using a weapon they aren't too familiar with.

But when people complain about the difficulty of some end-game (iceborne) content, which was released after the end-game (base) after the end-game (grinding lands). It just shows they got there too quickly. But worry not!
The entire idea of these raids (and the game) is that hunters link up, share tips, read wiki's, farm decorations, switch up their armour sets etc.

If you get stuck, throw out an SOS and a skilled hunter will generally ^%!@^%#! the monster into oblivion.
But honestly, this game is best enjoyed at the regular pace it came with, sometimes running into walls until you change up your gear. Better with friends, but fun with strangers!
投稿日 2023年12月12日. 最終更新日 3月1日
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It's a good game, so I decided to grab it after having played through it using GamePass first.
Decided to get the Spacer's Choice Edition, as it included the DLC's.
Ended up saving quite a few dollars compared to those that purchased the base-game and upgraded it/bought the DLC's.
投稿日 2023年11月21日.
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総プレイ時間:59.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:51.6時間)
Good game, would recommend :]
投稿日 2023年10月8日.
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総プレイ時間:7.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.5時間)
Arcade racer, 1.5 hours in I've verified the fact that it's bootable.
Graphics are 'good' but not overwhelmingly realistic, better than NFS Unbound imo.

Anyway, getting close to the return-window. Seems to be a decent game for 7€.
投稿日 2023年9月16日.
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Good fun
投稿日 2023年9月15日.
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This review is just about the functionality of the game.
I was hesitant to purchase it, because of the Ubi Connect issues.
I am already on the Ubi platform (AC Valhalla), thus aside from the annoyance of it's existence it's not a huge issue for me.

I had no issues installing & binding the game to my Ubisoft account (I logged in & updated my Ubi client before installation).
The game booted fine on my Win 11 AMD + 3070ti. It even seems to allow for multiplayer invites being sent through steam chat, as it showed my steam friends not my ubi friends.
Assuming my opinion doesn't change because of stuff crashing, this game seems perfectly viable and a good purchase for <5$
投稿日 2023年9月4日.
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総プレイ時間:125.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:40.8時間)
Great fun, a bit repetitive but plenty rewarding gameplay loop & lots of cosmetics to earn/find scattered around!
投稿日 2022年11月17日.
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