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Останні рецензії користувача Captain Baba Smiley

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Показані результати 31–40 із 94
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
8.8 год. загалом
Mediocre Assassins creed game with the core missions being clear the area of npcs, kidnap a dude or free someone. The Leveling up system is also mediocre as you can assassinate anyone of any level or just headshot them with a gun that noone can hear. The story is very boring and neither playable characters are likeable. One of the most boring in the series
Додано 1 червня 2021 р..
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17.1 год. загалом
Extremely Annoying game but satisfying coupled with a OST unmatched
Додано 20 травня 2021 р..
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16.7 год. загалом
-The graphics are pretty good overall and environments look nice with lighting
-The actual sniping improved a lot from the 2nd game and is enjoyable
-The drone aspect of the game is pretty decent overall and tagging enemies makes clearing buildings really entertaining.
-Very cheap

-The game is very repetitive and you will get bored after 10 hrs
-There is some frames stuttering at times and game pauses to load (playing on SSD + 2070 super)
-Sometimes guns with 1 shot headshot others will take 10 shots
-The Loot system/upgrades are pretty barebones and you end up either having way too much $ or too little
-The crafting system for weapons/bullets is a waste of time and you are better off just buying for $ most of the time
-Npcs randomly will glitch making you miss shots or will see you out of the corner of their eyes
-The story sucks and is extremely predictable

All in all Id say its super worth it for $4-6 and has a good amount of fun to play however there are bugs so go in knowing that
Додано 27 квітня 2021 р..
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0.0 год. загалом
Terrible DLC because you cant complete the mission of killing the general. (the Sabotage level)

The actual DLC itself is ok but 20 hrs of playing the main game and having no crashes only to have it crash on bonus content is stupid.

Додано 27 квітня 2021 р..
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6.2 год. загалом
-Gunplay is fun and some of the missions are puzzle like with order to kill.
-It is also satisfying to get double kills and gun down multiple enemies as fast as possible
-bullet drop is fun when you get the hang of it however it can be a bit difficult
-The Siberian DLC is better than the actual game by a lot and is really challenging at parts
-Graphically the visuals still hold up today and level design is fairly diverse with non reused assets
-Story itself took me about 4/5 hrs to complete and DLC took about an hr and a half

-The game does have some bugs that are annoying for example pressing v (normally toggles night vision) on missions that dont have googles can crash game.
-Some invisible walls and enemies can see you in iffy situations.
-Story is like a mediocre COD storyline with scripted events but it is mildly entertaining
-Only 2 types of guns (one pistol and snipers that vary each mission)
-Turn off Bullet cam in settings or you may have crashes
-Price point of $2 is a steal for this game

Overall i would give this shooter a solid 7/10 if you can get past the bugs
Додано 18 квітня 2021 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
31.1 год. загалом (6.5 год на момент рецензування)
This is an absolutely fantastic Roguelike
1,) The gameplay "loop" (pun intended) is extremely satisfying
2.) The enemy variety/sound design is really well made
3.) This is if not the most Accessible game for anyone to play whether it be through picking a language/ trouble reading fonts, screen size and usability.
4.) The amount of content here is ridiculous. In the 8 hrs of this review i just barely got through the first boss and almost finished half of a run in Ch #2.
5.) The story is pretty well done considering its a roguelike and the dialogue is engaging at times
6.) Animation captures the old style of 90's games while being extremely fluid and enjoyable each run
7.) This is a game you can play while multitasking as the stop/go mechanics are very polished
8.) Its very well balanced and doesn't always feel like damn RNG messed me up again unlike some other games in the genre

All in All I'd highly recommend this game well job devs
Додано 4 березня 2021 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 4 березня 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
2.8 год. загалом (2.6 год на момент рецензування)
For more reviews like this please visit the curator group Indie Game Feedback

A roguelite that plays with the concept of get to the final floor while maintaining a balance of health and energy.

What sets this game apart from others are the following
+It is very accessible on multiple devices (keyboard, mouse, touchscreen)
+Options for people who would like jumbo icons (visually impared)
+All assets are created by a single developer along with the level design
+The game feels very much original in terms of concept and is easy for anyone to pick up
+The game is nice for quick casual sessions.
+The developer consistently updated the game per user feedback and stuck with adding content to the game to make it play a bit smoother and have more depth.
+The art style along with the retro effects that happen when killing enemies are clean and aesthetically appealing

The only con I would have at this time is more items or skills but for the price point of $5 I can say that
I would highly recommend the game in its current state for its asking price.

I look forward to what this dev will accomplish in the years to come.
Додано 31 серпня 2020 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 49
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 2
2.2 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
For more reviews like this please visit the curator group Indie Game Feedback

A unique spin on the roguelike genre.

+Content wise there are multiple worlds and ways to play the game (archer, melee, mage etc)
+The game looks nice and handles at a solid 60fps on high
+The game has lots of room to grow with the "roguelike" mechanics
+Difficulty does scale the more you play which is a nice mechanic.
+Multiple Boss fights and enemy variety

As this is an early access game some issues will need to be fixed over time.
-Polish to the inventory system is needed as sometimes you accidentally sell equipped items and have trouble telling what equipment is better
-Some Npc teleporting and getting stuck on specific levels with bugs.
-Some weapons and enemies are a bit overpowered at the moment (the dev has stated these will be balanced in upcoming fixes)

I believe this game has lots of room to grow and the dev has shown that he has put the bugs on a fix board and will be rolling them out in fixes coming soon. The discord is very active and I hope to see where this game ends up in the next few years.
Додано 28 серпня 2020 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 29 серпня 2020 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
0.5 год. загалом
Great metrovania game that is extremely fluid yet hard as nails. I love the art style and how the backgrounds mesh into the core gameplay loop. Highly recommend for platformer players
Додано 15 серпня 2020 р..
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6.0 год. загалом (1.6 год на момент рецензування)
In regards to gameplay this game really unique. There is a good amount of variety in terms of types of enemies and win conditions. However one of the biggest issues I faced while playing is that it does feel repetitive pretty quickly. Along with this even with fast animation enabled, the enemies attacks can still seem a bit slow.

I would recommend this game for $5 or under but for $10 it feels a bit too much
Додано 29 липня 2020 р..
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Показані результати 31–40 із 94