jamie   Queensland, Australia
:dip: gang
Doribor 3月22日 13時04分 
Fragging pro!
Daswyn 3月7日 6時17分 
+rep amazing player
Marco 2024年11月7日 12時31分 
trash like a trash can and looks like a french furry
STRK 2024年8月23日 9時33分 
this guy isnt just a guy, he is an animal! here before you skydive to the moon.
wreckrez 2023年8月2日 14時30分 
??? Stop spouting these lies and fake news. My Victoria 2 game is second to none. You incompetent fool, you think you can hold a candle to me?! Nonsense. Allow me to show my superior skills in these next few paragraphs, punk.

Picture this you ruinscapist rapist, While you, playing as the Ottomans, are already losing to the Egyptian AI, your armies are under-supplied, under-manned, and out gunned. Suddenly your heart drops as you hear the sound of war being declared on you. But whomst has done this? The Russians? Nyet. The British? Nah bruv. Oh so the Austrians then? Switch! But no you fail to realize...

wreckrez 2023年8月2日 14時30分 
Unbeknownst to you, I, playing the small country of Greece, had justified a war goal against you. I believe it was the "Justify uninstall Runescape" war goal. I knew that would cause maximum damage to you. Eventually after a brief but frighteningly quick advance to your countries capital, Istanbul, I, triumphantly, invade your living quarters to enforce the demands I've laid out.

I see Istra, the leader of the once mighty Ottoman Empire that now, has crumbled to dust and lost its "Great Power status" doing a very good impersonation of a crying wojak. With my definitely strong and working 2 legs, I march aggressively to the little soyboy and with my very large hand, grab his wrist.

"I'm here to enforce my demands, Istra." I chadly say to Istra. "But... But... I thought you were wheelchair bound..." Istra meekly replied, his fatigue of playing 20 hours of runescape a day showing.