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Recent reviews by InTheLittlewood

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6 people found this review helpful
6.8 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
I practically never leave reviews for games but Crow Country was so fantastic that not only did I feel compelled to complete it in a single long sitting, but to be a completionist about it AND now scream about it from the rooftops!

The low poly and classic render method brought nostalgia whilst modern minds gave puzzles, progression and storytelling that experienced polish. You're consistently rewarded (and it's almost necessity) to read every scrap of paper or poster you wander by for plot and puzzle development. Level layout made sense and you learn your way around with ease and you never feel as though you're starving for collectables.

This scratch multiple itches for young and old me, what a gem!
Posted 10 May, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
33.0 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
This game has embraced the Jet Set void we'd all been left in and surpassed those titles in every way possible! Camera controls are better, there's a compelling story with twists and turns, the dream sequences are a delight and the fluidity of gameplay allow for satisfying combos and world traversal. Then of course, the music, the key element in a way, is perfect. - The game is so fun that it'll be one of the few games I feel compelled to 100% in my life thus far. Huge love and applause to Team Reptile, bravo!
Posted 19 August, 2023.
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148 people found this review helpful
16 people found this review funny
30.1 hrs on record (27.9 hrs at review time)
I might be in the minority here but I'm enjoying Cube World as it stands. I'm not the type of player that wants to repeat the same experiences for micro-upgrades to my equipment (basically chasing a power level that ultimately means nothing due to a lack of end game), if I wanted that, I'd play a cookie clicker instead.

My goal when playing any game is to see every biome on offer, tackle every combat encounter that's been designed, appreciate all the unique builds and of course, tame every pet possible. This version allows me to do that, arguably quicker than before.

I'm 27 hours in and I've only conquered 50% of the biomes, by time I've done them all I'll likely have about 40-50 hours clocked and for $20 that's money well spent (when you think of 'price per hour' compared to other media like movies etc.)

I can empathise with people who want the old Alpha system back, there are aspects of each build I'd love to smoosh together to create the sum of best and it's very possible that can happen, so long as Wollay isn't too dissuade by the blind rage of some.

Combat is fluid and skill based (having to aim projectiles and think about positioning), the visual aesthetic has gotten richer and drop-in drop-out is impressively seamless making playing with friends easy.

This is only 1.0 and I'm optimistic new and improved versions could be on the way :)
Posted 2 October, 2019.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries