Infi^   United Kingdom (Great Britain)

Selling entire TF2 Inventory/Backpack for keys or trusted buyers offering paypal.
Leave offers in comments.

Web & Computing Postgraduate (BSc Honours & MSc)
Previous Administrator & Community Contributor
TeamFortress 2 Classic Game Server Admin
TeamFortress 2 Beta Tester (Primeval Warrior)
Previous map/level designer for the now defunct Source engine mod: SourceForts
Creative Design & Technology enthusiast
Pretty good 8 ball pool player
Cityscape photographer

If you have any questions then please put a comment down below first, rather than adding me straight away. As I may mistake your invitation to be sent by an automated bot account.
Vitrine des items
Items à échanger
1 885
Items possédés
Échanges effectués
Transactions sur le marché
Selling for keys & paypal. Take a look through my inventory.
francisco 23 mars à 9h37 
did eric help you change your community weapon in the end?
Nova, a gay rat [VF4-A] 2 sept. 2023 à 15h35 
Perm banned his guy for hacking, went back and double checked the demos after some senior staff told me about his history on our servers and nope, he's just a god tier scout. 100% my bad man, you've been unbanned, I gotta get a mousepad the size of yours with some of the ♥♥♥♥ you're pulling off lol.
Painiscupcake2011 6 mai 2023 à 0h04 
+rep i mean giga chad
Painiscupcake2011 21 avr. 2023 à 12h46 
+reo giga chad
Infi^ 10 mars 2023 à 14h08 
Thanks but I don't use any kind of cheats.
The Real Hene 10 mars 2023 à 11h39