Infi^   United Kingdom (Great Britain)

Selling entire TF2 Inventory/Backpack for keys or trusted buyers offering paypal.
Leave offers in comments.

Web & Computing Postgraduate (BSc Honours & MSc)
Previous Administrator & Community Contributor
TeamFortress 2 Classic Game Server Admin
TeamFortress 2 Beta Tester (Primeval Warrior)
Previous map/level designer for the now defunct Source engine mod: SourceForts
Creative Design & Technology enthusiast
Pretty good 8 ball pool player
Cityscape photographer

If you have any questions then please put a comment down below first, rather than adding me straight away. As I may mistake your invitation to be sent by an automated bot account.
Vaihdettavissa olevat esineet
1 885
vaihtoa tehty
kauppapaikan ostotapahtumaa
Selling for keys & paypal. Take a look through my inventory.
Francisco 23.3. klo 9.37 
did eric help you change your community weapon in the end?
*screams in pain* [VF4-A] 2.9.2023 klo 15.35 
Perm banned his guy for hacking, went back and double checked the demos after some senior staff told me about his history on our servers and nope, he's just a god tier scout. 100% my bad man, you've been unbanned, I gotta get a mousepad the size of yours with some of the ♥♥♥♥ you're pulling off lol.
Painiscupcake2011 6.5.2023 klo 0.04 
+rep i mean giga chad
Painiscupcake2011 21.4.2023 klo 12.46 
+reo giga chad
Infi^ 10.3.2023 klo 14.08 
Thanks but I don't use any kind of cheats.
The Real Hene 10.3.2023 klo 11.39