jar of dirt   California, United States
okay we are at an undisclosed location hiding out basically tonight we're under attack basically it seems and now I believe it is some serious SHIТ their science their technology they've got nuts on this if you notice a speck anywhere I mean there's specks everywhere I mean you know these arent the greatest glasses but when I got very very close they've got built-in sensors I noticed something that looked like almost like an alien form of some kind of laser these things are fully equipped there's probably hundreds of thousands in each household by now I mean the mind boggles granted I did smoke a little bit of weed tonight but that's what I don't think that plays into it the speck this speck this little innocent speck it's a fruit fly man a fuсkin fully equipped real area 51 deadly dangerous fruit fly and it shoots things such as anyone that refuses to take the vaccine guess I'm gonna get vaccinated of course yeah you know it's just a fruit fly its a small enough thing I just saw one I wanted you know I want to catch one so people know what I'm talking about like oh soon as I start filming this there's no fruit flies so look it up check it out thanks a lot for listening . [ia801303.us.archive.org]
listen v....... . . . ..Kill corpos. Behead corpos. Roundhouse kick a corpo into the concrete. Slam dunk a fur-blood into the trashcan. Crucify filthy corpos. Defecate in a corpo's food. Launch corpos into the sun. Stir fry corpos in a wok. Toss corpos into active volcanoes. Urinate into a corpo's CHOOH2 tank. Judo throw corpos into a woodchipper. Twist corpo's head off. Report corpos to the Wizards' Council. Karate chop corpos in half. Curb stomp pregnant corpos. Trap corpos in the desert. Crush corpos in the trash compactor. Liquefy corpos in a vat of acid. Stomp corpo skulls with steel toed boots. Lobotomize corpos. Mandatory abortions for corpos. Grind corpo fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown corpos in fried Ramen grease. Vaporize corpos with anti-matter. Nuke corpos. Kick old corpos down their towers. Slice corpos with mantis blades.
Sore Bones 20 Sep @ 6:15pm 
bap the rabbit and rabbit baps back..
Sore Bones 17 Sep @ 6:09am 
karen 15 Sep @ 9:41am 
Sore Bones 15 Sep @ 9:17am 
gonna be a lot of skewering tonight..
karen 15 Sep @ 9:06am 
bbq rabbit skewers for lunch
Sore Bones 15 Sep @ 8:54am 