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总时数 0.3 小时
yet another "backrooms maze" with no ambience or anything fun, just boring maze running. Might as well go play Slenderman, It would be more entertaining with the same premise. The IDEA of early 2000s camcordrs is very interesting but in practcie it's very motion sickness enducing and off putting.
发布于 10 月 18 日。
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总时数 0.1 小时
I get so tired of people not understanding the actual cocnept of what a "Liminal Place" is. They cookie cutter drop in The Backrooms, make it a maze, and call it a day. A maze is not a liminal space, the backrooms only is in it's original form, not the mess people have been useing it for. For 99 cents I aint mad and hope the developer can work at better games in the future but yikes. Don't come here for liminal space, it's jus ta maze puzzle runner game.
发布于 10 月 18 日。
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总时数 1.6 小时
I enjoyed the game for most part with friends but uh, Square Enix published? no, don't feed that horrible company.
发布于 3 月 22 日。
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总时数 13.3 小时 (评测时 5.7 小时)
Prepare for one of the best RPG cult classics of all time--and a lot of crashing.
Five hours in and I have crashed over a dozen times, as well as had random blackout screens where only text was there (I'm even running the mods that are supposed to fix bugs, nothing else.)

Seriously though, it's a great game, a rare High Fantasy Horror theme. If you can play it on the xbox 360 instead with all the DLC though... just go do that.
发布于 3 月 17 日。
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总时数 26.7 小时
If Honoka, Momiji, or Kula aren't your waifu's, then I shall see you in the ring!

In all seriousness, DOA has always been my favourite Fighting Game Series-that no other can contest. Much like it's graphics, DOA has consistently gotten a bad reputation for it's provacotive stuff-however it really isn't as bad as most claim. You go fight someone as a female-with large breasts-and no bra, and tell me our tits aren't bouncing around.
This game series deserves respect for it's application of real world martial arts. While some yes are fictional (Looking at you Mugen Tenshin), the real world one's-perform exactly as they do in real life. They continued with this game-as they did past DOAs-to have Master Martial Artists in their field consult, and mocap how things are done. How Hitomi uses Karate, is really how it's done. The Bruce Lee knockoff--Jan Lee--it's just how his martial art style is done.

The graphics continue to be impressive and far ahead of their time with this latest instalment--seriously no other game has looked graphically good among it's generation (and the next) than Dead or Alive.

I think my only caveat is; The New Break Blow. This clearly was an attempt to compete with Tekken and Mortal Kombat. At least though, it's not just some OP ultimate and has since launch been nerfed quite heavily.

For those who have never played before, it is easy to pickup-but very difficult to master. Tutorials show you hwo to perform command list-but what they don't show you is the combinations of the combos that can then make even crazier combos and heavy damage dealers with unique animations when performed. Whether you're more of the slow or fast, agile or strong, or juggle or grabbing fighter type there is someone for everyone's preference! The only complaint I still have is grabbing is STILL too OP and I hate it.
If you have never played DOA before, the most unique aspect is the Counter System-that no other fighter's (except those made by Team Ninja) have ever done. It will take a lot of learning how your opponents work/fight to get it down. Unlike most other fighters this one truely, is based on judging your opponent; you could know very few combos, so long as you can mixup your hi-mid-low attacks, or even just counter your opponent over and over, then you can win easy. Each combo can do up to 1/5 of a normal health bar in damage (but usually it's1/8).

Find your waifu or husbando, as this is probably he most diverse fighting game out there.
If they kept tag fighting like the series has always had, this would be 10/10, but they removed a core feature, leaving me with a 8/10 review.
发布于 2 月 10 日。
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总时数 2.6 小时
My ending arc achievment didn't seem to trigger, but I'm pretty sure I got the "Slave Ending". Idk what I didn't trigger for the Bad Ending, but I would hopesume that it would be the yandere ending I was seeing as a possibility I was hoping for, but did not get. I also got the Good Ending, but it did not trigger either. If there is no yandere ending, then sorely disappointed, as some last three chapters spoilers pointed toward the possibility. I also thought the ending I got was pretty stupid and phoned in with a lot of details left out that were omitted before. Rok and Yom was a bit uncomfortable to see helping in this type of scenarios/situations considering they were basically children. I get it anime, but like...not a comfortable situation for the reader. They were fun and silly, but shouldn't have been in an H game, helping the MC do their H things. A bit surprised this one hasn't been flagged as well, as usually "forced" or "unconsensual" stuff hits steams red flags.

Overall H stuff not being accounted for, 4.5/10? Would be better if the endings were more clear, achievements would properly trigger, and if I had gotten a Yandere ending with Eve as should have occured. Also the fact the "Hunter" seems completely useless and just there as a thrown in threat "All bark no bite" antagonist that isn't even an antagonist (if you go the darker routes) then why is she even there? very pointless from a writing perspective and a bit irritating. There were so many plot holes left unanswered. There are no guides on this game, and very few who actually played all the way through, all of whome got the same ending I did. So...def needs a hard polish (pun intended). I'm sure the True Ending was better (for people wh owant that sappy and hard mode crap with zero sex scenes) but like...c'mon.
As for the H scenes, they could be done better, they are mostly static, with sudden gif levels of scenes at random points that don't entirely make sense to suddenly switch to. The uh, "nectar" is done well for the art comapred to others I've seen and art style for an indie dev/artist is good, but nothing amazing, it's sitting on the "tolerable" line. I would give art/graphics a 5.5/10, with the H scenes getting a 6/10.

The trailer is very deceiving, there is very little in the trailer AMV opening that is releevnt to the game or gameplay. It's likethey were trying to sell it hard enough to be a real anime znd probably pushing for it to being another Date A Live, or Testament Sister New Devil.

TLDR; Do I recommend? once again as many constantly ask for, I wish there was a neutral option. With all my neutral/mid opinions on this one, and it's price being at a fair cost comapred to other's on the same level, again being an inbetween subejction, if it's on sale, and you don't mind some Non Traditional stuff (we're not talking c***ing, although that is techncially in there once,) then yes. It's base price? I'm going to say no.
发布于 1 月 20 日。 最后编辑于 1 月 20 日。
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总时数 13.8 小时 (评测时 6.3 小时)
Really fun game! If you're a fan of The Oregon Trail, 60 Parsecs, or other similar games you will love this one. It really is pretty difficult, I personally don't like the fact you can load any previous week instead of just starting over from beginning, but neither here nor there. The food and fuel is REALLY hard to comeby once you're stuck on the ice, and only gets worse from there. I made it to 26 weeks and the last 10 were just me pushing to survive as long as I could for an inevitable death.
Compared to other games of the same type, this one plays a lot more fun than the others and has a loyalty system invovled that is ever changing and will creep up on when it effects you or not. Some people you think you won't be able to please..get them dead early just saying lol.
Games that normally have this top down view are difficult for me to see, but the zoom in/out feature is reallly helpful in that regard. ALSO THANK YOU devs for doing white-ish text on a dark background, for someone who is colorblind is the most easily visible there for me to see.

Overall this game gets a 9.5/10, easily the best game I've played since 2019.
发布于 1 月 20 日。 最后编辑于 1 月 20 日。
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总时数 2.0 小时 (评测时 1.0 小时)
Imagine if Little Nightmares and The Nightmare Before Christmas had a baby and they gave that baby a 6 sided die, a sword, and a bow. That is exactly what you can expect from this game.
Very unique gameplay, unique story and one of the extremely rare E rated games that is thoroughly enjoyable as an adult. Also it kind of gives me Fable vibes.
I haven't finished the game, heck I'm only about 80 minutes in, but so far, 9/10!
发布于 1 月 15 日。 最后编辑于 1 月 15 日。
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总时数 1.5 小时
How dare they make me choose (insert spoilers at end of ch 4 here).
Seriously though, great game! First Visual Novel I've played in four years and kept going past the first chapter. Characters are great, MC is well done, and definitely captures not only the quirks and stereoypes of super-villainy, but also puts in some great stuff all nerds can connect to (S&S? Not sure if devs were going foir D&D or M&M parody but it works either way.) You will probably finish one playthrough in about two hours (if you read at an above-average or fast speed).

It truely does capture the life of a henchman and the behind the scenes life they live.
My ONLY complaint, is they tried to make superheroes and supervillains your classic comic book style...but they had some superheros cuss, imo that felt a bit out of place or OOC, but very minor complaint.
The color combos make since, but would have been nice to have some other options on the black text/yellow bg stuff as someone who si colorblind it's very hard to see.

8.7/10, highly recommend!
发布于 1 月 10 日。
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总时数 0.6 小时
Game is a lot more difficult than it needs to be. I'm not sure what I expected going in but, "Satanic Music Festival Horror" wasn't it. It seems to heavily rely on jump scares, as well as having zero spoken dialogue. I was hoping for something a bit more music related, but this is more black pagan festival for gen z'ers. This is NOT "Strobophagia" this is "Pagan Folklore". it has nothing to do with the music or lighting stuff, that's just a background theme.

The bloom effect also that you cannnot turn off-is probably the most horrific part of the entire game.
A resounding 2/10. I only recommend to people who are interested in everything I said in the first paragraph. I imagine people who liked Outlast will like this game if hey can tolerate the blinding bloom effects.
发布于 1 月 10 日。
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