I'm CaP
Fire Marshall Bill   Idaho, United States

*DEAD* areszero‎ : you play csgo cause no one likes you scum bag
*DEAD* areszero‎ : i hope you killyourself

*DEAD* Alus‎ : good guess yawn
*DEAD* Yawn HWick‎ : lol
*DEAD* Alus‎ : i walked did you "hear" me...?
*DEAD* Alus‎ : dude why cheat
*DEAD* Yawn HWick‎ : LOL
*DEAD* Alus‎ : honestly. who cares its a pug
*DEAD* Yawn HWick‎ : dude why bad
*DEAD* Yawn HWick‎ : i mean
*DEAD* Yawn HWick‎ : like hella bad
*DEAD* Yawn HWick‎ : i dont even need sound
*DEAD* Yawn HWick‎ : you predictable

*DEAD* what's poppin‎ : can ct kick yawn
*DEAD* what's poppin‎ : i think he's cheating
*DEAD* what's poppin‎ : idk
Yawn HWick‎ : ROFL
Yawn HWick‎ : oh my
Yawn HWick‎ : this is going on the board
Yawn HWick‎ : the guy with hax
Yawn HWick‎ : gets owned
Yawn HWick‎ : and cries hax

*DEAD* pawanghag87‎ : cap def hacking

VoLcAnO‎ : yo volcano is hacking
Cap‎ : i mean
Cap‎ : its csgo...
VoLcAnO‎ : cap yer so bad
Player: Cap - Damage Given
Damage Given to "✪ NiceWork WetCoastViper" - 113 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "C9 E.T" - 115 in 4 hits
Player: Cap - Damage Taken

Player: Cap - Damage Given
Damage Given to "Sapling" - 160 in 3 hits
Damage Given to "✪ NiceWork WetCoastViper" - 133 in 2 hits
Damage Given to "VoLcAnO" - 138 in 1 hit
Player: Cap - Damage Taken
VoLcAnO‎ : so bad

j0e‎ : gj
Cap‎ : lol ty
Waffled‎ : every game hackers
Waffled‎ : christ
Cap‎ : ROFL
Cap‎ : please
Cap‎ : sun
j0e‎ : lol
Cap‎ : calm yourself
Player: Cap - Damage Given
Damage Given to "BOT Duffy" - 134 in 2 hits
Damage Given to "Jimmy Rustles" - 180 in 4 hits
Player: Cap - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "j0e" - 136 in 3 hits
0: Reinitialized 7 predictable entities
j0e‎ : nope
Player: Cap - Damage Given
Damage Given to "BOT Duffy" - 134 in 2 hits
Damage Given to "Jimmy Rustles" - 180 in 4 hits
Player: Cap - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "j0e" - 136 in 3 hits
Damage Taken from "j0e" - 139 in 1 hit
*DEAD* Jimmy Rustles‎ : yeah he's literally just looking at people through walls, blatant af
j0e‎ : ♥♥♥♥
j0e‎ : sry
j0e‎ : should have knifed
Player: Cap - Damage Given
Damage Given to "BOT Duffy" - 134 in 2 hits
Damage Given to "Jimmy Rustles" - 180 in 4 hits
Player: Cap - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "j0e" - 136 in 3 hits
Damage Taken from "j0e" - 139 in 1 hit

Cap‎ : lol no worries
Cap‎ : and my friend
Cap‎ : jimmy
Cap‎ : youve had this game what?
Cap‎ : maybe a year?
Steam Net connection #2854676893 SDR server steamid:90136187194321923(vport 0) closed by peer, reason 2000: Kicked by Console : You have been voted off
Closing Steam Net Connection to =[A:1:2065705987:14946]:0,

FangGe‎ : so hacking right
Cap‎ : i mean
Cap‎ : being bad
Cap‎ : is an option on your part too

*DEAD* Meaningfulness‎ : cAP with the toggle
Meaningfulness‎ : t-t-t-toggled
cAP‎ : l2p you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ f2p child
Meaningfulness‎ : cAP come on
Meaningfulness‎ : do it
cAP‎ : bish plz
cAP‎ : you smell like frat boy

BOT Hole‎ : cbd cap you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ suck you litreally just abuse bots looking wh

Cherryboi‎ : bring your walls to u dck
*DEAD* mR‎ : gg
*DEAD* cAP‎ : ?
Cherryboi‎ : yeah u b1tch

*DEAD* peter___y____junior_____‎ : cap active u cheat

Damage Given to "dark0r" - 107 in 5 hits
dark0r‎ : noob
Player dark0r left the game (Disconnected)
Bobby Digital‎ : ROFL
Bobby Digital‎ : ROFL

-Avvismal-‎ : Bobby sus?
Currently In-Game
Counter-Strike 2
Screenshot Showcase
Counter-Strike 2
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Recent Activity
6,503 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
355 hrs on record
last played on 21 Feb
13.2 hrs on record
last played on 4 Feb
I'm CaP 28 Sep, 2023 @ 8:40am 
It would be gold but that was the tourney Fnatic used the overpass pixel boost. Wasn't able to change my picks either. I knew damn well Fnatic was going to win that tourney. They forfeit and LDLC won the tourney. Here's your silver pick'em... RIP
maliwanstyle 21 Sep, 2023 @ 11:19am 
i have never seen that 2014 pick em trophy thats cool as ♥♥♥♥
I'm CaP 3 Nov, 2022 @ 7:23pm 
*DEAD* fauji‎ : son of ♥♥♥♥♥ CAP walling
I'm CaP 8 Jun, 2022 @ 11:06am 
pluto‎ : ok but seriously im not playing COD why tf are you in a corner bruh..?
No servers in asia???‎ : ?
No servers in asia???‎ : welcome to csgo
No servers in asia???‎ : where you have to aim
No servers in asia???‎ : and think
pluto‎ : no wonder this game's dying
No servers in asia???‎ : instead of spraying and praying
pluto‎ : no ♥♥♥♥ sherlock holmes
No servers in asia???‎ : this game is dying cause the devs cant dev
No servers in asia???‎ : welll i mean
No servers in asia???‎ : you got outplayed..
No servers in asia???‎ : sorry n ♥♥♥♥
pluto‎ : sure
*DEAD* pluto‎ : y'all aren't real players lmfao
*DEAD* No servers in asia???‎ : is told not to spray and pray
*DEAD* pluto‎ : i'm in bots there's literally no way
*DEAD* No servers in asia???‎ : proceeds to hold down m1
*DEAD* pluto‎ : i'm on bots
*DEAD* No servers in asia???‎ : you just got botted..
*DEAD* No servers in asia???‎ : issa math
*DEAD* No servers in asia???‎ : not rocket science
I'm CaP 8 Jun, 2022 @ 11:06am 
pluto‎ : let's see how hard y'all try for this win
No servers in asia???‎ : i mean youre the one baiting and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :S
*DEAD* pluto‎ : my ♥♥♥♥♥ W H A T
pluto‎ : and what kinda face is ":S" that ♥♥♥♥'s mad cringy
pluto‎ : bruh makin himself nut
No servers in asia???‎ : so was your birth :S
pluto‎ : feelin some type of way now huh?
No servers in asia???‎ : "i feel the need, for speed"
No servers in asia???‎ : maverick
pluto‎ : i love that all i can see is the top of your stupid empty skull in pit, this games so 1 sided.
pluto‎ : ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hiding in a hole where he belongs lmfao.
No servers in asia???‎ : :s
pluto‎ : :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S
No servers in asia???‎ : been telling your for 30 minutes meow..
"leaves server"
No servers in asia???‎ : the rage
No servers in asia???‎ : was felt from here
[$⓵$] 𝑬𝑵𝑶 15 May, 2022 @ 1:48pm 
yeah turn it off!