Voight-Kampff Failure
Shaneequa Jasmine   Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
SUCK A ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!

I am a cyber duaug with augmented intelligence

My for realz specs:
MS Surface Pro laptop/tablet combo. It is faster than the PC I used to own below.

(This PC Died R.I.P.)
Gateway pre-built Walmart PC
PSU: 200 watt
Big Logitech Stereo Hi-Fi Speakers + Subwoofer
CPU: AMD E1-1200 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 1.40 GHz
Video: Integrated
Windows 8.1 64-bit
DosBox + 90's games, Snes emu, Nes emu, Sega emu, PS1 BIOS and emu

(I am on PS4 now)
Super-Slim PS3
Turtle Beach Headphones px2213123,
PS3 Sony Foxconn Controller (hand-crafted by 12-year olds for little pay),
A PS3 USB hub,
Controller USB Charger,
Keyboard (USBx1000),
Sometimes Mouse (USB level 7) for CS:GO or for that Final Fantasy cross-platform MMORPG.

Also I own a working N64 (w/ Goldeneye), PS1 Phat, PS2 Fattie, TWO Original X-boxes and many Gameboi's Advanced and Original even the Grey one with green screen, a working SNES, working Nintendo original, my Sega Genesis broke tho :....(

Paranoid, dellussionial, narccissistic, psychotic, bi-polar, er i mean bi-winning! autistic, adhd, mild dementia, phrenia this, phrenia that, i hit phrenia with a baseball bat, etc. etc. i gotz dem all. comma, comma, comam,,

Only tell the police your name, address, etc. If asked questions only respond with "Am I free to go now?" and do not consent to searches under any circumstances. If detained only respond with "I want my Lawyer".

"I hate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hippies, man. You know why I hate hippies? Because I was downtown... ...and this kid just comes running out and gets hit by a bus, right? And the bus just crushes him and crushes him... ...and runs over him, and the kid's just squiggling on the ground, And blood is coming out of his ears, and he's just laying there......and then this hippie ♥♥♥♥ chick comes out with crystal......and she rubs it all over him. And the kid is just laying there, and he's choking on his own blood. It's like, Come on, you dumb, stupid chick. What are you doing with your crystals? He needs a doctor. Magic crystals. There's no such thing as magic-crystal-hippie-crap ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥." - Spider Mike from the movie "Spun"
Momenteel offline
Dead Meadow album cover cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM25iaL0KR4
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Voight-Kampff Failure 4 dec 2021 om 3:33 
Rock on!
☆ミemploi-chan 27 okt 2021 om 13:24 
I really want to get bass one day, and any time I'm visiting music stores, I'm always looking at basses, and asking salesman to show me something. But! I think that bass is quite different instrument, has not much in common with guitar, and I always restricting myself to get me any bass instrument, until I'll get better on guitar first, hah.

But you're cool, I want to hear some more of your thoughts on RS, and learning instruments in general, if you have time, we should catch up on Discord or something, since I'm not often here.
☆ミemploi-chan 27 okt 2021 om 13:18 
Interface in Rocksmith during song is so unusual, songs are so hard, so even if I know some chords and notes on neck now, I still feel like baby in that incredibly fast and long single-notes streaks, and barely can recognize what double-stop or position I should play in, so I mostly play by ear, lol. So, maybe I don't know how to use Rocksmith for productive practice, or maybe my skills are still too low, but I think, that Rocksmith barely can teach me anything now, and I play it only when I got bored of YouTube lessons, books and Yousician, to get some further motivation. Looks like this.
☆ミemploi-chan 27 okt 2021 om 12:15 
Yes, I have few guitars, but never touched bass, and I'm playing Rocksmith since release in 2011 or something, on PS3, from time to time, but never learned to play guitar, lol. This year I decided to start all over again with slightly better determination to learn at least something. Now I feel better, but Rocksmith is definetely is not my main tool, I mostly practice in Yousician.
☆ミemploi-chan 25 okt 2021 om 12:14 
☆ミemploi-chan 24 okt 2021 om 11:51 
now send lewds