8 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 444.0 hrs on record (66.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Jul, 2020 @ 3:34pm
Updated: 25 Jul, 2020 @ 3:40pm
Product received for free

If you were expecting Fallout 4 Online, think again.

Your hopes of exploring cool new areas, and doing engaging quests, are forever locked behind Bethesda's ineptitude and complete lack of playtesting. Did you encounter a game-breaking bug during an instanced quest? Your only option is to start that quest over from scratch, again and again and again and again, kill the same mobs, the same boss, skip through the same dialogue over and over, until you finally do a run where no bugs impede your progress. If you thought previous Bethesda games were buggy, imagine encountering those in an online setting, without quick-save, without command console. Were this Fallout 4, I could just quick load and try again. But it isn't. All the ammo, food and drink I spent on the previous attempts is now gone, I need to restock, repair my gear, clear out my inventory. Because in Fallout 76, inventory is not infinite, F76 is a Inventory Management Simulator, where you only get to keep what you need right now. I'm not even mad about that, I think it's brilliant as it stimulates the player economy. But it's such a slap in the face when I have to spend 30 minutes preparing supplies for another run in a bug-riddled instanced quest for the 4th time, on account of Bethesda devs' preference to code one-handed, with the other hand tumbling each other's dingleberries.

NPCs were added only a few months ago, and perhaps the intention was to iron out the bugs based on feedback post-launch. That's right, Bethesda, whose games are characterized by vast open worlds, made immersive by its inhabiting characters, added NPCs only recently, as an afterthought. And it shows. Whenever a dialogue ends and an NPC is supposed to do something for you, like open a locked door, you hold your breath, praying Bethesda didn't screw this up for once.

Playtest your games Bethesda, finding bugs can be hard, but when a quest is broken 5 times in a row in different parts of it, I know for a fact you haven't even bothered to check. Disappointing.
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Fragpipe 28 Jul, 2020 @ 8:43pm 
they do PTR's by the way. so the Community can report bugs. which is probably more effective. since there is more people trying to break the game.