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29.5 hrs on record (18.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
it's good. will elaborate when i have a few more hours played.

But i recommend!
Posted 12 February.
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13.3 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So far it is fun!

Its kind of like ark mixed with Dragon warrior monsters/pokemon, and a few other things, It is fun, the creatures are cute, the world looks decent so far.

The art style is similar to what you'd expect from a present day creature collecting game.

I've only played singleplayer so far. But, i look forward to playing more of this game
Posted 22 January.
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41.8 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Very good so far, will update with details after more game time.
No complaints so far. Looks beautiful, runs well, love the changes they've made from the first to this. A brilliant second instalment to the franchise. Excited to keep playing
Posted 25 October, 2023. Last edited 25 October, 2023.
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604.4 hrs on record (48.4 hrs at review time)
Overall I'm really enjoying it so far. In my whole 48hr or something playing so far, i have only crashed 2 or 3 times. Only once in a match though.
The last COD i played was BO3, and i hated it, but gave it a good try. This though, i love. I have missed some of the COD games, but this I decided to give a go. I would say, in today's general game pricing, and with the fact they also have a battle pass, the price felt a bit steep. But, at the same time, having had the money spare at the time, I do not regret it.
If you are on a tighter budget, I'd advise waiting for a sale, or until you do have money spare.

But so far, the only buggy thing i've found is the menu's. I do like the fact that they have F10 keybinded to mute all sound, as they currently have menu sounds included in "game sounds", rather than separate.

the guns feel great. I like the customisation. I love the fact that there's a variety of gamemodes to suit all the different play styles. I think the new update was nice. It gave some more stuff. I like the new DMZ mode or whatever it's called. Only tried it a few times but it is a nice change of scenery for a different pace and to suit a different mood/energy level.

I would like to see more maps come, with more variety. The current ones are okay. But I do feel that there isn't a great deal of maps available, and it'd be nice to have more to add to the rotation.

Spawns are a bit screwed, i hope they can make them a bit better. You spawn right next to an enemy a hell of a lot. I will spawn in, walk not even a meter, bump into an enemy that was a few meters away, die. It's not every time, but sometimes its that often that it can feel like a spawn and die simulator for quite a few lives in a row. Which can get frustrating. Though, when spawns aren't being hella rude, matches can be quite fun.

- Very fun, and the guns feel great
- Visually appealing, nice graphics and effects.
- Lots of gamemodes
- Enjoyable gameplay, i usually play for 1-3 hours.

- Would like more maps
- menu is buggy
- some crashes (not many for me though)
- Spawn is an issue, and could do with some changes.

I will update this review after much more gameplay, but so far, it isn't bad, and I can see myself playing a lot of this. Though the price is a lil steep, it will (hopefully) get played enough for me to justify the price I paid when purchasing it, over time.
Posted 17 November, 2022.
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48.2 hrs on record (20.7 hrs at review time)
its still fab
Posted 6 October, 2022.
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114.5 hrs on record (76.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
lots of fun!
Posted 25 September, 2022.
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22.0 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'll update in a few day's when i've racked up more hours.
But, safe to say i'm ADDICTED. This game is great! It might be a pricey early access, but so far I cannot fault it one bit.

For those considering purchasing, grab the "Disney Dreamlight Valley - Avatar Designer Tool" FIRST. After purchasing, it bugs out and doesn't let you grab it.
If you purchased before doing, you can make another steam account just to make your character (apparently there's a better selection in the avatar tool than without), then copy the code for the avatar you created and past it in on character creation on your main account int he main game.
Hope this helps someone avoid the hassel I had to endure to get a pretty avatar :D
Posted 15 September, 2022.
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34.7 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So far im loving it!

It's like a mixture of Stardew valley and animal crossing.
I will likely rack up hours in this over time, as it's already become a favourite chilled game for me to play.
Very fun, the art style is cute and clean. The gameplay is fab, and it doesnt require a lot of resources computer spec wise.

Will write a more in depth review later.

But one bonus is, that you can create your own world, which holds a character that you make and play. You can use this same character (from that one specific world), to travel to other friends worlds and help them out, but keep all your license progress and character progression. You also have a travel bag in the old lady's tent that you can put items in to transport them between worlds.

You cannot travel between 2 worlds you personally create, or keep a character when making an old world. To be truthful, im glad you cannot for those though. But, if say, i wanted to, I could join my friend on their island and help them with stuff and not lose my own personal character progression each time i do. Which is great and encourages more people to team up in a group effort to help one another progress.

Multiplayer works decently well, and it very fun! Looking forward to see where this game goes.

I will note that I would like to see keybinds being able to be re-mapped, or all the other keyboard layouts being in an options menu, being able to choose between. But especially the re-mapping if possible. Not everyone has QWERTY, and not everyone who does is able to use it entirely. Whether its disabilities or comfort-ability, having further customisation would be nice. Besides the lack of accessibility for those who are disabled or who do not have QWERTY keyboards, i don't have any downsides to this game so far.
Posted 7 August, 2022.
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28.8 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Is this game a little more pricey than the average EA? YEs. Is it worth every penny? HECK YES!

I haven't been this excited about a dinosaur game in a very long time, nor have I been as thrilled and amazed by an EA game, whilst ALSO not feeling a little disappointed, as i do with this one.

There are many strong aspects to this game, such as:

+ The sound in game is AMAZING. It really is very immersive. The game, dinosaurs, music, ambience and everything is just extremely appealing. I would probably give it a solid 10/10 for sound.

+ The visuals are awesome, even on lower settings. The textures make the world look great. The dinosaurs look amazing. The visual effects and weather effects such as fog in areas are beautiful. The explosions looks awesome and I never fail to be in awe whenever we shoot explosive barrels and see them go BOOM.

+ The missions and game-play is very fun, and it is easy to sink hours into this game. The average session is around 4 hours., if you like to clear the map like me and my friends. Though, you're always able to extract early if you want to. There is a nice amount of different types of missions to do, and an ever-changing status of the zones on the map (according to how well we players do GLOBALLY and COLLECTIVELY. The map is changed twice a week according to how well we do as a whole together, not just as individual players.) This is a very interesting game mechanic that i think is brilliant.

+it has great game mechanics and great gameplay. The progression system is nice and is nicely paced. The upgrade system is also fab. The characters all can be customized to suit your needs, but each individual one has its bonus' and downsides. Each one adds something very beneficial for the team, and compliments the others well.

+The campaign, so far is also great. It has some little twists and some nice missions to do. I am quite enjoying it just as much as I enjoy clearing out a whole expedition.

+ For an EA game its extremely promising and doesn't feel much like an EA one compared to others. it does have a few bugs, as all EA's do, but not many that ruin gameplay. The game as a whole is feeling decently polished even in its current state. If you want a game to sink hours into, this might be it.

Now some downsides:

- there are some bugs. These are mostly being the odd rex not being in the zone, let alone area, that it is marked on the map. As well as some lights of dropships, cargo or equipment/ammo drops staying in thin air after the object itself has gone. OoooOOoo spooky, ghost lights ;D Sometimes missons bug out a bit and reset even though you just did it. This is not a common occurance.

- occasionally there is the odd server-lag spike, but it generally isnt an issue.

- sometimes it crashes for people. Usually people can rejoin previous session.

- sometimes (as in, so far, once) it will not let you evacuate even when you are all on the ship. For us it fixed when someone ended up crashing. The other 2 of us were able to then evacuate. Again, this has only been once, compared to 5 crashes between 2 of my friends. I have currently not crashed once yet. So it doesnt seem to effect everyone the same, it could be dependent upon PC specs or wifi, or I might just be lucky.

- It would be nice to have a slightly bigger map, it is big, but I feel it could have more areas in the future maybe. My brother mentioned it would be nice to have some slightly different terrain types than the tundra we have now, as beautiful as it is currently.

- There are at the current time, only 4 dnosaur types. raptor, Flatback (anky) Bull (similar species to a trike) and T-Rex. With all of the many raptor mutated varients, as well as the 1 other mutated variations of the other species, it actualy is a lot better than people would believe as it is. Though, i think a bigger dinosaur-species selection would make it even more thrilling.

-the menu is buggy. If using the map use M to bring it up and make it disappear. as currently you cannot just use Esc to get out of the menu. You can to click return.

- I feel like the air strike lazer ability of the guy who uses grenade launchers/scout rifles should hurt himself and other players. Even just a little. Since it is so deadly to the dinos.

- it would be nice to have a place you could see everything you own. E.g how much of all the research materials and research points, rather than having to check via clicking on an upgrade you need one of the resources for. It would also be nice to have in the in-game menu a way of checking what you currently gathered/and or your current contracts and progress.

- Sometimes a sessions progress randomly goes back, in terms of equipment upgrades. It doesnt seem to refund you either. Only my brother currently experienced this on one occasion. Though one campaign mission later he was able to get all of that back. Still, he lost a full mini-guns full upgrade research-points and material wise as well as the actual perks. This could do with some fixing as if it happened on the regular it could get annoying. if this becomes a common issue i will update this review. Though currently i believe it is uncommon.

I love this game and cannot wait to see it progress. It's a brilliant game and definitely will get played lots. 2 days in and I have 17 hours currently. Yesterday alone I played and streamed over 10 hours of game-play alone. It is a great feeling FPS game with a lot of interesting things about it. If this is what it is like in Early Access, i cannot imagine how great it would be at full release!! Keep at it dev's, one happy customer here.

Would I buy this game again? YES, yes i would. In fact, i actually bought it for my brother and best friend after playing it with my dude for a day. And they both are happy I did, as they also find it fun despite the few bugs we have encountered.
Posted 2 May, 2021. Last edited 5 May, 2021.
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20.2 hrs on record (16.1 hrs at review time)
So far this is a really good game!
Some tricky learning curves, but seemingly endless fun so far.
Lots to unlock and work towards, as well as lots of different locations to try out.
if you want to pretend to be Gordon Ramsay. or just like tycoon games or restaurant simulation games, this might be for you! :)

expect to fail a few times at first, until you grasp all the different elements. but onc e everything clicks, you can do rather well. I have 13 hrs in and have barely made a dent in what there is to unlock.

i can see myself continuing to have lots of fun on this game. Looking forward to seeing it progress! Great job devs!

not often a game can keep me occupied for so long especially at first. I didn't think this game would be as complex as it is. This is one game im excited to see continue in development for sure !
Posted 2 October, 2020.
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