Daniel   Haifa, Hefa, Israel
A monument to how much time I spend doing nothing.
dont add me without commenting first.

P.S this account is also mine: steamproxy.net/id/xazetti
1 1
400 点经验值
80IQ Aimers - 公共组
Just Below Average
bro, today I’m going to screw your knife <3
-"OnE sPoOkY bIkEr TuRnS tRiCk Or TrEaT iNtO tRiCk AnD tHrEaT"
-"It's gorgeous, it's pleasing, it's satisfying, it's ur mom"

rart: imagine wanting to ♥♥♥♥ spyro
spyro just coming close to you
kbsfnk: i know a few people
rart: breathing at the back of your neck
and slowly
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you
kbsfnk: why are you describing this in such detail
do you want to ♥♥♥♥ spyro
rart: no
kbsfnk: that's exactly what someone who wants to ♥♥♥♥ spyro would say

tobakko: "I like big butts and i can not.. masturbate because i have erectile dysfunction :("

-You invited ביקר to play with your oven.

*game starts*
Ⓨ tobakko‎ : ez
Ⓨ tobakko‎ : ez
Ⓨ tobakko : ez
Player tobakko left the game (Disconnected)

And now, to the golden quotes from the intellectual elite of csgo:
tobakko‎ : ez
DEAD Tampiko ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com‎ : you are so far the most kid mind i ve founded in 1950 hours of game
tobakko‎ : learn English if you're gonna try to insult someone
Tampiko ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com‎ : i dont need so
tobakko‎ : you do..
Tampiko ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com‎ : im not english is useful to me
● *DEAD* DIEGO ARMANDO MARADONA‎ : lucky son of harlot
xyz‎ : my tm r1e1tard
*DEAD* 乡skipe's乡‎ : suck idiot
乡skipe's乡‎ : ahah ok
乡skipe's乡‎ : botz (is 0-0-3 at this point)
*DEAD* 乡skipe's乡‎ : suck digs idots
乡skipe's乡‎ : I report your mum iodt player bot
乡skipe's乡‎ : ahah botz player
*DEAD* 乡skipe's乡‎ : nice
*DEAD* 乡skipe's乡‎ : idot
*DEAD* 乡skipe's乡‎ : +v kill
*DEAD* 乡skipe's乡‎ : ahahaah
*DEAD* 乡skipe's乡‎ : yyou bot
● (Terrorist) Bober‎ @ Secret : hi anime xD
● (Terrorist) tobakko‎ : hate to break it to you, but I'm not the entirety of anime
Ⓟ *DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) Purple‎ : WTF oreng
Ⓟ *DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) Purple‎ : bomb palas
Ⓟ *DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) Purple‎ : its stuped oreng
Ⓞ *DEAD* Ta mère l'autruche‎ : teammate nobb
Ⓨ *DEAD* Ru-La Arabah‎ : ez gayz
Ⓨ Daniminho‎ : PIECE OF SHEAT
-"plz drop me ape men"
Ⓞ TrolL1ng `‎ : ok racist *n-word*
●SmoK1ng `‎ : wall huck
Ⓨ Yellow‎ : haha sock
Ⓨ (Terrorist) Twistzz‎ @ T Start : u soot me first xd
Ⓞ ็็็็็็็็็็‎ : suck cook
Ⓟ *DEAD*(Terrorist) Kix‎ : rait
Ⓟ *DEAD* ⌜weed⌟‎ : nade deamge?
Ⓨ Kurwica macica‎ : naabs
Ⓨ *DEAD* n1ce ╰_╯‎ : prefirt
Ⓨ *DEAD* n1ce ╰_╯‎ : moobs
Ⓞ WAYNE‎ : nice cheagt`s
Ⓖ StNs {链接已删除} : SUCK MY ♥♥♥♥ U ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ INDIVIDUAL
Ⓑ RINFYIKS‎ : im now tyrkish
Ⓑ RINFYIKS‎ : dumo
Ⓨ DEAD pennyS : possy
Ⓨ tobakko‎ : ez game
Ⓞ DEAD LAXIS_CZE‎ : like u mom
Ⓑ BrNo ZrNo‎ : u have luck cuse i hawe yellow crosshai
Ⓑ BrNo ZrNo‎ : timming
Blackfire‎ : ez you mom
Ⓑ Tom Cruise‎ : EZ VAC
Ⓑ Tom Cruise‎ : bay
Ⓑ Tom Cruise‎ : bay
Ⓑ Tom Cruise‎ : bay
Ⓑ *DEAD* Неrbеrt_24‎ : ur mom is hot af
● *DEAD* Неrbеrt_24‎ : tosic amigo
Ⓨ ♛Lil Bode♛‎ : ez game form me baby
Ⓨ ♛Lil Bode♛‎ : owww my time mate have cancer in head oww
● ✪✪KaseyS✪✪‎ : feels like you poop for in
Ⓟ ㅍㅏㅈㅋㅑ‎ : ♥♥♥♥ of child
Ⓟ 💸BEN HUR 💸‎ : bayonet and noo
Ⓟ BEN HUR : you grandma sleep the graveyard
● DexterOOO‎ : my rank is: your mam
pitersan‎ : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ noob yauto campa
Ⓞ SER-iTRIY‎ : haha 2 auto snips having fun
Ⓞ (Terrorist) Tairaz‎ @ T Start : sucemonsbi?
Ⓞ LyNx_Cerber0‎ : yes bro im live u are die
Ⓑ (Terrorist) Retr0_GT‎ @ T Start : ok
Ⓑ (Terrorist) Retr0_GT‎ @ T Start : ok
Ⓑ (Terrorist) Retr0_GT‎ @ T Start : ok subnormal
Ⓟ *DEAD* medoex‎ : omg ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bot
Ⓟ *DEAD* medoex‎ : waht are u fdoing
Ⓨ tobakko‎ : killing you
Ⓟ medoex‎ : brainless ♥♥♥♥♥
Ⓟ *DEAD* medoex‎ : i am on uf moms ass

Ⓑ *DEAD* CSGO Player 1‎ : nice drone :)
Ⓨ tobakko : ?
Ⓞ *DEAD* CSGO Player 2‎ : wall
Ⓞ *DEAD* CSGO Player 2‎ : connard
Ⓑ *DEAD* CSGO Player 1‎ : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mother
Ⓨ tobakko : i am not a mother

● DEAD Phantom‎ : Zige Hile
● tobakko : ?
● tobakko‎ : wtf are you trying to say
● DEAD Phantom‎ : Hi Gitler

● mistyhulkinglocust‎ : i cant get ban
*literally 30 seconds later*
mistyhulkinglocust has been permanently banned from official CS:GO servers.

Ⓑ *DEAD* ExPloa‎ : danie is bock me
ExPloa attacked a teammate
ExPloa abandoned the match and received a 7 day competitive matchmaking cooldown.

Kronix: one more lose i will ddos this trash server
rart: do it ♥♥♥♥♥
rart: rn
Kronix: ok bye

Now greet the rare specimens:

Wingman specimen king james:
Ⓑ King James‎ : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sg553 bastard you have not skill not aim and yeah
Ⓑ King James‎ : yeah but i play pistole
Ⓑ *DEAD* King James‎ : i ♥♥♥♥ him next round
*dies first*
Ⓑ King James‎ : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bastard
Ⓑ King James‎ : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bastard you have not honor
Ⓑ *DEAD* King James‎ : two granats in my body
Ⓑ King James‎ : Damage Given to "EZ4JEWS rart" - 96 in 1 hit
Ⓖ rart‎ : ez
Ⓑ King James‎ : csgo you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bastard

wingman specimen 30kHaze:
Ⓟ DEAD 30k4Haze‎ : -72
(tobakko proceeds to lie that i have full health)
Ⓨ DEAD tobakko‎ : he's full hp
Ⓨ DEAD tobakko‎ : stop lies
Ⓨ DEAD tobakko‎ : you're bad
Ⓟ DEAD 30k4Haze‎ : wtzf?
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : no?
Ⓨ tobakko‎ : dont be embarrased about missing every shot
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : Damage Given to "FISTEDSON rart" - 72 in 1 hit
Ⓨ tobakko‎ : fake copy
Ⓨ tobakko‎ : lol
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : ???
Ⓖ rart‎ : Damage Taken from "30k4Haze" - 2 in 1 hit
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : Stupid?
Ⓖ rart‎ : youre stupid
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : muted.
a couple rounds go by, and he finally gets a kill
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : dubas?
Ⓨ tobakko‎ : Dubai
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : haha ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
then he died
Ⓟ DEAD 30k4Haze‎ : stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : GG
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : i just troll
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : hahaha
then they won a round
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : ahahha
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : low bobs
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : ez
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : ezZZ
Ⓟ DEAD 30k4Haze‎ : hahah eZ low bobs
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : silver?
Ⓟ 30k4Haze‎ : 100%
we proceeded to win 9:3

and now for some other gold quotes:

Hyepleat 16 May @ 1:13am
♥♥♥♥ing kid suck lolipop

Ⓨ Word.exe‎ : use me daddy
Ⓖ forsaken‎ : say no more

THE SKY 5 hours ago
hey noober how are you and you remember we win wingman - rep noob

"Can you give me the U.S pedo?" - rart

tobakko trying to use csgo console:
] discokill
Unknown command: discokill
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ individuals
Fade: "I feel like a pacific, I am against war, I can't get any kills"
● *DEAD*(Terrorist) Daddy12‎ : ♥♥♥♥ my pung
(Party) I miss her: I go play witch a friends gays thx a play after ok?

justice 2 hours ago
hope ur yellow friend gonna die on cancer, have a nice day

● *DEAD* xazetti‎ : nice comeback
● 𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫‎ : fancks
*DEAD* Hades: we have autoszmata
*DEAD* Hades: g
*DEAD* Hades: g
● DEAD(Terrorist) It's_B !!!‎ : hi gitler ♥♥♥♥♥♥ evrei
总时数 457 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 28 日
总时数 0.7 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 28 日
总时数 209 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 26 日
200 点经验值
成就进度   19 / 54
ุDogo 1 月 24 日 上午 7:52 
Why I Quit Pissing in The Sink - My Story
For a time, I was an avid sinkpisser. I probably went over a year without pissing in the potty. It was so easy to unbuckle my pants, and let that meat log hit the edge of the bowl with a smack. The sink was always perfect pissing height too. No splash. But then I started running into problems that threatened the longevity of the piss. You see, I would shut the drain hatch, so I could look upon my creation. One time I even pissed blood. But the white bowl white start to get these stains on the inside. I could never explain this if my parents asked. To this day, there are stains, and I must confess I have largely given up the sinkpissing ways. I do however, still do it in public bathrooms or if I'm at someone else's house, so I guess I didn't entirely quit. This is my story.
Nalmelar 2024 年 12 月 31 日 上午 8:00 
+rep AK expert
Tobakko 2024 年 12 月 28 日 上午 9:38 
I guess he hasnt unzipped yet.
Auth 2024 年 12 月 27 日 上午 6:16 
+rep never disappoints
𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗣𝘂 2024 年 12 月 25 日 上午 4:09 
помог вспомнить
ุDogo 2024 年 11 月 30 日 上午 3:22 