Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

45 ratings
How to downscale tf2s graphics? - quick guide
By xazetti
a quick guide on how to downscale TF2's graphics and boost your fps!
Introduction & What is this downscaling thing I'm talking about?
Hello and welcome to my quick guide to downscale TF2.
Now i know about the copious amounts of fps boosting guides out there but I've yet to see any using this feature, which is a shame due to it using to boost my fps by quite a bit back when I was gaming on integrated graphics. Now this feature only boosts your fps if you run into a GPU bottleneck - aka people that play on integrated graphics. If your CPU is the issue then this most likely wont boost your fps that much / at all.

Now what is downscaling?
Downscaling is kinda like lowering your resolution, but only for the game's graphics - it doesn't affect the HUD. I liked it due to me liking to be able to see the HUD elements and at the same time be able to actually play the game at more than 20fps.

Now I'll show you how to do it:
Step 1 - opening the console (SKIP THIS IF YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IT)
DISCLAIMER: If you know how to open the console window please skip to part 2.

To open the console what you need to do is:
  • Go into the tf2 options menu, as shown in the pic below.

  • Click on advanced options

  • tick the "Enable Developer Console" tickbox

  • press the ~ key

  • Voila! The console is open!

Now that you opened the console - proceed to the next step in which I show you the command you need to insert into it

Step 2 - the command
the command you need is:
mat_viewportscale xx
xx being the value that you want to put into it - the lower the number the worse the graphics

I took a few screenshots at different values so you can choose for yourself. I recommend using 0.5

Here are the screenshots:

mat_viewportscale 1 (default value - regular tf2, only here for comparison):

mat_viewportscale 0.7 - sniper main approved:

mat_viewportscale 0.5:

mat_viewportscale 0.1 (values equal to or below this one are not recommended for sniper mains):

mat_viewportscale 0.06 (only scout is a viable class at this point):

mat_viewportscale 0.01 (aka LegallyBlindVision (tm) ):

Now that you chose the right number for you, insert it into the console.
I chose:
mat_viewportscale 0.5

the process should look like this:

Now that you inserted the command your tf2 will look like various types of a DOS game.
To revert your changes insert the following command:
mat_viewportscale 1
Step 3: You're done!
I hope you enjoyed my guide and I really hope it helped you boost your fps!
Please leave any suggestions or corrections in the comment section, my English isn't perfect, neither it is my first language, so I'll be happy to fix whatever I did wrong.

Peace <3
xazetti  [author] 3 Sep, 2021 @ 11:41am 
shit, even
revolver ocelot 3 Sep, 2021 @ 11:21am 
penis, cum
Peterson 24 Aug, 2019 @ 6:58am 
Nah just figured it’s an Android xD
xazetti  [author] 24 Aug, 2019 @ 2:21am 
yeah, its minecraft on low settings xd
Peterson 23 Aug, 2019 @ 2:40pm 
it looks like a fucking minecraft game to me
xazetti  [author] 23 Aug, 2019 @ 3:04am 
this command is for the truest of potato gamers, no shitty graphics can hurt our eyes
Peterson 22 Aug, 2019 @ 2:30pm 
that hurt my eyes man but thx
xazetti  [author] 21 Aug, 2019 @ 11:37am 
well they can always come to this guide ;)
xazetti  [author] 21 Aug, 2019 @ 11:36am 
hahahhahah rip
saldom 20 Aug, 2019 @ 11:27am 
its worse because they woudnt know the default value too lol