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Recent reviews by Gyrth

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0.9 hrs on record
Can't win. So I hate it. Needs more savepoints.
Posted 8 February, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
This is a horrible game. Not only does it run terrible under Linux it's clearly a console port. They didn't even remove the autoaim when you use a mounted gun. Even using the mouse in the menu is horrible. I don't know how they managed to screw that up. The gameplay is very lazy. You just get a horde of zombies each time to move a few feet. Once zombies get close enough you can't do anything. Guns become useless if the zombies get close enough. I hope you like blurry fision and blood decals because that's all there is basically. The combat is very random. With each swing I have no idea if it's going to hit or not. After a while I just try to avoid the zombies. Which isn't something you want in a zombie game.
Posted 1 February, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
7.1 hrs on record
The speed and action are really good in this game. The first time you try a room you will probably die very soon. But after a while you get to make a plan. Open a door to knock down a guy and throw the gun to stun the guy currently peeing. Beat them both sensless and continue to next room. To kill every guy without being noticed is evry satisfying. There are some things that bothered me. The AI is very stupid. Too stupid in my opinion. When a guard seen you and loses sight he will stop chasing you and continue his rounds. And when I got to a boss I died very quickly. Having to replay the dialog over every time was pretty annoying, even though it was a few seconds to skip. The storyline was a bit confusing. Maybe there was a big reveal in the end, I didn't understand it. The graphics are good enough for an indie title. Even though they aren't the best of textures and animations. They look great and give a good feeling of shooting bullets and splatering blood. The music is a great fit for this game. It get's you excited and ready for a fast-paced game.
Posted 16 March, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
2.4 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
I can't recommend this game. I only played the campaign. It's a fun little game that should've been a mobile game. The models and textures would be alright on the mobile platform but not on pc. The music is alright although becomes a bit repetative. Speaking of which the voiceover can become a bit annoying when you race on a small track and you keep getting a faster track time. When a race begins you just get burried with cars in the first corner. As long as you stay out of that heap of cars you will win the race. But getting stuck or hovering in the air, while the rest just drives off is really frustrating. The minimap and speed dail are unnessesary since you don't have the time to look at them. Plus the car gets covered with them so, you'll lose track it. Not being able to see your car is the worst part I think. There are a few ramps/bumps on which you can get some air. Being a top down racer you have no idea when this is happening. The car just becomes a bit bigger and the controls don't work for a while. That's considered a jump. But that is just the problem with this top down sort of racers. When the game starts up the screen just freezes for a while trying to load the video(?) that is used as a background. And when you get acchievements the game begins to stutter. For a casual game this might be enough but next to all those other racing games you might want to skip this one.
Posted 2 March, 2014.
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6.1 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
I really liked this game. The puzzels start off really easy but they are nearly impossible at the end (for me). You start off with just a stick and get more weapons/magick as for progres. A few times you lose all your stuff just to get you to use the new weapon/magick. This might seem annoying but you get it back soon enough. I like the fact that the world is pretty much open. Once you encounter a puzzle you can't figur out, you just continue somewhere else. Then you get a new item and suddenly the puzzle makes sense. The little jokes in between are funny, and the storyline is ok. The only negative about this game are the little graphical and audio problems. In the little rooms where the crazy old man was tied up, the foor was just black. I think the texture tiles were missing. And some tiles didn't fit perfectly, leaving a small green line at the side. And I didn't have any sound. I played this on Linux, so I might miss some dependencies. Overall is this a great game to relax, puzzle, smash and admire the art assets.
Posted 23 February, 2014.
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7.9 hrs on record
This game is trying to be three things. A book, movie and a game. There is the naration of the main character. That book part. Which is ok, but a bit repetative. "People are bad and so am I, but I'm good at killing people." The cutscenes are the movie part. They happen a lot. Which pull you out of the gameplay and not even necessary most of the time. And once you are sitting back watching the scene, suddenly you're back in the game. The models and textures are nice and it's interesting to see Max change throughout the game. There are some choices you can make in the game, although I don't think they have any effect. The AI is pretty good for a shooter. Although they sometimes just run up to you. The characters spawn in batches and are clearly triggered when you enter somewhere. This isn't always realistic looking like in the docks. Or at the airfield when they spawn all the way at the end of the building. The bullettime is always fun, and I keep running out of bullettimejuice quickly. When you get jump off something and kill everyone in bullettime, that makes you feel like a badass. There are some funny jokes in the game to lessen the serious tone of the game. Overall is this a good game if you like unrealistic action packed games or movies, and if you don't mind a weak storyline so that there is an excuse to have a gunfight every few minutes.
Posted 7 February, 2014.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries