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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 25.7 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Sep, 2018 @ 1:29pm
Updated: 15 Feb, 2020 @ 11:20pm

UPDATE after Release and finishing Act I:
It's so unpolished that I would rather call it an EA version than something fully released (and no, I'm not talking about any server issues here; ♥♥♥♥ like this happens on launch day, not even AAA game studios can handle this).

Pros so far:

+ The Music is fine


- Bug: Invisible walls can appear on several maps with no way to pass through them
- Bug: You cant damage certain enemies, but they can (and will) damage you (mostly bats)
- Bug: Sometimes skills won't activate or deal no damage at all
- Bug: Floating tooltips; when hovering over a debuff the tooltip will show up and never hide again, so you got a tooltip floating arround. This is your life now...
- Bug: Lots of buggy things with the pathfinding (enemies and allies)
- Bug: From certain angles your ranged attacks won't be bale to hit barrels and crates
- Bug: Sometimes your projectiles won't deal any damage at all and simply fly through enemies
- Bug: The first mini-boss (the assassin) is just porting arround in T-Pose; which is awesome for a game with a dodge mechanic to dodge certain attacks. You will never know what he's doing next...
- Bug: General stuff, like sound-bugs, graphical glitches and loot you can't reach because it dropped on an unreachable place, cutscenes not working properly (you can't see anything thanks to some kind of "fog"), ... the basic bug stuff
- Weird Gameplay: Beeing a ranged character sucks hard; the hitboxes are so pixel perfect, that most of the time you have to use "shift"-attacks to hit them
- Weird Gameplay: Selling stuff to vendors takes an eternity. You can't spam right-click to sell stuff, the game won't accept it. Hover over an item, wait 500ms, then click, sold. Next item. Emptying your inventory takes some time.
General: The story is - at least in my oppinion - not working at all. You are a hero, become an outlaw in one second and you want to save a random city you have zero connection to. Ah, and you are suddenly some kind of godlike beeing. And your allies hate it that you become such a thing to save their lifes. OK, I guess...

Special thanks to the boss of Act I (spoiler?):
He has 3(!) phases. No idea why. And if you don't got a perfect build you will need several attempts (or you will have to reduce the difficulty to get him down).
Why are there random enemies (ghostly things) appearing with him? Is he connected to them in some kind? Because they are from a different faction and want to... I don't know, just kill all human beeings? But they only attack the player and ignore the boss.
They just exist to "scale up" the difficulty I guess, but this feels so out of place. It does not fit the so-called "story" and it also makes no sense that this boss has such a weird difficulty spike.

The servers will be down almost the whole Saturday (2 days after release). And then you have to be lucky to get an open server slot.
I will update this review as soon as I can play on, but for now: it's 100% thumbs down. It's so unpolished... It's impossible that they did not catch at least most of these bugs during a single 3h play session. So my best guess is that they pushed it out no matter what. But the games is already several years late anyway. So why not tkaing some time to polish it? This release is hurting more than neccessary for absolutely nothing in return.

My only hope is the endgame until Last Epoch releases (which is in beta for not even a year now and already working way better)...

Another edit: Servers will be down the whole weekend. They have to fix additional bugs that were not even in the EA/Beta branch before, so it has nothing to do with the amount of players online. Offline characters can't be played online. So this went all from an "open-world-mmo-arpg" down to a buggy offline clusterf**k. Well played.
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grN 14 Feb, 2020 @ 6:21pm 
Done and updated. Can't play that much because of the server problems, but it's a pretty unpolished experience so far :/
Mazzle Dazzle 13 Feb, 2020 @ 9:21pm 
Try it again. It's released and pretty good now.
Modiel 18 Jul, 2019 @ 10:42pm 
You should try again now. Since the release of the content patch 1 last month we have the full Act 1 with story (even if it need some polishing and the character customization still has to be implemented). Also the dev said their goal is to release the full game "before the end of 2019" so we are getting closer and closer to a release. Anyway, this would allow you to try the game and update your review so it reflects more the current state of the game :)