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記録時間: 26.4 時間 (レビュー時に24.2時間)
I'd give it a 3/5

The Good:

It's fun, and does a really good job of hitting the nostalgia button.

Peter Weller does a GREAT job reprising his voice

Once you've upgraded a fair amount, you DO start to feel like RoboCop, more or less invincible against street thugs.

The Bad:

VERY on rails, with a surprisingly non-destructible environment most of the time, making it feel more on rails. "Here's a glass you can shoot of the desk, but that pen and pad of paper? They're going nowhere."

Boss Fights are just "keep shooting and cheese it" to win. I hate fighting ED 209s, because the strat is just hide beind a box or a corner of a building and just keep shooting and shooting and shooting and shooting.

having to hold right trigger to scan is obnoxious - I get why they do it, but when searching the over world/old detroit, it just makes it feel like playing where's waldo to find the right thing you're supposed to be searching for.

There are "choices" you make in the game, but as far as I can tell, they mean little (you can replay new game + with your current stats, which *IS* fun, but the dialogue for the most part is just painful to RE-listen to...I'm just going through it mostly for the fun fights (which there are some, but there's a lot of "in between time"
投稿日 2月20日.
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記録時間: 63.6 時間 (レビュー時に56.9時間)
The learning curve is steep, but fun.
投稿日 2022年4月11日.
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2 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 26.9 時間 (レビュー時に14.8時間)
I WANT to like this game, but I can't, because UPlay SUCKS! The game will not save. Ever. I've had to re-watch the opening cutscenes and re-play the "break-out" dozens of times. I've tried using the manual save feature; I've tried NOT using it and just waiting for the butterfly wings to stop. The mechanics are AMAZING from what I've seen online, butI've never gotten a chance to actually play more than the first "level". BloodDragon ALSO doesn't work, and no online fix I've found will work! If anyone knows of a fix, I'm willing to try it, but until then, F#@$ UPlay and this whole system!
投稿日 2015年3月16日. 最終更新日 2016年7月1日
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