
Последние обзоры Goofy

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54.7 ч. всего (39.0 ч. в момент написания)
Game with a ton of potential destroyed by cheaters and horrendous, early 2000s servers. There is at least one obvious wallhacker per match (usually more) that will track you through walls with the perfect headshot already aligned when you clear a corner or simply beam you even through the ridiculous smoke spam. Then there are the aimbotters who will beam you and your entire squad the second you spawn from the other side of the map.
And if that wasn't enough, the servers are so bad that Battlefield 4's 30Hz servers feel buttery smooth in comparison, so get ready for one-frame deaths, getting killed behind hard cover, losing gun fights because your bullets didn't register, and all the other junk that comes with using servers from the early 2000s.
All in all, the game has a decent gameplay loop, but absolutely none of that matters because the gameplay itself is horrendous thanks to all the aforementioned problems.
Опубликовано 2 января.
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109.6 ч. всего (92.5 ч. в момент написания)
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RIP Palworld.
Pocket Pair has unofficially thrown in the towel with the recent change to Pal summoning, which have ruined the game by destroying basic functionalities such as throwing a Pal to assign them to work, throwing a Pal to start combat and throwing a Pal to take aggro off of you as well as introducing numerous bugs such as summoned Pals falling through the world and flying Pals getting stuck in the ground.

And on top of it, they smashed all hopes for future monster catcher games that challenge Nintendo's monopoly which caused the genre to become extremely stale, with reskins such as Coromon being the only "competition". Pocket Pair using their connections with Sony and other studios they are currently working with was the first and only shot anyone ever had at taking Nintendo down a peg and ensuring the future of the monster catcher genre, but now it will die alongside Palworld.

The gamebreaking changes aside, Palworld is still an amazing game. The only reason this review is negative is to show Pocket Pair there are those of us who won't stay silent and let them ruin their game because of Nintendo's greed or even blindly praise everything they do like they are some kind of deity just because they were the first to actually innovate the monster catcher genre. We need to show them we don't agree with these changes and the blind upvoting of changelogs containing terrible changes and the toxic positivity echo chamber that are their socials will only achieve the exact opposite.
Опубликовано 19 сентября 2024 г.. Отредактировано 2 декабря 2024 г..
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201.2 ч. всего (155.9 ч. в момент написания)
The new UI is absolute garbage that needlessly complicates the entire game by hiding every option inside menus with submenus. For example, the Guild screen is absolutely unusable now because everything is hidden behind extra screens. In the good ol' days (read yesterday) you clicked the guild and you got a comprehensive screen showing members, their level and amount of knights, and which guild actions they took (joining attack/defense/raid), next to that your Attack, Defense, Raid, and Portal buttons and under those you had your Description, Upgrades and Guild Pet windows—simplicity itself. Now, every single one of these elements is a separate menu.
And it's even worse on a phone because there you have to hit those tiny-ass buttons with your fingers, which for example in a bus can be rather challenging.
This "update" downgraded the game's graphics to those of cheap Chinese P2W mobile games whose only purpose is to get as much money from kids as possible before they get taken down or abandoned.
Опубликовано 3 июля 2024 г..
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71.8 ч. всего (9.6 ч. в момент написания)
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The game itself is a good foundation, but sadly, devs not only refuse to listen to feedback but are in many instances ignoring it, like the main complaint tons of people including content creators are having, weapons grind. The weapons grind is extremely long, right now you need about 200 hours (18,5 million XP) to unlock all weapons, if you are a decent player that it, and devs are completely ignoring the huge portion of veteran, Patreon supporters complaining about it.
That with all the other valid complaints from other negative reviews (dictatorshipistic VOIP where you get banned for no reason, arcady movement, game not knowing what it wants to be) are a reason why I simply cannot recommend the game to anyone at this time. Which is very sad since I had tons of fun in CBT where I have 43,7 hours, but after the release they took so many wrong steps with the game it's unfathomable. If only they stuck with what worked.
Опубликовано 22 июня 2023 г.. Отредактировано 22 июня 2023 г..
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2,262.5 ч. всего
Gaijin has decided to turn the milking machine to 11, so I have decided to leave a negative review.
Опубликовано 20 мая 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 198
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121.1 ч. всего (120.5 ч. в момент написания)
So, not only EA decided to destroy one of their beloved franchises by making it a generic hero shooter with an unbelievably horrible launch that was legitimately worse than No Man's Sky, but now that they are getting the game at least somewhat into a playable state that should have been the state of the game at release, they are entirely destroying all goodwill they managed to salvage by banning, threatening and harassing non-shill content creators who critique the game and are the only ones actually trying to push them in the right direction. This is not only extremely toxic behavior coming straight out of a billion-dollar company that is behaving like a spoiled brat, screeching and kicking because someone told them they did something bad, but also goes completely against their own terms and services, where it clearly states you can be only punished for in-game transgressions like text chat and VOIP. Meaning EA is actively harassing content creators for the content of their videos.
So if you want to waste your money on this game and support a company that breaks its own rules and harrases people because they have the "wrong", non-approved opinion like some dystopian fascist state from the book 1984, go ahead. Otherwise, get BF4 as that game has more content and players than this game will ever have.
Опубликовано 16 мая 2023 г..
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168.6 ч. всего (138.0 ч. в момент написания)
After playing the game for hundreds of hours, both on and off Steam, almost all of my progress was taken from me with a single update. Hundreds of hours of grinding and min-maxing to get my suit, my ships, my exocrafts to the absolute limit of their abilities, all gone because "oh, we wanna lure new players with a shiny new UI", which by the way, is way worse than the old one. Inventory is hard to navigate, you need a magnifying glass to even properly see the icons and if you're planning on using a controller, prepare for half your game time to be scrolling through it. Literally nobody has ever asked for this inventory change, yet here we are, lost progress, ships with less than half their jump range, movement speed of a drunk snail, barely usable jetpack. All because Hello Games just had to fiddle with inventory system that worked perfectly since the day it was introduced. Oh, and as a cherry on top, now you have literally no control over your saves, so once you load your save, it's permanently rewritten. Missclicked and made a bad deal? Too bad. Your game bugged out? Better learn how to live with what happened. Got stuck? Guess you gotta somehow kill yourself, otherwise you're screwed and will have to start a new save. It's really a shame to see a game that had one of the biggest redemption arcs in gaming history be completely destroyed by a single patch, but here we are. If you are new to the game or don't care the majority of upgrading options are no longer possible and you have no control over your save files in what is still a rather buggy game, other than these changes it's still a great game and you'll have fun in it, but for me as a veteran who spent literal days upgrading my stuff and now lost all his progress, unless they roll back the inventory changes and give us back control over our saves, I'm off to a different game.

EDIT: As of 15.10.2022 the game is being bombed by positive reviews by the toxic positivity mob from Reddit to drown out any and all criticism. If you see any "review" that has nothing to do with being an actual review, report it.
Опубликовано 10 октября 2022 г.. Отредактировано 16 октября 2022 г..
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46.1 ч. всего (44.5 ч. в момент написания)
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This game now had not one, but TWO absolutely horrendous launches, both for literally the exact same reason, that being nonexistent servers. The game as is right now can't even handle the sub-3 000 players it has, the majority of which I bet are players who are downloading the game, stuck in the queue, or loading screen. This is absolutely inexcusable since this is what killed the game the first time and made them pull it from Steam, so the devs had 4 years to get more servers with the money they got from players that bought the game when it first launched and those who bought the packs for CBT access. But instead, they just pocketed the money for themselves and now they are here for more with the "Year 1 Starter Pack" for a game that can't even start.
And if that wasn't bad enough, they went back to using a horrible third-party launcher which is nothing more than a glorified torrent downloader resulting in a max. download speed of 2MB/s. And after you finally download the game you'll be met with a queue that can take anywhere from a few seconds to 12 minutes to even launch the game, and after you finally launch the game you'll be met with the "Client Authentication Failure" error or any other number of errors which will boot you out of the game because the devs were unwilling to buy more servers, starting the entire process again.
So, since The Farm 51 is completely uninterested in releasing a game where you can actually get into the game, I would recommend steering clear of World War 3 and boycotting The Farm 51 and all their current and future games and products since they have proven they have absolutely no interest in fixing their mistakes and making playable games.
Опубликовано 4 октября 2022 г.. Отредактировано 4 октября 2022 г..
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37.8 ч. всего (33.8 ч. в момент написания)
Excelent game for those who want realictic game from WW1 and not some arcade ♥♥♥♥♥ EA is making. Prepare to fight over trenches while you are being shelled by mortars and choked to death by gas. And also be prepared to die, a lot.
Only negative things about this game are low player count on a map and no friendly fire. 16v16 is really small number, when you think about WW1, where numbers of charging soldiers were in thousands. And because there is no friendly fire, you can throw arty on your own men and block more enemies from attacking. Just don't stay in your arty or grenade, because no friendly fire doesn't mean that you can't blow yourself up.
Also, the game needs cover system, now only way how to shoot from cover which is higher that you while crouched is Whack-A-Mole style of shooting, i.e. stand up, hope your head stays on your neck, shoot, crouch, repeat.
But these are just minor negatives which some people might not even mind. So, if you want realistic WW1 shooter, this is game for you.

EDIT: Spelling errors
Опубликовано 26 июня 2016 г.. Отредактировано 26 июня 2016 г..
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26.1 ч. всего (9.3 ч. в момент написания)
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Melee is completely unbalanced and primitive to use. Melee classes are dominating battlefield and all they have to do is spam light attack to win. All it takes to kill you with melee is 3-4 light strikes with Chainsword (takes not even 2 seconds), meanwhile you have to empty half of your magazine into them to kill them. Also, melee system works on rock-paper-scissors system, so all you have to do against non-melee class is spam and after cca. 4 hits you will brake their defence and spam them to death. Same can be used against melee classes, but not so efficiently. And did I mention that there is auto aim? Yes, there is auto aim for melee and pistol, so all what melee class has to do, is to look at you, hold aim button and spam and wherever you go, he will automaticaly turn. And if you manage to get out of his reach, he can finish you with auto aim pistol.

So, to wrap this up. Melee is king, if you are non-melee class and you meet melee class and no one helps you, you are dead.
They don't have to turn with you, because they have auto aim, all your evasive actions are useless.
They don't have to use any strategy in melee, all they have to do is spam light attack and roll around to avoid attacks.

All of thic could be easily fixed and this would be awesome game, but because devs are lazy to implement working and balanced melee system, game is almost unplayable, when you get squad of melee noobs against you. If you don't mind being recked by every spammer you come across go ahead and buy the game, you might have fun. But if you want balanced game, where one class isn't dominating other, this game is not for you.
Опубликовано 17 мая 2016 г..
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