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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 46.1 hrs on record (44.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Oct, 2022 @ 6:30am
Updated: 4 Oct, 2022 @ 6:31am

Early Access Review
This game now had not one, but TWO absolutely horrendous launches, both for literally the exact same reason, that being nonexistent servers. The game as is right now can't even handle the sub-3 000 players it has, the majority of which I bet are players who are downloading the game, stuck in the queue, or loading screen. This is absolutely inexcusable since this is what killed the game the first time and made them pull it from Steam, so the devs had 4 years to get more servers with the money they got from players that bought the game when it first launched and those who bought the packs for CBT access. But instead, they just pocketed the money for themselves and now they are here for more with the "Year 1 Starter Pack" for a game that can't even start.
And if that wasn't bad enough, they went back to using a horrible third-party launcher which is nothing more than a glorified torrent downloader resulting in a max. download speed of 2MB/s. And after you finally download the game you'll be met with a queue that can take anywhere from a few seconds to 12 minutes to even launch the game, and after you finally launch the game you'll be met with the "Client Authentication Failure" error or any other number of errors which will boot you out of the game because the devs were unwilling to buy more servers, starting the entire process again.
So, since The Farm 51 is completely uninterested in releasing a game where you can actually get into the game, I would recommend steering clear of World War 3 and boycotting The Farm 51 and all their current and future games and products since they have proven they have absolutely no interest in fixing their mistakes and making playable games.
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