juustdom 28 Aug @ 12:13pm 
ah, the romans (looks off into the distance)
Smoochie Biggins 28 Aug @ 12:08am 
Clivver Sitrep - military man, age 25. Veteran of the Orgo Orgo Clidistine conflict. Has killed 453,645 guggarks in the battle of Portaba Ridge by dropping a tactical nuke on himself while surrounded and survived it by hiding in a "CLUST - O - MATIC " refrigerator (they were built very strong) (he is retarded now)
Smoochie Biggins 28 Aug @ 12:06am 
Clyde Tressup Marley - first man to climb to mt. NipNorp without meeting the mystical horse (everyone else that has traveled there met the horse, this is an anomaly of rather industrious proportions)
Smoochie Biggins 28 Aug @ 12:05am 
Vastuppen Bridge - a hotspot where the local hippies like to roast marshmellows and rail eachother in the ass
Smoochie Biggins 28 Aug @ 12:04am 
Barincrofts Lodge - A Place You Will Dine
Smoochie Biggins 28 Aug @ 12:04am 
Borguellos Sweet Treats
Smoochie Biggins 28 Aug @ 12:03am 
Corinthian Watercrest Helm - 100 armor 25% magic resistance 25% elemental resistance 25% fanny resistance (resistance to fanny, H U G E A S S)
juustdom 18 Jun @ 1:30am 
You are the last line of defense when it comes to counterfeit snorkel distributors!!
Mr. Fungibillikiss 16 Jun @ 11:03pm 
Jessabelle the Stinky Nautilus
juustdom 7 Mar @ 5:37pm 
clorbonnê gorlami
Smoochie Biggins 19 Jan @ 11:57pm 
juustdom 11 Jan @ 8:17am 
juustdom 11 Jan @ 8:17am 
majoras hector
juustdom 11 Jan @ 8:16am 
you look just like my balls lmao
max 6 Jan @ 4:52pm 
Franwinkler Fallopian
max 6 Jan @ 4:49pm 
Sloppy McDougal
max 6 Jan @ 4:48pm 
Lazlo Bumpkins
max 6 Jan @ 4:48pm 
Bajora Rigdipper
max 6 Jan @ 4:47pm 
Krumple Stiltskin
max 6 Jan @ 4:47pm 
Newton Figgiesworth
juustdom 7 Oct, 2023 @ 12:10pm 
Please read. . . Not joking. . . :steamhappy: has seen YOU struggling with some thing. :steamhappy: says its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in :steamhappy: send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. :steamhappy: is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favour. If you believe in :steamhappy:, DROP EVERYTHING & PASS IT ON. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. DON'T BREAK THIS CHAIN. SEND THIS TO 14 FRIENDS IN 10 MINS WHEN YOU READ
wireframes 26 Apr, 2023 @ 12:02am 
Four of the arrested were identified in the body camera footage, known as "Shelly and the Janes" and the fifth member was identified in the pawn shop security camera footage as "Jenny", adding to the group know known as "Shelly, Jenny and the Trio Janes". All five were charged with "Unlawful Self Expansion of Gape", "Unlicensed Possession of Gape Expansion Materials" and "Possessing Unregistered Expanded Gapes". The "Trio Janes" were charged with "Especially Heinous Murder of a Peace Officer" after having assisted in the gape-related death of Patrolman Casellanitollesi. "Shelly" was charged with "Capital Especially Heinous Murder of a Peace Officer" and "Consumption of a Citizen Through Gape".
wireframes 26 Apr, 2023 @ 12:01am 
The bodycamera of Patrolman Casellanitollesi is found after it was sold to a pawn shop by another unidentified female known as "Jenny" a few days after the incident of the gaping. Using a large number of traffic camera footage and a police monitoring helicopter, members of the NSJPD Tactical Response Unit of the Gape Enforcement and Closure division known as (TRU-GEC) tracked down the vehicle used by "Jenny" to the 1414 house on Pisksksksayune st. in the "Battiskiye Bay" subdivision. After an armed tactical arrest and search warrant was signed by The Honorable Lord Francis Luppenworthy IV, 2 TRU-GEC squads were dispatched to the residence. Upon announcing their presence and after an uneventful simultaneous front and back door breach, 5 females, one of whom had a greatly distended torso, were arrested without resistance.
wireframes 26 Apr, 2023 @ 12:01am 
The group was travelling on the North side of the street when they turned into an alleyway heading North between "Big Frank's Wank and Stank" and a branch of "Monument Empire International Bank and Wire Service". The Patrolman, not wanting to lose sight of the group, followed, but when he turned the corner he did not hear nor catch sight of the group, prompting him to move quickly, checking the sides of the alleyway until he passed by a large dumpster when the group attacked him. Dashing at him from behind the dumpster the group of 4 quickly overpowered the Patrolman. With multiple sounds of blunt force strikes to the patrolman, 1 group member held his arms while the other two held his legs and the final member, known as "Shelly" from the tattoo'd letters written on her lower back, began to squat over the Patrolman and slowly consume him into her gape. The footage of the body camera ends shortly thereafter.
wireframes 26 Apr, 2023 @ 12:00am 
Patrolman Casellanitollesi tailed the group later to be popularly nicknamed by the NSJPD as: "Shelly and the Janes" 4 blocks west of when he first sighted them, still on the North side of Avenue 92, now in the 10 thousand block (between Green Corn st. and Barthaerageard st.) and had witnessed the group ingesting substantial amounts of intoxicating substances the odor of which was noticeable to Patrolman Casellanitollesi who was away from the group by a distance of around 45 feet.
wireframes 26 Apr, 2023 @ 12:00am 
Patrolman Casellanitollesi, using the lessons learned in police training courses such as "Basic Big Cavern Identification in Passive Urban Settings - 105", "Advanced Sizeable Flesh Pocket Active Arraignment" and "Intermediate Street Creep" elected to turn on his chest-mounted body camera, requested additional backup in the form of a Quick Reaction Gape Enforcement and Closure (QR-GEC) squad at a rally point one block north at Avenue 91 but would continue to covertly monitor and shadow the unidentified females henceforth to be referred to as "Jane Doe Number One, Jane Doe Number Two, Jane Doe Number Three, and Shelly". All further information in this report is taken from the body camera footage of Patrolman Casellanitollesi.
wireframes 26 Apr, 2023 @ 12:00am 
Patrolman Antonio Casellanitollesi was walking on the North side of the 14 thousand block of 92nd Avenue (between Falhurst Blvd. and Big Horn Hog Run Blvd.), a part of his routine scheduled foot patrol, on the 18th of October 2025 at or around 23:52 local time the Patrolman spotted a group of (4) unidentified females exhibiting clear signs of having modified gape dimensions exiting a fusion restaurant, credit union, gentleman's club and gymnasium known as "Pott's Grille, Wallet, Tent and Thighs".
wireframes 25 Apr, 2023 @ 11:59pm 
Colin "Romin' Rio" Rominantezerio, Senior Object Permananter - Federal Gape Task Force Northwest. Form 58A. October 25, 2025.

Since as early as June of this year, the number of gape-related incidents including murder had been growing in the city of New Saint Juliet of which prompted the New Saint Juliet Police Department to increase the level of detection and enforcement of gape-related crimes and the prosecution of gapists.
☆ Saii 25 Apr, 2023 @ 8:18pm 
Greetings, from the illuminati world elite empire.Bringing the poor,
the needy and the talented to limelight of fame, riches, powers and
security, get recognized in your business, political race, rise to the
top in whatever you do, be protected spiritually and physically! All
these you will achieve in a twinkle of an eye when you get initiated
to the great Illuminati empire. Once you are initiated to the
illuminati empire you will get numerous benefits, such as knowledge,
connections and also an instant US$1.5, Million USD, Donation cash
benefit as a reward to you for your membership with the illuminati
☆ Saii 25 Apr, 2023 @ 8:18pm 
Note: that this email message was created solely for the
purpose of our recruitment scheme which will end next month and this
offer is for unique ones only; if you are not serious on joining the
illuminati empire, then you are advice not to contact us at. This
is because disloyalty is highly not tolerated here in our
organization. Do you agree to be a member of the illuminati new world
order? If YES!. Then kindly reply us back.
max 23 Apr, 2023 @ 11:49am 
Dixon Butts
max 23 Apr, 2023 @ 11:48am 
Buck Nekkid
max 23 Apr, 2023 @ 11:46am 
Lazlo P. Buttspanker
juustdom 4 Feb, 2023 @ 3:34am 
6 alleged "pinto gang" members have pushed an elderly couple into the pool and terrorized the Lima bean lazy river with fart spray
juustdom 4 Feb, 2023 @ 3:32am 
finest canned beans from butter's buttery butter bean world in the world.
juustdom 4 Feb, 2023 @ 3:30am 
this is clyde butter's beanston. I have contacted you in regards to the 20,500 dollars you owe me. call back (your address)
juustdom 4 Feb, 2023 @ 3:28am 
welcome to butter's buttery butter bean world
juustdom 4 Feb, 2023 @ 3:28am 
Menu: butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99 butter beans: 3.99
juustdom 11 Jan, 2023 @ 2:32pm 
juustdom 7 Jan, 2023 @ 7:44pm 
legendary lard ass
juustdom 19 Dec, 2022 @ 2:49am 
juustdom 22 Sep, 2022 @ 12:07pm 
goedenavond bende can ellende
juustdom 17 Sep, 2022 @ 3:55pm 
juustdom 10 Sep, 2022 @ 10:42pm 
slime rancher 2
juustdom 4 Sep, 2022 @ 12:02am 
Happy meal breaking bad meth cooking starter kit
max 22 Aug, 2022 @ 4:22am 
Terry Dawker
juustdom 21 Aug, 2022 @ 9:00pm 
select: [SmoothBerry DeepWater Letter Opener] (exquisite sheath) 999% critical dmg if performed with a combo strike in stealth
juustdom 11 Aug, 2022 @ 12:25pm 
howdy pardners, the name is skim beeble, i'm a horseshoe farmer. Now i'm just like you, rain or shine, i'm at at the crack of 3 pm, drinking two gallons of sunny D under a hot tarp in my garage (puts one foot up on a stump) but the deep state wants to take away our sunny D and our tarps (puts the other foot up on a different stump) that's why i want you to vote for me as the republican candidate this junetober. skim beeble - give me my sunny D and my tarp, globalists.