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DigitalAura™ 26 dec, 2018 @ 14:55 
:cozybethesda::cozyrealmroyale:Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:cozyrealmroyale::cozybethesda:
Aila 18 jul, 2018 @ 3:23 
Scully: What makes you think they care about us anymore, anyway?
Mulder: So why have you bothered to come here covertly?
Scully: Because I realized that it was the only way that you
would see me.

"The X-Files: Little Green Men"

Hope not, lest ye be disappointed.
-- M. Horner
Never try to explain computers to a layman. It's easier to explain
sex to a virgin.
-- Robert Heinlein

(Note, however, that virgins tend to know a lot about computers.)

Footnote: The calendar of the Theocracy of Muntab counts down, not up. No-one knows why, but it might not be a good idea to hang around and find out.
(Wyrd Sisters)
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error.
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
One would like to stroke and caress human beings, but one dares not do so,
because they bite.
-- Vladimir Il'ich Lenin

Atreides 8 apr, 2017 @ 15:30 
It's me from reddit. Checking ut your Wishlist now.
Sono 22 dec, 2016 @ 6:03 
!▅ ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲         .★(░)★
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░▌┝┿┥┝┿┥▌░▌░░░░▍ ▌ .( • • ) ✰{██████}✰
░▌┕┷┙┕┷┙▌░▌░░░░▍ ▌ .─(░•░)─  _||_
░▌❥✿✿✿✿❥▍▩▩▩▩▩▩ ▌ ╬╬╬ (░ • ░)   \\__//
☸„„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„☸ Merry Christmas
BadLuxury 11 aug, 2016 @ 17:44 
I meant derpy but got auto corrected by my iPad D:
BadLuxury 11 aug, 2016 @ 17:37 
OMG its derby!!!!!!!!! Hi :P