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(man i do habe a bad inglish) garen 13 - 06 - 2023.

lemme give u some facts.

10 Unique Facts About English

English is one of the most widely used languages ​​around the world, so English proficiency is one of the skills needed, even to find a job or to climb the level of education. Therefore, it is not surprising that English has many interesting unique facts. What are some unique facts about English? These following are some of them:

English is always evolving
Modern English has been used since the 14th century and continues to grow today. Cultural developments led to the emergence of many new words, so that to date, there are more than 1 million words in English. According to The Global Language Monitor, there are an average of 536 new words in English every year.

Shakespeare created 1700 words in the English language
Shakespeare is one of the important figures who helped shape the English language. He created more than 1700 English words that we still use in modern times. He turned verbs into adjectives, nouns into verbs, added affixes to words, and created countless words and idioms. Some words created by Shakespeare are 'champion', 'torture', 'zany', 'worthless', etc. Apart from that, Shakespeare also created various idioms such as 'love is blind', 'laughing stock', and many more.

“I am” is the shortest complete sentence
The sentence "I am" only consists of 3 letters, but is a complete sentence according to English grammar. Simple, but precise and understandable.

The longest word in English consists of 45 letters
The longest word in English is 'Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis' which means lung disease caused by inhaling dust and ashes.

The shortest word in English
The shortest words in English are 'a' and 'I'. But because 'a' is a monophthong or a pure vowel sound, while 'I' is a diphthong or a sound that has a pronunciation that combines 2 vowels, 'a' is often considered the shortest word in English.

Sentences that use all the letters of the alphabet
A pangram sentence is a sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet. An example of a pangram sentence in English is "the quick brown fox jumps over the lasy dog."

'E' is the most used letter in English
According to Readers Digest, the letter 'e' is used in 11% of the 240,000 words in the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.

Some words in English do not have a singular form
In English, the plural noun is used to describe more than one object. But there are some words in English that don't have a singular form, for example 'glasses', 'scissors', 'pants', etc.

The letter combination -ough is pronounced in many ways
The letter combination -ough is quite common in English. Interestingly, there are so many ways to pronounce the letter combination -ough! Just try to check the pronunciation of words like 'rough', 'through', 'thorough', 'though', 'thought', 'plough', 'cough', 'hiccough', and 'slough'. They are all pronounced in different ways, right?

English is the official language on air
Did you know that all pilots must identify themselves in English when flying internationally? In addition, air traffic controllers at international airports must also communicate with pilots in English. So, English is the official language of the air. English has many other unique facts.

thnks for reading all the way to the bottom of the fact.

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