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I got this game when it was still free out of curiosity. And my first impression was "thats one huge map, bc everything was still in fog" i had no idea that by now id cover every area through main questline. Trust me i was abit overwhelmed by so much content, of course bonus points for great graphics compared to other MMORPG games ive played in the past, and i like the option that the game gives to style your own character that would best fit YOU. You can choose all the skin shades possible, and even if u want to be a purple nymph go right ahead too lol. Some classes are gender binded but thats ok, the game lets you edit certain parts of the body/add muscle/short hair etc so that way lets say you want to play guardian you can make urself look like a dude. Ha ha!
Another thing about this game besides the large amount of content already, is that they always be coming out with fun events, EVERY WEEK! Every week they always have some kind of event going on and some of these events range in difficulty too. The easiest recent one was when they had the Terrmian Beach event going they added a "afk fish Koi" and it was nice to take a step away from grinding mobs and brain picker events to simple afk fish and turn in these special fish for silver. Some of the Difficult ones are the ones that get u special in game title and trust me those are hard but if you're down for a challenge, go right ahead, I personally get half of those done and then i give up. Ha ha!
But every week there is always some event going on and they have special events too where you get pearl shop items and such, personally im a play/grind for money type of person so the most i bought ingame is $50-$70 for a gillie and horse gear set bc one wasnt selling on the market and the other it wasnt being sold to me for a long time so i went ahead and bought it. But other than that any out you like aside from the ones that give you "special" buffs you can still buy on the market ranging from 50m-300m silver.
You also get a set of boss gear and weapon from the "Oasis lady" after reaching level 56, It helps people alot that are still new and know nothing of how gear works and what to get, there are guides online for everything the game provides. But its recommended to use Oasis and slowly replace actual boss gear with it, BTW she is by every Stable Keeper.
Lifeskilling includes, fishing, sailing, gathering, hunting (yes you can pew pew ur way around), cooking, alchemy, ,horse training, trading, farming, bartering and processing by either (shaking, grinding, chopping, drying, filtering, heating, and manufacturing) all of these can be afk'd over night aswell, the game does not log you out when u go afk for a long period of time which i noticed other games do. *sigh* but this game is nothing like those other games. Im currently writing this as i wait for the new map expansion O'dylita. Which btw they will have more expansions in the future and snow regions. Everything remains a mystery but in a way the creators like to surprise us.
Also if you play long enough you can save up for a dream horse attempt, i personally recommend buying a t8 horse first thats a courser and has all of its skills maxed out and then use that horse to awaken to either Doom, Dine, or Arduanatt(Horse with wings). The luck is so RNG though for example my guild team mate got Doom in one tap, and I tried as well and failed, i didint use cron stones either so all of my mats where gone but i was like ill one tap if it doesnt work ill sell it get a t8 courser with all skill maxed out, tri orkin belt, and tri seraps necklace accessories. So that way for my future awakenings ill do it on my main horse. Depending on what ill get, ill keep Arduanatt but sell the other 2 for better gear. Doom is good for PVP/ Node Wars, and Dine is good in the Desert, while A is good with flying across the map in no time.
Also Dark Rifts exist, those give you box drops along with Spirit Dust to make caphras to either sell or add into gear. The boxes are RNG but if u get lucky enough you get good items to sell/enhance or even wear.
I think so far i have said enough. Over all a really good game. I've out played it my other games lol. For any other questions ill leave the "allow comments" on. Im currently a Mystic lvl 61 but my first was Sorceress, i just rerolled, i guess i missed the part where you can own quite a few of different classes/characters at once, and if you want to expand you can buy expansion slots too! And if you're not sure about who to play you get to trial play 3 classes to see what fits your play style most! :D
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Choklatte 11 Sep, 2023 @ 8:57am 